Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 113 I have the ability to make money (please recommend!)

Rejing Police Station.

"Team leader, what did my testimony director say?"

Owen probed.

"Li Sang, let's end this matter here."

The leader of the task force was a little depressed and sighed: "The director said that you were in a state of coma after being hit. What you saw might be hallucinations and cannot be regarded as evidence. Let us look for the perpetrator again, and..."

Having said this, the leader of the task force looked at Irving with a trace of pity: "The director said that since you may be a little confused, he asked you to take a leave of absence to recuperate. When you recover, you will be reinstated."

Owen chuckled: "Can I say I'm not weird at all?"

"Li Sang, don't be discouraged."

The leader of the task force wanted to pat Owen on the shoulder, but found that he was not tall enough and standing on tiptoes was not in line with his status, so he took back his hand and comforted him in a gentle voice: "Actually... we all know what's going on. It's just that some people are beyond our reach.

Your results are already very good. If you hadn't been injured on the job and received an overall commendation, do you think you could have stopped working to recuperate? "

"I understand."

Owen responded calmly.

While the two were talking, a man who looked like a lawyer, led by a police officer, came over, negotiated with the leader of the task force, and released Kato Ryuji.

"I said, you can't do anything to me."

Kato Ryuji walked up to Owen and said with a cold smile: "Officer Li, don't worry, the fun has just begun. You must wait and see."

"I am waiting."

Owen responded without any sign of weakness.

"Dr. Kato, the director ordered us to go back as soon as possible."

The staff lawyer of St. Juliana Hospital reminded.


Kato Ryuuji snorted in dissatisfaction, and reprimanded him in front of everyone, intentionally or unintentionally: "Why didn't Isora come to pick me up in person?"

The lawyer was startled, and his eyes suddenly changed when he looked at Kato Ryuji, and he replied in awe: "The dean went to visit some important officials to protest Dr. Kato's innocent detention by the police station, so he cannot come to pick you up in person."

Kato Ryuuji's expression changed, and a complicated look flashed in his eyes. He snorted unhappily, stopped mentioning the matter, and sarcastically sneered at Owen, then left in a swaggering manner.

"What a piece of shit!"

The leader of the task force looked at Kato's leaving figure and cursed bitterly: "He's just a bastard who lives off women, but he still has the nerve to be arrogant. I really don't know what kind of mind-blowing drug the dean of Jingu Temple took to treat this guy like this." Even if you give up for him..."

At this point, the leader of the task force stopped subconsciously and swallowed the words that came to his mouth, but the amount of information contained in it was enough for Owen to figure out.

"It seems that if you want to punish this Kato Ryuuji, you must first deal with Jinguji Sora..."

The next day.

When the police officers came to work, they looked at Owen packing his things with sympathetic eyes. Apparently, the news of Owen's suspension had spread throughout the Rejing Police Station.

They all knew what was right and wrong, but due to the strict hierarchy of the island country, they did not dare to say anything in support.

"Xiao Lin, can you lend me some money?"

Owen smiled at the police officer next to him.

All his money was spent in rewards, and if he wanted to transform into the Wolf of Wall Street, he still had to have start-up capital.


Officer Xiaolin was startled, but then he agreed. After a quick operation on his mobile phone, he generously lent his three-month salary to Irving. This was partly the reason for Irving's innocent suspension, but then he regretted it. .

"Owen, what are you doing?"

"Stock trading."

Hearing Owen's matter-of-fact answer, Officer Xiaolin's mouth twitched. Just as he was about to persuade Owen, he found that Owen had skillfully bought all the money into a stock.

"Owen, stock trading is risky, so you need to be cautious when entering the market."

Officer Xiao Lin said speechlessly: "And even if you want to trade in the stock market, you shouldn't choose Lin's Bank. You haven't seen that every stock in the market is rising. Lin's Bank is like a chicken plague. It keeps going." The fall...ah! How could this happen!"

But before Officer Xiao Lin finished speaking, a line of red appeared in front of his eyes. It was the green Lin's Bank just now. Green fell and red rose. This is basic common sense.

"This is the banker collecting funds and releasing goods to accumulate funds. The same is true for its subsidiaries, Mag Financial, Xieshun Consulting, and Tiankui Insurance. When the banker has chips, it will naturally push it all the way up. Now to cover the position, it will not happen immediately. It broke out."

Owen said nonsensically.


Officer Xiaolin had already come over, staring at the rising red line, and said in shock: "Owen, do you still know about stocks?"

"I understand a little bit, I understand a little bit."

Owen smiled reservedly.

"What are you looking at?"

Some colleagues heard the commotion and came over, and then more and more people gathered to watch Irving's stock trading. Watching the stocks Irving selected, all kinds of red rose, and there were bursts of exclamations.

"It's gone up, it's gone up!"

"It's up again! Oh my God!"

"How many times has this multiplied? Is Owen the stock god?"

"It's already doubled five times."


Everyone gasped. In just over an hour, there was a five times profit. This was simply too shocking. After the shock, they could not restrain their impulse.

"Owen, I still have a little money, can I let you work with me to make some milk powder money for my son?"

"Count me in, I want to make some money for my wife's cosmetics."

"Count me in too..."


Owen raised the corner of his mouth, looked around at everyone, and said grandly: "Anyone who wants to make a little money can join, but stock trading is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market. There is no reason to only make money without losing money, so you have to think carefully."

"Think about it, think about it."

The stock market can be called the biggest casino. When the police officers saw Owen's operation, their heads were already pounding. Their eyes were full of small coins. Wherever they heard the warning, they all expressed their intention to follow up.

And when they transferred their money to Owen one by one, they looked at each other and smiled, because if the money was just their small money, then what kind of police would they be?

Fortunately, Irving did it intentionally and would not disappoint them. When the stock market closed at 10 a.m., everyone was blushing and yelled: "Why stop? Keep going!"

"Okay, colleagues, I am going back to take a leave of absence to recuperate. If I have the opportunity, I will share my stock trading experience with you again."

Owen reminded him appropriately.

What he wants is to lead everyone by the nose and make them help him, rather than being held up by everyone and becoming their money-making machine.

The benefits are exciting. His possession of financial mathematical models is equivalent to his ability to make money, and his ability to make money is omnipotent!

PS: Thanks to Guest Officer 01 for the tip!

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