Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 223: been recognized

   Chapter 223 was recognized

   "Fight me?" The man seemed to have heard a joke, his eyes were very mocking and disdainful.

   "The little girl has to pay for being so mad." The man sneered.

  Note: [Will the host not help? 】

  Li Mo put his hands around his chest, his eyes were cold, and he said coldly, "Do you think I look like that kind of person?"

   Small note stop.

   "You forgot about the last time, but I didn't."

   "And I'm here to find the blackened villain, so I don't have time to take care of these things."

   Hearing this, Xiaoji's eyes flashed, and when he saw that the host was about to turn and leave, the sound of the system suddenly sounded.

  ding dong——

  【In case of emergency, please go to the host quickly to save people】

  Li Mo stopped, only to see his eyes gloomy, "Don't go."

The    system seems to have expected the host to do this. [Completing this task, the host can get a hint about the blackened villain]

  Li Mo's eyes were irritable, his body exuded coldness, and he almost couldn't help but want to swear.

   But then Li Mo turned around.

   "Ah! Sister be careful, he has a knife in his hand."

   The man's face was bruised, he didn't expect this woman to do such two or three tricks.

   So he took out his knife without hesitation and attacked Leng Yuan.

  Lengyuan dodged the other side, Taohua's eyes were cold, and it was not the way to go on like this.

   "Hi~" Leng Yuan injured her arm when she was distracted, and it hurt a lot.

   "Sister!" The little girl looked at Leng Yuan with special concern.

   "Little sister, you... get out of here first... hurry home." Leng Yuan replied while dodging.

   "But...sister..." The little girl was very hesitant, if it wasn't because her elder sister would not fight with this ugly monster.

   By the way, she can go home to find adults, or the police.

   "Sister, hold on for a while, I'll find a way." After saying that, the little girl left quickly.

  Leng Yuan gave a cold "um", but without her noticing, the man's attack was about to fall on her.


  Leng Yuan was surprised when she looked at the young man in front of her. She didn't expect that there were still people so late.

   It's this woman again!

  Li Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, he is the character who is in conflict with this woman!

   glanced at the man who was screaming and fell to the ground because of the broken arm, Leng Yuan subconsciously thanked: "Thank you."

   Seeing that the boy didn't answer, Leng Yuan was not embarrassed, but she raised her eyebrows and said, "By the way, I feel like I've seen you somewhere."

   "No." Li Mo immediately denied it.

He didn't want to mention that   , not to mention the fact that he was a fat man last time, presumably the other party would not recognize him.


   "I remembered, you are the little fat man who tried to save me last time, I said why I am so familiar, so it is you!" Leng Yuan exclaimed.

  Li Mo was stunned, no one would recognize who he was when he was thin, how could this woman recognize him.

   is a little weird.

   "You recognize me?" Li Mo asked suspiciously.

   "Why can't you recognize it? You just look thinner, and you look good when you are fat." Like the fat doll she used to play with when she was a child, she is very cute, but Leng Yuan didn't say this.

   Hearing this, Li Mo's eyes became a little strange for a moment.

   "Dog, is there something wrong with this woman, you can actually tell that I am that fat man."

  Note: [Host, we have already detected this person, and there is nothing abnormal. 】

   "By the way, why are you still here so late?" Leng Yuan asked.

   "Passing by." Li Mo said succinctly.

   (end of this chapter)

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