Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 207: Reciprocity

   Chapter 207 Reciprocity

   "Prince Prince!" The little black eye opened the car door quickly.

   The long legs of the boy sat directly on the seat.

   "What did you find at the back of the video?" Wan Zexi asked suddenly looking at the road ahead.

  Xiaohei frowned and said solemnly: "No, when the master handed me the video, there was no later part."

  Wan Zexi's eyes were deep and deep, and it seemed that someone was helping her behind her back.

   But what kind of person could silently manipulate that video?

   Computer, video, software.

   Suddenly, the boy seemed to remember something? The dark pupils flickered with bits of broken light.


   The first two words that pop up in the brain are hackers, which means that at first glance, they are advanced hackers.

In her last life, she had also heard of The Matrix, where each hacker is more powerful than the other. Although she has no interest in hacking software program codes, it does not mean that she really does not understand anything at all, and can do it directly on the video at that time. Hands and feet are no ordinary hackers anymore.

   In fact, there is nothing else, but the only thing she can't understand is why she is helping her.

   However, Wan Zexi simply pondered for a while, and then left this matter behind.

  Wan Zexi likes to solve the current affairs immediately, and she forgets all the things that are not dangerous to her.

   When the car was turning, the boy's low and magnetic voice sounded faintly: "If my father is still here, I would like to know what it would be like to pit his son."

  Xiaohei almost slipped his hand, but he pretended to cough and said, "Master, he said that life is a long journey, and it is not fun without a little fun."

   "Oh!" Wan Zexi's slender jade-like fingers rested on her chin, and she stared straight at Xiao Hei with her beautiful fox eyes open.

   And Xiao Hei felt that the prince's eyes were always on him, and he felt that the atmosphere was very embarrassing, and his body was directly stiff.

  The delicate and beautiful face of the young man was cold at first, then he began to raise a faint smile, and finally his dark eyes were full of playfulness.

   "It's only right and proper for Laozi to pit his son, but it's also a matter of etiquette for his son to pit him! Xiaohei, please take care of Mrs. Wan for a while." Wan Zexi smiled and patted Xiaohei on the shoulder.

  Xiaohei: "..." This is the first time Xiaohei knows what it's like to cry without tears. Master, you are not cheating your son, but me!


   "This character deserves to be Wan Lin's son. He is arrogant and annoying."

   "Looks like Wan Lin, but his personality also follows Wan Lin, tsk! What a pity!"

   "Don't you have anything to say?" Tang Wen looked lazily at the man who was reading.

  The man's hair is thick and black, and his facial features are not particularly delicate, but together they are very soft and attractive. Those eyes seem to have absorbed all the moonlight in the world, and they look so clean and elegant.

  Mature and elegant temperament is naturally formed in the bones, it is the breath tempered by the long-term accumulated experience.

  Who would have imagined that this man was in his forties.

   The years did not seem to have left too many traces on his face, but only added a mature and stable charm to him.

   White and slender fingers gently flipped through the book in his hand, his eyes were light, "I hate hearing his name."

   "Whose name is it?" Tang Wen's eyes flashed mockingly, and he asked knowingly.

   The man raised his eyes and glanced at Tang Wen lightly, only to see Tang Wen immediately say, "Come on, I'll try not to mention him."

   "However, Bai Muxi, Wan Yihan seems to have noticed something?"

   Hearing the words, the fingers that were flipping through the pages paused slightly, and after a long while, he said in an elegant voice, "It's okay, the ones he checked are just furs at most."

   My little cuties, um... Sure enough, they are just like me.



   (end of this chapter)

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