Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 545: goodbye teammates

   Chapter 545 Farewell to teammates


   "Xu Yang!" Bai Qing was a little surprised, but he didn't expect to meet Xu Yang here.

  Xu Yang was drunk, but he still couldn't recognize Bai Qing, he whispered: "It's Bai Qing!"

   Bai Qing: "Xu Yang, if you were given another chance to start over, would you still do that?"

   "Restart?" Xu Yang was startled.

   "Huh!" Xu Yang sneered, "If I could do it all over again, I think I would make the same decision."

   Bai Qing was completely disappointed now, he looked at Xu Yang with disappointment: "Can you tell me the reason?"

"The reason..." Xu Yang sighed sadly, only to see that he took another sip of wine, and then said slowly: "Probably I'm afraid that CQ will disperse! I'm afraid that you will leave CQ, that CQ won't be able to support it any longer. now..."

   "Did you know? CQ really can't support it without a dime." The outside world knew that Chu Jun brought Xingyao back to life, but no one knew that CQ was his Xu Yang's life.

   Bai Qing was stunned for a while, "Why didn't you tell us?"

   "Tell you? Ha!" Xu Yang laughed at himself: "It's useless."

  The light in Bai Qing's eyes gradually dimmed, "Xu Yang, do you know what the core of a team is?"

  Xu Yang: "What is it?"

"It's the teammates! As long as the teammates are there, even if CQ is no longer called CQ, this team will still be the same team!" The more Bai Qing said, the more excited he became, and he was almost grabbing Xu Yang's collar .

  Xu Yang was stunned.

"As a captain, you have never really trusted us. You buried these things in your heart, and we are not the roundworms in your stomach. How could we know that? Don't you understand this? "Bai Qing was so angry.


   Seeing Xu Yang's dazed appearance, Bai Qing suddenly wanted to cry, but he knew he couldn't.

  CQ is so scattered!

Everyone at   CQ can't believe this fact until now.

   They seem to leave the arena very plain, and they seem to be very calm to apologize to Xingyao and the others, but in fact all of them are bleeding from their hearts!

  Xu Yang came back to his senses, he shook his head and muttered to himself: "I was wrong! I was wrong! I was really wrong!"

   "It's useless!" Bai Qing looked at Xu Yang expressionlessly: "It's too late!"

   "From now on, do it yourself!"

  Xu Yang stared straight ahead with a dull appearance.

   Bai Qing was about to turn around and leave when he seemed to think of something when he stopped, "This is the last time I will call you Captain... Captain, happy birthday!"

After   , Bai Qing left here completely.

   At the same time, Xu Yang's cell phone on the table kept ringing.

  Xu Yang opened the screen with a stunned look.

   I saw a message pop up one after another in WeChat.

   "Captain, we don't actually blame you, Captain, happy birthday!"

   "Captain, happy birthday! Let's meet by fate!"

   "Hey! This is the last time to call you captain, captain, happy birthday duck!"

"I thought about it for a long time, and felt that it was still necessary to say goodbye to you. In fact, we don't blame you in our hearts. I felt that you had changed before, but I couldn't tell where it changed. Now I understand that you have become complicated... Captain... happy birthday!"

   Looking at the goodbye messages one after another, Xu Yang only felt that the hand holding the wine bottle was shaking uncontrollably.

  Can't cry!

  Can't cry!

  You are a big man, what does it look like to cry!

   In the end, the string in Xu Yang's mind was still broken, and the corners of his eyes gradually became wet.

  's vision gradually blurred, and he couldn't see the expressions of the people in the past, but no matter what, he didn't care anymore.

   (end of this chapter)

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