Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 543: The next task

   Chapter 543 Receive the mission


   Mo Yu's legs were stacked, and a pair of beautiful hands were quickly operating on the keyboard, and there was a bit of concentration in his dark pupils.

  【There is a task, take it? 】

   Mo Yu typing: [No answer! 】

   Feng Rin: [Add double it, just one word, accept or not. 】

   Mo Yu: [No answer! 】

   Now he just wants to accompany Ah Xi to play games, where he has free time to pick up tasks, and he also wants to do the tasks himself.

   Feng Lin: [Grass! Brother, just help me on my face! 】

   Mo Yu's long and narrow phoenix eyes narrowed leisurely, and her slender fingers tapped another line of words in an instant and sent it over.

  【What happened again? 】

   Feng Rin subconsciously coughed, [What is it? Do I often cause trouble for you? 】

  Mo Yu: [Where are you now? 】

  【Foreign. 】Feng Rin replied in seconds.

  【You took the mission without authorization again? 】Mo Yu's handsome and elegant face was indifferent, if it weren't for the fact that this guy had helped him a lot, he wouldn't be sitting here chatting with this guy now.

【hey-hey! Isn't it impossible? I don't have enough money to spend, but I really can't complete this task alone. Brother help me one more time, and this will be the last time. 】 After Feng Rin sent the message, he also included a picture of the villain kneeling on the ground and praying.

   If Mo Yu believed what this guy said, he would be really stupid.

   Eight out of ten words this guy said were unbelievable.

   Mo Yu's pitch-black eyes flashed a gleam of darkness, and his slender fingers quickly tapped and sent the words.

  【I've been busy these days! 】

【busy? Brother, are you kidding me? As far as I know, although you are a star now, it is not difficult for you, Mo Yu, to make time for tasks. 】

  Mo Yu went back to the past without changing his face, [No nonsense, what day is it? 】

   Feng Rin replied in seconds: [Five days later, do you have time? 】

   Feng Rin felt a little uneasy when he saw that the other party hadn't replied yet. After all, he still knew a thing or two about Mo Yu's character, and no one could persuade him to do things he didn't want to do.

   Just when Feng Rin started to think wildly, the other party finally got back to him.

  【Send me the task and location. 】

  【OK, the information will also be sent to you. 】Feng Rin subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

   Just promise, with this guy's character, once he promises, he will do it.

   However, as if thinking of something, Feng Rin subconsciously touched his nose, this guy is still busy.

   Feng Rin has always wondered what kind of actor this guy is running to be like?

   He doesn't believe that this guy is for money. If this guy wants to make money, he can earn 100 million by doing any big task.

Grass! What's the matter with the more you think about it?

   Feng Rin never admits that he envy Mo Yu this guy.

   Mo Yu put his hands on his chin, and frowned subconsciously when he looked at the information and tasks passed by the other party.

   The mission location this time is actually at sea.


   "Miss, you should go back."

   Mo Siyin sneered: "If you die, I won't go back."

  The Moss family was really determined to arrest her, and they were willing to hire so many professional people to arrest her.

   "Protect Madam!" The bodyguards of the Chu family were naturally not vegetarians.

   Mo Siyin had just attended the banquet and was about to go back. Unexpectedly, he was blocked by this group of people on the way.

   "Master has been thinking of you, Miss, I hope you won't make it difficult for us."

   (end of this chapter)

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