Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 236: His Royal Highness's BBQ

   Chapter 236 His Highness's BBQ

  Although she was shocked, she didn't care because she was too hungry. Besides, if she is a fan of Wan Ye, she is her sister, okay?

  The other three and the audience in the live broadcast room looked at Ge Fei who took a bite of the grilled fish and thought: It must just smell good, just wait and see! It will be vomited in the next second!

  Guffy chewed the meat, his eyes widened slightly, the audience was excited, look! I would say it was unpalatable.

   However, the reality is very different from the imagination.

   "Hmm! It's so delicious!" Griffin looked at the grilled fish that was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, only to think that it was even more delicious than all the barbecues she had eaten before.

   The taste is indescribable, but it is delicious, not only smells good, but also tastes good.

  People: "???"

   How can grilled fish be delicious without seasonings!

   "Your Highness Beloved": How did you do it?

   "His Royal Highness's fan girl": ennnn, I want to know too!

   "Your Highness": Ge Fei is not fooling us!

   But looking at Griffin's relish, they couldn't help swallowing, what should I do? They suddenly wanted to taste His Royal Highness's grilled fish!

   "Mo Yu!"

   Mo Yu raised her eyes.

   "Can I exchange other food with you for the food in your hand?"

   Mo Yu heard the words, glanced at the thing in his hand lightly, "No change!"

   Wu Xiang frowned: "Why?"

   "I don't like it!" The three words are neat and tidy.

  Wuxiang: "..."

   Looking at Mo Yu's estranged attitude, Wu Xiang thought about it, let it go!

   "You ask her what she wants, you look at her arrogant energy and hate it!" Xia Yuhan glared at Wu Xiang fiercely.

  Wuxiang: "It's nutritious to eat these, so let's eat some meat!"

   Who makes you useless, you can't even catch a fish, Xia Yuhan said with disdain.

   "I don't think His Highness's food is not good!" The fans laughed: "I don't know who can ask His Highness to take the initiative to cook, that kind of scene is suddenly unimaginable!"

  #His Royal Highness BBQ#

  #His Royal Highness Mo Yu's BBQ fan#

   "Young Master's Fan": 233 Ask for the shadow area in this girl's heart hahaha!

   "Gold Medal Little Fox Guard": His Highness can actually cook (shocked face!)

  "Chocolate Milk": @万lord come on, your wife is cooking!

  "Ice Cream Jelly": @WANYE Hurry up, your wife is cooking!

   "Young Master Xin Wanye": @万公 Come on, your wife is cooking!

  "Cute Donuts": What's this meme? ?

  "The loneliness of a lifetime": @cute donut, this is because Wan Ye and His Royal Highness are the best CPs on TV series, have you watched Changqing and Emperor Ye.

  "Cute Donuts": @一世lonely, thanks for the answer|˙˙), I didn't watch it, I've been chasing anime and rarely watched TV dramas recently, but I'm going to chase it because of your highness's looks.

"The loneliness of a lifetime": @cute donut, don't thank me, in fact, I don't really like watching TV dramas. It was only because I played games that I realized Wan Ye, and then it was His Highness. By the way, Changqing is a fresh and sweet drama. As for You may need to bring your own two boxes of toilet paper ( ).

   "Wan Ye's little cutie": Hey! The painting style of the two upstairs is skewed, and the building is crooked! ! angry!

   "The most obedient little fox guard": Hahahahahaha! The people upstairs are going to laugh at me, are you planning to divide up my property?

  Because of this sub-show, Mo Yu's barbecue was successfully squeezed into the hot search.

   And the show is coming to an end.

   (end of this chapter)

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