Chapter 222 Escape

   There is a competition tomorrow, she has to go out, no matter what, she can't hold back Xingyao.

   Sitting down is not the way to go, Leng Yuan's peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, only to see her looking up and down the window.

   So she probed down to look down, and roughly estimated in her mind that the height was not very high, a few meters at most, it should be fine to climb down, but at most fall.

  Leng Yuan took out the rope from the cabinet, it was about three meters long, and slender fingers tied the other end of the rope to the post beside the bed and fastened it.

   After confirming that there was no problem, Leng Yuan tied the rope around his waist and tied it with a dead knot.

Leng Yuan stomped on the window, her beautiful and delicate peach blossom eyes glowed calmly, she took a deep breath, and her whole body hung directly on the edge of the wall, her hands tightly grasping the rope, she saw A red mark appeared on the white and tender skin.

  Lengyuan moved down slowly, and she was shaky with the swing of the rope. This was a test of her arm strength. Fortunately, she had exercise regularly, otherwise both arms would be destroyed.


   In the end, her feet landed safely, and Leng Yuan's arms were sore and sore. This kind of thing was enough to toss her once.

   Immediately after, Leng Yuan hurriedly left the place, because usually at this time, my mother came to call her for dinner.

   In the evening, Leng Yuan directly chose to come to the Internet cafe.

   Late Night Internet Cafe is an Internet cafe that Lengyuan used to visit when she was in high school.

  Leng Yuan hasn't touched the game in the past few days, and the technology is probably unfamiliar. The inflexibility of the fingers will definitely reduce the sensitivity of the characters.

   Put on the headset and insert the ID card.

  【The world of Longtu welcomes you. 】

   "Play a team fight!"

  Chu Yan held a piece of bread in her mouth and kept tapping her fingers on the keyboard.

   "Brother, my studies are over for the past few days, I can almost return to the team, right?" Chu Yan glanced at the phone on the table and said slowly.

   Immediately, a cold and warm voice sounded from the phone.

   "The 68th National Competition in Region A has officially started, and we will return to the team tomorrow."

   "Yes!" Chu Yan immediately replied with a cheerful look, God knows how long he has been looking forward to returning to the team.

  Leng Yuan hid the coordinates for the trouble. The technique on the opposite side, called Kakaxi, was so good, but the position was too... wretched.

  Leng Yuan tried the flexibility of her fingers. Fortunately, the operation did not become stiff. Now she should hurry up and improve her skills. Xingyao and others don't know how much ahead of her. She is still standing still, this can't be tolerated.

   "Yo ro, this guy on the other side is very interesting." Chu Yan said, and then operated Ka Kaxi to attack Leng Yuan's direction.

   Thirty long minutes passed.

  Leng Yuan directly took out the ID card, that Kakaxi's technology was really strong, and it was inexplicably similar to the captain's operation.

   Although it was strange, Leng Yuan didn't think too much about it, and then she put the card in her pocket and walked out of the Internet cafe late at night.

   It is very late now, Leng Yuan originally planned to stay in the hotel, but she thought of her uncle.



  Leng Yuan stopped, frowning slightly, and soon she saw a little girl dressed as a student running towards her.

   The little girl's eyes lit up when she saw Leng Yuan, and she ran towards Leng Yuan as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw.

   "Sister save me, some bad guys catch me."

   "Little **** ran away for me." Then an ordinary-looking middle-aged man ran over.

   "What's the matter?" Leng Yuan couldn't judge, if the little girl was the daughter of this man, she would be doing a disservice.

   "I didn't expect such a beautiful woman to be here so late." The man looked at Leng Yuan in amazement.

   The facial features are beautiful and the temperament is high and cold, which is more pure than the beautiful women he has seen before.

  Lengyuan's eyes suddenly turned cold, "I'm afraid you don't want your eyeballs anymore."

   She hates men looking at her with such wicked eyes.

   Now she can be sure that this person is not a good bird.

   "Sister." The little girl looked at her timidly.

   Leng Yuan softened the corners of her mouth slightly, "Good, wait for my sister to beat this good uncle, and you can go home."

   (end of this chapter)

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