Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 544: Chu Huang, who loves his wife too much

  Chapter 544: Chu Huang, who loves his wife too much

   "Fart!" Mo Siyin, who had always been elegant, actually swears, which startled the driver sitting in the car.

   It was the first time he saw a lady like this.

   "If he really misses me, he won't ignore my thoughts and force me to marry someone else, and he won't let the eldest brother become like that." The more angry Mo Siyin was, the more calm he appeared on the surface.

  Because she knew that panic would not solve anything.

   "I'm not going back."

   That home is no longer her home.

  The current home is her Mosiyin's home, with her husband and her three children, how could she abandon these people and go back with them.

   "The eldest lady doesn't want to go back with us, so don't blame us for being rude."

   "Everyone must protect Madam."

  If Madam was taken away, they would not dare to imagine how angry Chu Huang would be.

   Looking at the group of people fighting, Mo Siyin frowned, and her fingers tightened her skirt.

   "Don't worry too much, ma'am, they are all selected through various trainings." The driver comforted.

   "Of course I know that."

   But the strength of the people who can be sent by the Moss family is definitely not ordinary, and these people may be difficult to deal with.

   "No way." Mo Siyin was still uneasy.

   "Madam, what are you doing?" The driver suddenly panicked, seeing Mo Siyin throwing down the bag in his hand and tearing open the hem of her long skirt and wearing a pair of trousers inside, she was not afraid of being exposed.

   "Madam, you can't get out of the car!"

  I saw Mo Siyin tying up her hair without hearing a deaf ear, and walked towards there.

  I saw Mo Siyin kick a man in black to the ground by surprise.

   almost missed the driver's shocked eyes.


Is Mrs.    so arrogant?



   Both groups of people were frightened by this kind of Mo Siyin.

  The people in the Chu family were scared to death.

There is one thing Mo Siyin has to admit, that is, as a member of the Mosi family, no one can't fight. Whether it is high knowledge or fighting, it is a must for a Mosi family member to master. Skill.

  Unfortunately, Mo Siyin's skills can also be ranked in the Mosi family.

   Watching his wife deal with the group of people one by one, the driver only felt that his heart almost jumped out of fright.


   "Shut up!" Mo Siyin kicked over, "I'm not your eldest lady anymore, I'm Mrs. Chu now."

   "Siyin!" With a familiar shout, Mo Siyin immediately turned around in a conditioned reflex, only to see Chu Huang running over anxiously.


   "Are you alright?" Chu Huang carefully checked Mo Siyin up and down.

   Mo Siyin smiled softly: "I'm fine, I'm just a little frightened!"

  People in black: "..."

  Bodyguards: "..."

  Master driver: "..."

  Chu Huang's heart dropped a lot at once, "It's fine, just leave the rest to me."

   Looking at Mo Si. Jiao. Weak. Voice who was helped by his young master into the car, the driver only felt that his young master might have a wrong understanding of the word delicate.

   "Master, they ran away!"

   Looking at the group of men in black who got into the car and left, Chu Huang raised his hand, "No need to chase."

   "Siyin, what happened to your skirt?" Only then did Chu Huang notice Mo Siyin's torn skirt.

   Mo Siyin sighed: "I tore up a long dress that I like."

   "It's alright, my husband will buy you a new one when I get home." Chu Huang didn't ask him why he tore his skirt, of course he had to buy it if his wife's skirt was torn.

  Master driver: "..."

   It is rumored that Chu Huang doting on his wife Wudu is fake, and he really wants to tell those people that it is true! real! !

   (end of this chapter)

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