Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 112 Don’t be intimidated, just do it (please vote for recommendation!)

St. Juliana Hospital.

"Put your hands up, hold your head, and lie on the ground!"

When he saw Kato Ryuuji's face, Owen immediately recognized him as the driver of the yellow Mitsubishi Eclipse who knocked him over before. The other party's actions also verified his guess, so Owen shouted without hesitation.

"Officer, I don't know what you're talking about!"

Kato Ryuji stood there calmly, motionless, with a trace of ridicule flashing in his eyes: "But I want to remind you, this is a hospital, and I am a medical expert specially hired by the hospital. You don't have any evidence to frame me, I can I am suing you for defamation. Believe me, this is definitely not the result you want to see."

"Officer Li~"

Nanase Kyoko trembled when she heard this and wanted to remind Owen.

Owen's eyes narrowed, knowing that the other party was threatening him, and he also guessed the trouble he would encounter in the future, but he, a systematic cheater, would be afraid of an indigenous boss and driver?

Do not make jokes!

Don't be timid, just do it!

"Put your hands up, hold your head, and lie on the ground!"

Owen squeezed his hands, his bones creaked, and he strode towards Kato Ryuji. If the opponent dared to resist, his lv2+ strength, lv2+ speed, lv3- endurance, and lv4 combat skills would let the opponent know that Hua'er Why is it so red!


In response to Owen's unconcealed provocation, Kato Ryuuji gritted his teeth and cursed secretly. After weighing the pros and cons, he followed Owen's instructions in humiliation and lay on the ground with his head in his hands.

"I will definitely make you pay the price, definitely!"

Irving's actions were very brutal and were obviously suspected of violence, law enforcement, and law enforcement. Kato Ryuji's head was pressed hard to the ground by Irving's hand, and half of his face was pressed against the ground.

Looking from this direction, looking up at Nanase Kyoko's eyes looking at Owen with concern and admiration, the humiliation in Kato Ryuuji's heart was about to explode in any minute.

"I am waiting!"

Since Irving chose Lang, he would not lose to the opponent in terms of momentum. He would grab the opponent's neck and lift the opponent up like a chicken.

"Nanase-chan, I'll take this bastard back to the police station first."

Seeing the worry in Nanase Kyoko's eyes, Owen moved in his heart and reminded: "Don't be fooled by this old pervert. Even if he really has a way to threaten Naoya's career, as long as you truly love each other, Naoya will lose the car and you. Can restart other businesses.

On the contrary, once you fall into his trap for Naoya and give in to him, not only will your love with Naoya end here, but you and Naoya will fall into endless pain for the rest of their lives.

Trust me, you definitely don’t want you and Naoya to live that kind of life! Therefore, no matter how this old pervert tries to coerce or induce you, never agree, and never sacrifice yourself for love.

That is not dedication at all, but another kind of irreparable harm!

Of course, if you don't really believe this and insist on sacrificing everything for Naoya's so-called career, then I would rather you come to me. I can do everything that a pervert can do! "

"Officer Li..."

Nanase Kyoko sometimes turned pale and sometimes blushed when Owen said her words, but her pure eyes were full of emotion.

Although she was silly and naive, she could still feel Owen's heartfelt concern, and at the same time she was ashamed of her hesitation just now.

If Owen hadn't appeared in time, she would probably have chosen to succumb, because she did love Naoya deeply!

In this magical island country with an extremely developed tertiary industry, more and more young girls come out to work early to provide people, lipstick, and profits for the great cause of the island country. Therefore, dedicating everything for love, in Nanase Kyoko In consciousness, it is not completely unacceptable.

However, after Owen's reminder, she became horrified and alert. If Kato Ryuji had lied to her and told Naoya about this incident afterwards, how serious harm would it have caused to Naoya, which might be more painful than losing his racing career.

"Thank you for your reminder, Kyoko knows what to do!"

With these thoughts flashing through her mind, Nanase Kyoko's eyes became firm and she sincerely thanked Owen: "If such a day comes, Kyoko will definitely come to find you!"

In her opinion, Owen said this because he was afraid that she would do something stupid. He was so considerate and was such a good person!


When Kato Ryuuji saw Owen speaking a few words, he easily gained Nanase Kyoko's favor and commitment with his help, seriously interfering with his plan of coercion and inducement, and his eyes almost burst into flames.

This is not an anime world. Even if he is quite powerful, it is not easy to use force directly. The prey that he had already obtained has now soared into the sky. If he wants to hunt again, the difficulty has increased countless times.

"You are dead!"

Kato Ryuji's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

In an exquisite apartment.

"What? Long Er was arrested by Officer Li? Is it the Officer Li who is recovering in our hospital? On what charge? Okay, I understand!"

Jinguji Sora, who was wearing a nightgown, hung up the phone, stood up and came to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at Rejing with dim lights in the night, his eyes flickering.

The exquisite curves faintly emerging from the floor-to-ceiling windows came into her eyes, and some past events could not help but appear in her mind. Her body couldn't help but tremble, her legs went weak, and she fell to her knees, panting heavily.

After a while, Jinguji Sora sighed quietly, struggled to get up, came to the bedside, picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table, rummaged through the address book, and stopped with his fingers in front of the name of a certain important person, smiling bitterly, Then he calmed down his emotions several times, forced a smile, and dialed the number.

"Sorry to bother you..."

police station.

"Owen, are you sure it's him?"

The leader of the Mitsubishi Eclipse Racing Task Force looked at Kato Ryuji who was sitting quietly in the interrogation room through the one-way glass and asked with a frown.


Irving affirmed: "When the car overturned, the windows of his car and I were close to each other, and we could see each other clearly. Moreover, when I bumped into him in the hospital just now, he obviously recognized me and wanted to escape without saying a word."

"get away?"

The leader of the task force was shocked. If this was true, then it would be almost certain that the other party was a racing criminal.

"Asshole, I must avenge Matsushita-kun! Xiaolin, immediately take people to search the suspect's address to find the vehicle responsible for the accident and other criminal evidence!"

"Yes, team leader!"

Because it involves the casualties of their own people, the members of the task force are all elite soldiers and are very decisive in issuing orders.

Jingle Bell!

At this moment, the phone of the leader of the task force rang.

"Director, yes, I understand, yes..."

After the task force leader hung up the phone, he ordered with an ugly face: "Cancel the operation! Release Kato Ryuji!"

Owen grinned and complained secretly: "Trouble has really come..."

PS: Thanks to I Want My Tears to Flow and Meowthirty King 23333 for the reward! In addition, what is the difference between TV series and movies? length! When the movie is serialized and cosmic, will it still be different from the TV series? Of course, there are also serialized and cinematic universe films that are more sophisticatedly produced, with more compact plots, more vivid characters, and far better looks than ordinary TV series. They can be called high-quality TV series. In contrast, every episode of the TV series is... Filmed with greater investment, it is an episode-by-episode movie, referencing Game of Thrones! So there should be nothing wrong with the European and American movie universe ≈ American TV series, right?

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