Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 206: domineering man

   Chapter 206 Domineering Lord Wan

   Looking at the people under those videos, I couldn't help but feel a little hot on their faces. After all, they were at fault for this matter. They shouted indiscriminately just now.

Wan Zexi, no matter what the mentality of the people below, she glanced at the old guys with embarrassed faces, and a mocking sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth: "My lord, I never like to beat around the bush, my lord, I am here to announce that from now on You have nothing to do with the Wan family."

  However, the matter was not over yet, Wan Zexi suddenly found that those people's eyes suddenly looked scared and fearful, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows, so she turned around a little puzzled.

   I saw that Gan Yongming and Ding Ming suddenly appeared in the video to embezzle public funds, and even steal company secrets and some important documents privately.

The people below   , including those watching the live broadcast, were suddenly in an uproar.

   "Fuck, this reversal is too awesome!"

   "These people are really black!"

   "It's clear that these old guys are Wan's tooth decay pests."

  The boy looked at the big screen, his dark eyes flashed with a thick luster, and the corners of his mouth pursed coldly.

   Zhao Xin couldn't help shouting excitedly while watching the live broadcast: "Great, Master Wan is so handsome!"

   At the same time, Rong Xuan, who was lying on the hospital bed, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   "I said it all, it's fine!" Rong Xi reluctantly handed the things in his hand to Rong Xuan.

   That boy looked like a smart person. Rongxi's first feeling about those things was not worrying, but he believed that the boy could solve those things.

  Rongxuan said with a smile: "My brother, how can I not be worried, but Zexi is also true, he actually did a national live broadcast, this battle is too big!"

"how is this possible?"

   "Impossible, he can't have this video."

   Those people's faces were pale and their eyes were very ferocious, and one of them rushed up directly, as if they were going to smash the screen.

  The female reporter was stunned for a moment, and she quickly stepped forward to stop it, even she herself was surprised by her actions.

   At that moment, the female reporter was a little scared, but she had no room to back down.


  The long, slender and straight legs kicked the man to the ground neatly, without any hesitation at all.

   "Hmm—!" The man crawled on the ground and spat out a mouthful of old blood.

   I saw just now that the young man's slender and fair fingers grabbed the reporter's collar and easily replaced the reporter behind her.

  Song Xiangli stared blankly at the boy standing in front of her, who was a head shorter than the boy, she could only see the boy's slender neck.

   I can't tell what it feels like, but I suddenly understand why those fans trust this boy so firmly.

   "Get out!" The thin and cool lips parted lightly and clearly spit out the word "roll out".

   "Wan Zexi!" The man shouted these words through gritted teeth, as if he wanted to smash Wan Zexi to pieces.

   "I am lonely": Lord Wan is so handsome.

   "Sweet little cutie": Wan Ye, please stop exuding charm.

   "Chocolate Cookies": Man please stop being charming.

   "Jam is delicious": Man, please stop being charming.

   The girls watching the live broadcast couldn't help but look hot and put their hands on their cheeks. They just thought that the boy was too good-looking, and he was so **** handsome just now.

   Looking at the people who were taken away, the people below lowered their heads, not daring to face the boy on the steps calmly.

Wan Zexi glanced at the employees who were performing their duties below, and said in a half-sounding, magnetic and cold voice: "If I let Mr. Wan see a person like the one just now, the consequences are not something you can bear. Yes, I understand, just give me peace of mind."

   "Prince Prince, we promise not to do anything wrong to Wan's."


   "That's right!"

   Looking at the swearing appearances of those people, the young man just withdrew his gaze lightly, and then her eyes suddenly turned to those media photographers and reporters.

  The reporter and the others looked at the young man's gaze, and suddenly had a very bad premonition.


   "Do what?"

   screams sounded, accompanied by the man's roar.

   Immediately the live broadcast screen went black.

   "Fuck, what's wrong?"

   "Mom, I seemed to watch Lord Wan rush over and smash... the camera..."

   "I don't know what to say."

   "Too arrogant, but it feels so domineering!"

   "What's wrong with looking a little relieved?"

   "You're crazy!" the cameraman roared as he looked at the broken camera on the ground.

  The dark pupils of the young man were deep and cold, causing those people to look at them with a sudden panic, and the cameraman's angry aura suddenly softened.

   "What are you doing?"

  Wan Zexi glanced at them, and said lightly, "My lord, I don't like that's all."

  Song Xiangli and others are speechless!

   Can you be so willful if you don’t like it?

   "I just bought this camera, it's new, it's precious." The cameraman's face was aching.

   "What kind of?" The boy pursed his lips and asked.

   "Huh?" Everyone was stunned.

   "What kind of?" the boy repeated again.

   "The **** model was bought on **** street."

   "Okay, I'll buy a new one for you tomorrow." Wan Zexi's memory is very good, she recited it in her heart, and then clearly remembered this sentence in her mind.

   Looking at the slender and slender figure who was far away, everyone: "..."

  The cameraman exclaimed: "It's amazing to be rich!"

  Song Xiangli hehe said: "It's amazing, it's a pity you don't have it." Then she turned around and left.

   This matter has come to an end.

   (end of this chapter)

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