Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 208: Fengxi and Dawn

   Chapter 208 Fengxi and Dawn

   "Princess Fengxi!" Dawn's romantic smile contained a little alienation, and that look made Feng Xi bit her lip unpleasantly, a move she didn't even realize.

   "Why don't you call me Fengxi like before?"

   "Shh!" I saw the young man elegantly put a finger on his lips, and saw him smile very nicely, "You are the princess of Feng Kingdom, you should be called Ben Gong!"

   Looking at the young man who was close at hand, Feng Xi suddenly felt that at this moment, the young man was so far away from her, so unreachable.

   There was a sudden feeling of astringency in his heart, but Feng Xi just smiled lightly on the surface: "Bengong will pay attention. I came to you today in the hope that your family can help take care of Bengong's royal brother."

   Her brother was in Liquan City. The place was very chaotic and the environment was not good. She was afraid that her brother would suffer a little bit of grievance there.

   Dawn raised his eyebrows and chuckled softly: "How can Dawn refuse the princess' request?"

   "Then Ben Gong is here to thank Mr. Dawn in advance."

   Looking at the young man's distant back, Feng Xi's eyes were filled with complicated light.

  The camera turns.

  The situation is changing.

   General Dawn was actually found to have evidence of collaborating with the enemy and treason. Emperor Feng was so angry that he ordered the entire family of Dawn to be beheaded.

  The common people whispered about the Dawn House.

   "I never imagined that the Dawn family would actually cooperate with the enemy and betray the country."

   "Sure enough, you can't look like a person! You can't look like a person!"

   "Imperial Father!" Feng Xi didn't care about other people's obstructions, so he just broke in.

   "Xi'er, what are you making a fool of?" the emperor shouted unhappily.

   "My son asked my father to re-examine the matter of General Dawn's collaborating with the enemy. My son thinks it is quite strange, and I hope my father thinks twice." Feng Xi's voice resounded powerfully throughout the hall.

  The emperor looked at Feng Xi below, and the corners of his mouth pursed. In this entire Feng Kingdom, he was probably the only daughter who dared to break into the courtroom without permission.

   This made him extremely disgusted in his heart. Everyone in the world knew that he was fond of Fengxi, but he didn't know that Fengxi was not necessary for him, at most, he was more tolerant than other children.

   "Xi'er, no need to say more, this evidence is placed in front of me and I can't bear to believe it. I did this for the good of Feng Guo. If Xi'er goes down, this is not a place for you to fool around."

The ministers next to    are not looking sideways. Faced with such a princess, they naturally feel that they do not understand the discipline and etiquette.

   But they didn't dare to speak recklessly in front of the emperor.

  Fengxi stepped out of the hall with cold eyes.


   "General Meng!"

  Fengxi saw his eyes suddenly light up, and she hurriedly asked, "Can you do this Gong a favor, General?"

  General Meng said respectfully, "Princess, but it doesn't matter what you say."

   "You come with Ben Gong."

   Meng Yi's eyes flashed, then followed.

  The camera takes another turn.

   It has been a while since the Dawn family was beheaded by the whole family.

  Fengxi's eyes flashed with gloom, "What did you say?"

   "The minister did not complete the task given by the princess, and he is no longer there."

   "Tell this to Ben Gong again!" Feng Xi's eyes were sharp and deep, and the majestic Meng Yi could hardly breathe.

   "I'm sorry, this minister is incompetent! Mr. Dawn was still beheaded, and this minister saw it with his own eyes."

   "Meng Yi, what's the use of this palace for wanting you, even a mere boy can't keep it, this palace can't wait to kill you now!"

  Fengxi's eyes were scarlet, her lips were bitten, and her heart was pounding even more, it was very painful, and the pain came suddenly and violently.

   "I am willing to bear any punishment." Meng Yi kept kneeling there with his head down.

  Fengxi's eyes were dazed, "Go away! Ben Gong doesn't want to see you now, or Ben Gong will punish you on the spot."

   "Chen... retire!" Meng Yi turned and left with sad eyes.

  Fengxi was born that noble princess, enjoying glory and wealth, and everyone in the world said she was smart, but now Fengxi is sitting on the collapsed with empty eyes.

   "Xi'er! I want to call you Xi'er!"

   "My name is Fengxi, not Xi'er."

   "Xi'er... No, you are not my Xi'er, Princess Fengxi!"

   "Princess Fengxi!"

   "Why don't you call me Fengxi?"

   "Shh!" The boy's sigh seemed to be still ringing in Feng Xi's ears.

   "You are the princess of Feng Kingdom, you should be called this palace."

   Fengxi felt lost for the first time in her life. At this moment, she thought of her imperial brother. Yes, she had to rescue her imperial brother.

   dawn, red lips whispered softly.

   (end of this chapter)

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