Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 116 Re-Beijing Drift (please vote for recommendation!)


On the street, an underground parking lot.

Because the population density is too high, parking lots are basically built underground, and the number of cars in Rejing is one of the best in the world. Therefore, most underground parking lots are built as deep as the underground base, spiraling upward layer by layer. .

This special structure is very suitable for racing drifts and is a paradise for racing enthusiasts. There are racing parties almost every night and it is very popular.

"Owen, don't reveal your identity as a police officer after entering, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

Nao Fukada is also a racing driver. Although he is pursuing a professional path, the racing circle is inherently narrow, and he is basically familiar with all the big and small things in the circle. He naturally knows the location of the underground racing track. At Owen's request, Kudos He came with Owen with a smile on his face.

"I know, don't worry, I'm here this time, not as a policeman, but as a racing driver."

Owen comforted.

"So much the better."

Naoya Fukada breathed a sigh of relief, but couldn't help but remind him: "The organizer here is called DK, who is known as the King of Rekyo Drift. His uncle has a deep underworld background, so don't be impulsive."


Owen was startled, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "It turns out it's him!"

The racing car slowly drove in. It was very lively inside, with all kinds of racing cars gathered. Of course, there were beauties wearing hot clothes next to the racing cars. The hoods of many racing cars were opened, revealing the engines and other components inside, either to show off or to let others know. People check the problem.

"Naoya, this way."

A pure and beautiful woman was holding a computer in her hand and was checking the faults of the car. She looked up and saw Fukada Naoya's car coming in, and she quickly waved hello.


Naoya Fukada lowered the car window and said hello to the other party, then got out of the car with Owen and introduced both parties: "This is Kitagawa Keiko, Keiko, this is Owen Lee, Kyoko and I are good friends."


Kitagawa Keiko looked at Owen carefully, obviously she had heard Owen's name from Nanase Kyoko.


Owen smiled sincerely.

He had already recognized who the other party was. As the supporting actress in The Fast and the Furious 3, she completely outdid the heroine, which really made many people, including Owen, shine.

"I heard that you are very good at racing. Are you also here to participate in the drift race?"

Owen's appearance and temperament are both impeccable, so Kitagawa Keiko naturally talks a lot.


Owen said with a smile on his face: "I heard Kyoko-chan said that you like racing and know a lot about racing. I am assembling my own racing car. Do you have a chance to help me take a look?"


Kitagawa Jingzi agreed immediately.

This is a bit like a blind date. Just like a blind date, if one party doesn't like the other party, it will be an awkward chat. But if both parties see each other right, they will feel like old friends at first sight, and the conversation will be very happy. If it's a little more bold, let's call it a night. It is not impossible to have deeper communication directly afterwards.

Obviously, Owen and Kitagawa Keiko are the last ones...


Just as everyone was talking, another racing car drove in quickly with a buzzing sound. It stopped and swerved next to Irving and almost hit him. A man wearing sunglasses got out of the car.

"Kato Ryuji!"

"Officer Li, we meet again. I heard that you are very good at racing. I came here to ask for advice... about your experience in rolling over! Hahaha!"

Kato Ryuji challenged.


"He's a policeman!"

Everyone suddenly panicked.

Their underground racing is illegal, so they are naturally very sensitive to the police!

"be quiet!"

At this time, a man wearing a vest and showing off his muscles shouted to stop the noise, walked over slowly, pointed at Owen with a pretentious look on his face and said, "Are you a policeman?"

"So what?"

Owen smiled calmly and said: "Can't the police take part in the racing here? Or do you only dare to race against your own people?"

"Tch! Our DK is the king of Rejing Drift. No one can defeat him. DK, compete with him and make him convinced of his defeat!"

"Yeah, DK, beat him!"

When everyone saw DK coming forward, they immediately started to cheer and cheer.

"Okay, let's have a race, and the loser keeps his car!"

DK looked around pretendingly, and then said.


Owen nodded in agreement.

"Count me in!"

Kato Ryuji walked over and sneered: "I want to show Kyoko who is the driver!"


DK glanced at Kato Ryuji and nodded in agreement.


As soon as everyone heard about the competition, there was a lot of howling. There were racing organizers who had already cleared the field skillfully. Owen smiled at Naoya Fukada and said: "Don't worry, if this car loses, I will give you a better one."

"That was not what I meant."

Naoya Fukada smiled sheepishly.

A racing car is worth a lot of money. Coupled with the special feelings that racers have for their cars, it is no wonder that Naoya Fukada hesitated to speak.




The three cars stopped exactly in front of the starting line. A cool and beautiful woman walked to the middle and pointed at the three of them with her enchanting hand. The person pointed to slammed the accelerator to remind herself that she was ready. After three roars, , the cool beauty unlocked the magic artifact and threw it into the air.


When the magic artifact landed, Owen was the first to rush out.

"How can it be!"

Kato Ryuuji's eyes narrowed, and while operating quickly, he shouted in his heart: "How could he be so fast! Luck, it must be luck!"

The three cars roared wildly, causing Kato Ryuji and DK to vomit blood. This is a track in an underground parking lot. It is very narrow. In many places, only one car can pass. Irving's car is far inferior to them in various performances. , but because they took one step ahead, and then took the lead step by step, they were stuck in front of them until the end.

The melon-eaters who had been waiting on the street for a long time saw that the first one to come out was Irving. They all looked at each other and did not dare to cheer. Only Kitagawa Keiko and Fukada Naoya cheered.



DK and Kato Ryuji cursed bitterly, but in the underground racing world, reputation is very important. If you lose, you lose. If you cheat, your character will be ruined, so DK can only bite the bullet and admit it.

"This track is impossible to perform at all. Do you have the guts to race with me on a mountain track in the countryside?"

DK threw the key to Irving and issued a challenge.

"Not convinced?"

Seeing that there was no system prompt, Owen realized that he still couldn't get negative points by defeating the opponent. He had to convince the opponent. At the very least, he had to say the words "I'm convinced, you are the Akina Mountain Racing God" in person.


"Both of you, since you are not convinced, don't go to any suburban mountain road competition. Now I officially invite you to participate in the Akina Mountain Racing God Competition. The time is one month from now. Do you have the courage to participate?"

Kato Ryuji also issued a challenge.

"Akina Mountain Racing God Competition?"

DK's eyes lit up: "Are you talking about the mysterious competition held by Watanabe-senpai?"


Kato Ryuji said with a proud smile: "I am the Akina Mountain Riding God of the last year."

"I attended!"

DK nodded heavily.

"I'll join in too!"

Owen smiled and said: "But I have a condition. If you lose, I want you to say the words 'I am convinced, you are the Akina Mountain Racing God' with your own words."

"Yes x 2!"

"Another point."

Owen looked at Kato Ryuji and made a request that made the other person's expression change drastically...

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