Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 237: solid black snake

   Chapter 237 Pure Black Snake

Going back the same way in the direction of going back, Ge Fei, who was carrying the bag, hurriedly followed Mo Yu who was walking in front, watching the long legs push her for several steps, she couldn't help but whisper: "This leg is really good. TM long."

   And Ge Fei also found that Mo Yu was taller than Xu Yandui Wuxiang next to him. The slender legs were not only straight, but also connected to the waist line just right. The proportions were so good that they were comparable to male models.

   And Mo Yu's appearance is a bit neutral to be honest, with three-dimensional facial features, giving people a bit of mixed-race feeling.

   The most beautiful is Mo Yu's pair of phoenix eyes, with classical beauty, the arc and the end of the eyes are just right, people can't help but indulge in those deep phoenix eyes.

   "Ah!" With the exception of Mo Yu, all the people around looked at him.

   "What's wrong? Yuhan?" Wu Xiang, who took the initiative to help Xia Yuhan carry things, asked quickly.

   "Ah! Snake! I saw a snake!" Xia Yuhan looked at the snake coiled in the tree with horror, and the voice trembled faintly.

   "Mummy!" Ge Fei also stayed away in fear.

   "Yuhan is fine, I will save you!" Wu Xiang comforted.

   "Is this snake poisonous?" Wang Xiaohui also looked at the black snake with a worried look, only to see that the snake turned out to be pure black, and the snake's head was raised high, as if to express disdain.

   "Save...Save me...Ah Xiang!" Xia Yu looked at Wu Xiang with tears in her eyes.

   Wu Xiang was nervous: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, you can come over, it's fine."

   "What about the program team?"

   "This snake looks quite small, but I can't tell what species it is. The color is actually pure black."

   Mo Yu narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were locked on the snake. What surprised him was that the eyes of the snake seemed to be a little disdainful of dealing with these people.

  The pupil of the snake emits a red luster, which does not look like an ordinary snake.

   Snake pupil instantly met Mo Yu's phoenix eyes.

   The black snake shook its head slightly, looking at Mo Yu with some doubts.

   "I'll take a look!" The cold voice shocked everyone as soon as it fell.

   "Damn it! What are you doing?" Griffin was the first to exclaim in surprise.

  Mo Yu didn't pay attention to Ge Fei, and saw that he took a step and really walked towards the other party.

   Seeing that the other party ignored her, Ge Fei was a little annoyed, "The program crew, please stop her!"

  Xia Yuhan looked at the person walking by in surprise.

   "The rain comes here!" Wu Xiang suddenly shouted.

   Xu Yan couldn't help sneering disdainfully: "Don't look at what's going on in the limelight?"

  Xia Yuhan hesitated for a while, and when she saw Mo Yu really walked over, a gloom flashed in her eyes, then she could not help but grit her teeth, closed her eyes, and ran over with all her strength.

   To tell the truth, snakes are almost all animals that girls are very afraid of.

   "Huh~" Xia Yuhan breathed a sigh of relief, and she couldn't help but feel a schadenfreude in her heart.

   Mo Yu, this idiot, really didn't even want to die.

   Seeing Mo Yu getting closer, everyone held their breath involuntarily, for fear of missing something.

   This is also a good explosion point for the program team. As long as this segment is broadcast, the ratings will definitely increase the audience.

   Mo Yu raised her fair jaw slightly and looked at the black snake.

   Black Snake looked at the person in front of him, his eyes gradually turned from arrogant to a little curious, and also a little doubtful.

   (end of this chapter)

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