Through the ability to spy, I watched Shangguan Yingrui dig out Ziyun's heart, and then... The whole system was covered with goose bumps...

It couldn't help but swallow its saliva, thinking: The host of the main system is so cruel, so scary, so perverted!

I couldn't help but mourn for my host for three seconds.………

The system looked at the floating fragments of reincarnation memory in front of it and sighed,"Alas~ what a miserable host! It is so pitiful to have to go through the torture of reincarnation memory fragments every night.……"

"I don't know how many reincarnation memory fragments from the host can be suppressed in my space?" The system muttered worriedly.



Ziyun sat up suddenly, subconsciously covering his aching chest.

His face was still as pale as paper, with dense sweat oozing from his forehead. He frowned slightly, trying to recall what happened in the dream.

But he still couldn't remember anything.

He staggered into the bathroom, turned on the faucet, scooped up cold water and washed his face.

When the water washed over his cheeks, the wet feeling made him sober up a lot.

He shook his wet bangs, raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror. The self in the mirror looked particularly haggard, with no blood on his face, and even revealed a hint of paleness.

""Damn it!" He cursed, thinking: What happened to him? Why do I always have nightmares?

He rubbed his forehead and felt a little tired.

Then, Ziyun wiped the water stains on his face, took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and checked the time. It was almost six in the morning.

""System, sign in!" Ziyun shouted to the void with his consciousness.

The system's voice immediately sounded: [Ding~, sign in successfully, congratulations to the host for obtaining 600 points, and 480 points for the credit.】

"Not bad." Ziyun nodded with satisfaction.

【Host, the experience value has reached 10220, reaching the 10,000 experience points required for system upgrade. Do you want to upgrade?】

"Well, let’s upgrade." Ziyun nodded.

System: [Received!!】

【Ding~ 10,000 experience points deducted, upgrading in progress, please wait……】

As the system prompt sounded, the upgrade progress bar began to accelerate.

Ziyun waited quietly...

After about ten minutes, the system sound finally sounded.——

【Ding~ Upgrade completed! Current level 2, attribute panel is updating... Please wait……】

As soon as the system finished speaking, Ziyun's updated personal dashboard popped up in front of him.

【Daily check-in system, now in level 2】

【Experience value: 220/10000 (9780 experience points are needed to upgrade)】

【Host: Ziyun】

【Age: 19】

【Height: 182】

【Value: 97】

【Strength: 90 (60 points is the passing line)】

【Force value: 87】

【Physical condition: Healthy】

【Personal assets: 10 million】

【Points: 16200 (Points can be obtained through daily sign-in and random tasks)】

【Skills: Basic level of cooking, basic level of godly singing, basic level of godly massage (Note: The acquired force skills cannot be used on the lover locked by the system)】

【Permanently lock your lover: Hidden (Shangguan Yingrui) requires the system to reach level 6 to open】

【System backpack: a set of cosmetics, a plush toy, a set of exquisite kitchen supplies, a four-piece bedding set】

【Mall subsystem: Not enabled (needs system to reach level 4 to enable)】

【Lottery subsystem: Not enabled (needs system to reach level 3 to enable)】

【Task bar: No task at the moment (Note: Tasks are triggered randomly... Once triggered, they must be completed. Failure to complete them will result in a penalty!!)】


Ziyun looked at it and found that the panel had not changed much, except for an additional task bar.

Oh, I hope the task is not too difficult.

He thought to himself.

Then, Ziyun wiped the water stains on his face and walked out of the bathroom. Seeing that his three roommates were still sleeping soundly, he smiled and shook his head. He guessed that these three bastards must have played games all night again.

He lay back on his bed, closed his eyes, and continued to sleep.………

At nine o'clock in the morning, a girl wearing a white and blue T-shirt and casual denim shorts appeared at the door of the boys' dormitory.

Her long hair fluttered in the wind, and her slender white legs shone with a white luster under the sun. Her facial features were exquisite, as if they were the most outstanding works of art created by God, carefully crafted.

As soon as Shangguan Yingrui appeared, almost all the boys passing by looked at her sideways.

"Goddess Yingrui, who are you looking for in the boys' dormitory?"

"Who else? The guy who stole our goddess.……"

Although their voices were very low, Shangguan Yingrui still heard them.

She glanced at the men indifferently, then slowly walked towards the men's dormitory.

The boys were immediately silent and did not dare to speak.

Because Shangguan Yingrui's eyes were very cold! It made them shudder and quickly dispersed.

Shangguan Yingrui walked to the dormitory aunt, showed her the student union tag, indicating that she was a member of the student union, and the aunt let her in.

After entering the dormitory building, she went straight to dormitory 203, came to the door of dormitory 203 and knocked.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Here I am!"

Yu Yizhi packed up his things, opened the door, and saw Shangguan Yingrui standing at the door. He was stunned for a moment, then greeted her politely,"Senior Shangguan, good morning!"

""Where is Ziyun?" Shangguan Yingrui ignored Yu Yizhi and asked

""Oh, Ziyun, he hasn't woken up yet?" Yu Yizhi pointed to the first bed inside, then stepped aside to let Shangguan Yingrui in.

Shangguan Yingrui nodded, walked in with her long, straight legs.

She looked at Ziyun, who was sleeping on the bed, with a slight smile on her lips. Then, under Yu Yizhi's surprised eyes, she took off her shoes, climbed onto Ziyun's bed, and closed the bed curtains.

Yu Yizhi opened his mouth and stared at Shangguan Yingrui's actions in a daze. He was a little overwhelmed...

What kind of plot is this!!

Then, he dragged his suitcase and walked out of the dormitory silently.


In the dormitory.

Shangguan Yingrui lay sideways beside Ziyun, her slender white arms gently wrapped around Ziyun's waist, buried her face in Ziyun's chest, greedily absorbing his unique scent, her eyes gradually became obsessed... A sick smile appeared at the corner of her lips, then she raised her eyes slightly and kissed Ziyun's thin lips……

"Well…………"Ziyun groaned and opened his sleepy eyes.

When he saw Shangguan Yingrui kissing him, he was completely stunned.

How did she get into the men's dormitory?

"Hehe~, brother Ziyun was woken up by his sister's kiss?" Shangguan Yingrui looked at Ziyun's dazed look and couldn't help but teased him.

"Why are you in my bed?" Ziyun frowned and asked

"Of course I came to wake up my brother Ziyun~" Shangguan Yingrui blinked her lively eyes and said playfully

"Then how did you get in?" Ziyun frowned and asked

"Have you forgotten that I am the president of the student union and can enter wherever I want~~" Shangguan Yingrui smiled sweetly, her tone full of coquettishness,"Brother Ziyun, get up quickly and have breakfast with me, and then go home~~"

""Yeah." Ziyun nodded, lifted the quilt, and got out of bed.

Seeing that his two roommates were still sleeping, Ziyun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Then he washed up, packed his things, and walked out of the school with Shangguan Yingrui and rushed home.………


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