Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 238: arrogant black snake

   Chapter 238 The Tsundere Black Snake

   "Ss~hs~" The black snake spit out snake letters at Mo Yu. In the eyes of outsiders, this black snake was angry.

   "It's over! It's over! I'm angry!"

  Xia Yu pursed her lips, a smile flashed in her eyes, and she couldn't blame anyone for finding it.

   "Isn't the program group blocking it?"

   Those in the program group are silent!

   However, the next second, everyone's eyes will fall.

   The black snake slowly crawled up towards the slender figure, without biting as he imagined, and without doing any harm, only to see the black snake hanging meekly on Mo Yu's shoulders.

   The snake head crawled lazily on his shoulders, giving people a weird and cute feeling.

   Taking a closer look, Mo Yu found that the black snake's skin was pure black with a luxurious luster, just like the nobles in the snake clan.

  Mo Yu: "..." He didn't know why such a second-class idea suddenly popped into his mind.

   When he saw the snake just now, Mo Yu felt that he didn't hate it unexpectedly, and even had a strange feeling.

  Goffee: "..."

  Xia Yuhan's face was gloomy!

   The people in the program group breathed a sigh of relief.

   Immediately, everyone found that the snake seemed to be relying on Mo Yu, so they crawled there with their eyes closed.

   So everyone kept a long distance from Mo Yu, for fear of harming themselves.

   The director of the program group watched this scene and felt that he had made a profit. If he broadcasted the whole process, it would definitely attract a lot of audiences, and it would definitely attract heated discussions.

   However, when he opened the video again, he was surprised to find that the video was missing a section, and the missing part was exactly the part he expected to broadcast, but it was gone.

what happened? The director looked angry and hurt, as if the fat sheep just got ready to sneak away again.

   A pair of phoenix eyes were cold and introverted, slender and fair fingers quickly clicked on the phone, seeing that the video was completely cleaned up, Mo Yu just gave up.


   "Be nice!" Mo Yu didn't expect the snake to be by his side and unwilling to leave.

   For the sake of not being disgusted by the snake, he stayed.

   The black snake gently circled its tail, and curled up on the sofa cushion.


  Wan Zexi opened the door of the apartment and walked in. Today, she remembered that today was the day Mo Yu came back.

   The slender figure first caught the boy's eyes.

  Wan Zexi narrowed his eyes lazily, then walked towards the living room.


The    boy frowned, she seemed to hear a strange sound.

  Wan Zexi thought it was a hallucination and thought he didn't need to care, but the sound of "hiss~" sounded again.

  Why is this sound like that of a snake? Wan Zexi raised her eyes dangerously, and she immediately stood up straight.

  Wan Zexi was surprised, and saw a pure black snake spitting snake letters at her there.

   How come there are snakes here?

   And it's a solid black snake!


   Looking at each other for a long time, Wan Zexi suddenly chuckled.

   Suddenly, she saw that her snow-white fingers like suet jade gently caressed the snake's head without fear, "Little guy, why did you come here?"

   "Hiss!" The snake pupil instantly stood up, looking very angry, as if angry Wan Zexi touched its head.

   "Haha!" The young man looked at Black Snake's furious eyes and laughed wantonly, "You little guy is so arrogant!"


  Wan Zexi looked at the snake pupil, inexplicably funny, was he annoyed or angry!

   I have to say that this black snake has more aura than ordinary snakes. Wan Zexi didn't know why, but when he saw this snake, he felt a sense of intimacy in his heart.

   is a bit weird!

   Obviously this is the first time I have seen this black snake!

   (end of this chapter)

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