Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 221: parental objection

  Chapter 221 Parental Objection

   "Mom, can you not do this!"

   "Mom-mum-" The roar sounded, mixed with the sound of falling things.

  Leng Yuan's peach blossom eyes were stunned when he looked at the tablet computer, mouse and other cups that fell to the ground.

   She didn't expect that her mother would break her things regardless of her image, she didn't have the usual ladylike temperament.

"Leng Yuan! I tell you that games will only harm you. You are currently studying in Yun Lan, and you will have a bright future after you go to school. Whatever game you play, that game is rubbish, and it will make you go further and further on the remote road. From now on You are forbidden to play games, until you quit gaming, don't go out these days, just stay with me at home."

   "Mom!" Under Leng Yuan's disbelieving gaze, Leng's mother directly locked the door.

   "Mom! Open the door! Mom! Mom!" No matter how she shouted, Mama Leng was indifferent.

   "Ah—!" Leng Yuan scratched her hair angrily, so angry!

   She has a game the day after tomorrow, her phone was confiscated, and all the tools that could be contacted were taken away. I didn't expect her mother to be so cruel this time.

  Lengyuan lay on the soft bed with troubled eyes. She knew that her family had always been particularly opposed to games, and they had always opposed her playing games. Otherwise, she would not have often secretly went to Internet cafes to play Longtu in high school.

   Later, in order to play openly and aboveboard, she once guaranteed that her academic performance would not be lowered, but her parents were always reluctant.

   "What's the matter?" As soon as Dad Leng came out of the bedroom, he saw his wife with a straight face.

   "Your daughter is going to participate in some competition behind our back, and she is still a member of some team. If you don't study hard, you play with useless things all day." Leng mother sat on the sofa very angry.

  Leng's father frowned and his eyes were serious: "This game can't be eaten as a meal. The most important thing is to study well. Let her continue to practice calligraphy that day, maybe she doesn't know what the regression will be now."

   "And dancing! I don't know who this child is with?" Mother Leng sighed helplessly.

  To be honest, the couple have always felt strange. Their personalities are traditional in the traditional sense. They are from three generations of scholarly families. He likes calligraphy, and his wife likes dancing.

   "Look! Xiaoyuan still follows her uncle, and her temperament is exactly the same as her uncle's back then." The old grandmother who didn't know when she appeared, that is, Lengyuan's grandmother sat there and said slowly.

   "Mom, my brother, if he hadn't been too obsessed with games back then, he wouldn't be what he is now. After all, it's mom, you are too indulgent to him."

Seeing her daughter's disapproval, my grandmother smiled gently: "Some things cannot be forced, otherwise it will backfire, and the children are getting older, so let them do what they should do! I believe she will have the ability to judge by herself. of."

   "No, this matter can't be compromised, I can't hurt her."

   "Mom, it's better to take care of the child. If something goes wrong, it's too late to regret it." Dad Leng also said with a resolute look and a united front with Mom Leng.

   Grandma sighed helplessly when she saw that she could not say anything about these two people, thinking that she also thought the same at the beginning, but now the relationship between mother and son is becoming more and more distant, and she only hopes that her daughter and granddaughter will not follow in her footsteps.

  Leng Yuan seems to be staying in the room honestly these days, but in fact he is thinking about how to escape.

   (end of this chapter)

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