Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 114 The secret that cannot be told (please vote for recommendation!)

St. Juliana Hospital.

director's office.

When Sora Jingujiai dragged his tired body open the door, he found Ryuji Kato sitting on the office chair with a gloomy face, and said coldly to her: "You are finally back."

"Are you OK?"

Jinguji Sora closed the door, and although his voice was cold, it could not hide the concern in it.

"I'm not good, very bad!"

Kato Ryuji said angrily: "I was bullied by that bastard, but you only suspended that bastard? Is this the result of your hard work all night? Humph! Bitch!"

Sora Jinguji's face turned red at first, then turned pale, and said sadly: "Kato Ryuuji, don't go too far, why should I be a bitch? I'm not wiping your ass!

Do you think this is a trivial matter? You killed a policeman in an accident. If I hadn't begged you so hard, do you think you could have escaped so easily? Suspending Officer Li is the best result. What else do you want me to do? "


Kato Ryuji's arrogance froze. Of course he understood the current situation, but he was just unhappy that Owen was safe. This could not eliminate the resentment in his heart.

"Bitch, hurry up and crawl over here!"

Jinguji Sora was stunned for a moment. When he saw Kato Ryuji stretching out that magical surgical hand that was comparable to that of a great doctor, pointing at him, he couldn't help but trembled. His pretty face turned red and blue for a while. After a long stalemate, he finally knelt down. …

The phone in the dean's office rang again and again, but no one answered. After a long wait of one and a half hours, the caller obviously had something urgent. After holding on for another minute, the call was finally connected. Jingujiai was empty. After a brief explanation, he hung up the phone.

"Long Er, you must not make trouble again during this period, otherwise it will really not be solved."

Sora Jingujiai lay curled up on the sofa, with unbreakable love in his eyes, and reminded him with concern: "Even if you really can't let go of your hatred for Officer Li, you have to wait until the limelight has passed before I can help you again." Think of ways to……"

"Huh! This is ridiculous!"

Kato Ryuuji patted Jingujii Sora's head like a pet, with a trace of murderous intent flashing in his eyes: "I can wait, but when the time comes, I want him to die!"

"……I see."

Jinguji Sora closed his eyes, was silent for a while, and then responded in a low voice.

"And one more thing!"

Kato Ryuuji's eyes narrowed: "Take Nanase Kyoko to me as an experimental assistant."


Jinguji Sora opened his eyes and refused unhappily: "You already have an experimental assistant. If that doesn't work, I can also be your experimental assistant..."


Kato Ryuji sneered: "What I need is a brand new experimental product. This is what Mr. Watanabe means. Do you dare to refuse?"

Jinguji Sora trembled all over, his heart was full of grievances, grief and anger, and he wanted to yell at Kato, but he was dispelled by the various strange sensations in his body, and in the end he just remained silent.

"Hey, you are so good."

Kato Ryuuji knew that Sora Jingujiai acquiesced, and smiled with satisfaction.

In a restaurant.

"Officer Li, this is my boyfriend, Naoya Fukada. Naoya, this is the Officer Li I told you."

Nanase Kyoko introduced the two of them with a smile.

"Officer Li, hello, I am Naoya Fukada. Thank you for taking care of Kyoko. Naoya is very grateful."

Naoya Fukada bowed solemnly and thanked him.

"You are welcome."

Owen looked at the other person and saw that he was a handsome and sunny boy. He nodded slightly and said, "Naoya, you and Kyoko-chan can just call me Owen."

"Yes, we will be good friends from now on, let's call them by their names."

Nanase Kyoko said happily.

"Well, Owen, thank you again for everything you've done for Kyoko."

Naoya Fukada said with a frightened look on his face: "Kyoko told me, and you are right. The racing career is indeed very important to me, but Kyoko is more important to me! If I have to choose one between the two, I will only Choose Kyoko!”


Nanase Kyoko looked at Fukada Naoya with watery eyes.


Owen's mouth twitched, this dog food was really caught off guard: "This is all because Kyoko-chan's sincere feelings for Naoya moved me. Otherwise, Kyoko-chan is so beautiful and cute, I will definitely pursue her."


Nanase Kyoko smiled: "Li, no, Owen, you will make fun of me, but if you want to find a girlfriend, I do have a good candidate."


Owen smiled nonchalantly and said, "Kyoko-chan can be my matchmaker, but if you are not as beautiful and cute as you, I won't do it."

"Keiko is much prettier and cuter than Kyoko."

Nanase pushed Fukada Naoya: "Isn't that right, Naoya?"

"Kyoko, are you talking about Kitagawa Keiko?"

Naoya Fukada hesitated and said: "Of course she is also very beautiful, but she seems to be still in high school..."

"Yes, she is indeed in her senior year of high school, but she is already an adult."

Nanase explained: "She likes racing the most, so her grades are not very good. She has been repeating grades and has not graduated yet. But she is a good girl. Owen, you will definitely like her when you meet her."

"Oh, I'd like to meet you if I have a chance."

Owen agreed casually and looked at Naoya Fukada: "Naoya, I heard that you are a racing driver, can you teach me? When I was performing official duties, I was knocked over by the perpetrator. Now I want to know more about racing. Something, preferably if it can teach me some racing skills and experience.”

"Is that so? It's okay."

Naoya Fukada was slightly startled, and then he readily agreed, suggesting: "I'm going to practice driving later, so we can go and have a look. Racing is not difficult, but it's not that simple either. You have to try it yourself to understand the technique.”

"Then please."

Driving range.

Irving sat in the passenger seat, watching Naoya Fukada's operations and listening to the other person's explanation. Although some small details made up for Irving's shortcomings, Naoya Fukada's understanding of racing was far inferior to Irving.

After a few laps, Owen smiled and suggested: "After hearing what you said, Naoya, I was really enlightened. Can you let me try it?"


Naoya and Owen changed seats and reminded some details.

Owen nodded and responded with a smile, stepped on the clutch with his left foot, quickly shifted into 2nd gear, stepped on the brake with the toe of his right foot, and slammed the accelerator with the heel of his right foot.


As the accelerator speed reaches 4,000 rpm, the tires spin at high speed, but still stay in place, making a buzzing and roaring sound.

"Burn the tires in place..."

Naoya Fukada looked at Owen in surprise. This coquettish classic racing starting mode would be difficult for a non-racing driver to achieve this all at once.

And looking at Irving's stability, he is definitely the boss...

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