Shangguan Yingrui's footsteps were still approaching him little by little, as if she had already made up her mind and was sure of victory.

The more she did this, the more uneasy Ziyun felt.

He warned again:"If you come over again, I will call the police!"

Shangguan Yingrui smiled and said:"You can do whatever you want.……"As she spoke, she quickened her pace.

Seeing the distance between them getting closer and closer, Ziyun tried to take the phone out of his pocket in a panic, but his pocket was empty and he couldn't find the phone.

Damn it! The phone is gone!

""Hehe~, Brother Ziyun, what are you looking for? Do you need your sister's help?" Shangguan Yingrui asked sinisterly.

She had approached him and reached out to grab his arm to stop him from continuing to search his pockets.

Ziyun struggled hard,"Let go!"

"I won’t! Unless you promise me to merge our two hearts together!" Shangguan Yingrui said coldly.

After she finished speaking, she pinched Ziyun's throat with one hand, making it difficult for him to breathe, and stepped on his knee with one leg.

Shangguan Yingrui narrowed her eyes slightly and ordered word by word,"Do you agree?"

"Cough cough cough……"Ziyun struggled violently.

Shangguan Yingrui's hand on his throat gradually increased the force,"Agree or not!"

Ziyun closed his eyes in pain and said with difficulty:"Agree... I will agree to you……"

Shangguan Yingrui heard this, let go of her hand, turned around and sat on his waist, and said with a smile:"Then lie down obediently, sister will take your heart tonight.……"

"cough cough……"Ziyun coughed violently,"Cough cough cough……"

Shangguan Yingrui changed her previous coquettish tone and said seriously:"Remember, you can only cooperate with me, not resist!"

Ziyun panted and nodded.

Shangguan Yingrui smiled with satisfaction, then leaned down, put her ear close to Ziyun's, and said ambiguously:"Brother, you are so fragrant.……"

After saying that, she lowered her head and kissed Ziyun's earlobe.

"hiss……!"Ziyun gasped in pain and his body began to tremble.

" are so sensitive……"Shangguan Yingrui giggled, and then kissed Ziyun's cheeks, ears, neck...

She wanted to possess every inch of her skin, every inch of her territory... Her lips roamed all over Ziyun's body, bringing waves of stimulation and tremors...

Ziyun felt so hot that he pushed Shangguan Yingrui away with the last bit of his rationality, and fled in a panic.

Shangguan Yingrui stood up straight when she saw him fleeing, with a faint evil smile on her lips.

Ziyun stumbled out of the infirmary and came to the corridor. He held on to the wall, panting rapidly.

He didn't know which direction to run, nor did he know where to go...

At this moment, a cold wind suddenly blew, ruffling Ziyun's messy hair. He shivered, and the whole person became even more confused. At some point, Shangguan Yingrui followed quietly.

""Shangguan Yingrui!!" Ziyun shouted angrily, but the only response he got was the silent night.

Shangguan Yingrui walked up to him and said,"Where did brother Ziyun go?"

"Didn't you just promise me? I want to make our hearts blend together, sister. I just want to have some close contact with you before I start the operation... Are you really that scared?" Shangguan Yingrui said in a relaxed tone.

There was a playful light in her bright eyes, like a cat teasing a mouse, playful and leisurely.

"You are simply a perverted demon!" Ziyun accused her, his eyes wide open.

Shangguan Yingrui disagreed,"Tsk tsk tsk, look at how angry you are, like a little animal with its fur standing on end, it's so lovable……"After she finished speaking, she couldn't help but touch his fair and delicate skin.

Ziyun stared at her fiercely, his fists clenched and creaked.

His expression was ferocious, and his eyes were bloodshot.

He wanted to kill this crazy woman in front of him immediately!

She was a poisonous snake, and a wolf in sheep's clothing!!

""Shangguan Yingrui, if you dare to touch me, I will definitely kill you!" Ziyun threatened in a cold voice.

She didn't care about what he said, but laughed instead.

Shangguan Yingrui slowly approached him and stopped in front of him,"Then... do you want to try it?"

"…………"He didn't say anything, but just tensed up his body, with sweat on his forehead.

"What? Don't dare? Or are you scared?"Shangguan Yingrui smiled charmingly, but her eyes were always flashing with a scarlet bloodthirsty light.

"I……"After hesitating for a moment, he decided to take a gamble.

He gritted his teeth and punched Shangguan Yingrui in the stomach. When she bent over in pain, he quickly jumped away from Shangguan Yingrui.

Ziyun was panting, and his legs felt a little weak for some reason.

He held himself up and prepared to rush out.

But as soon as he turned around, Shangguan Yingrui blocked his way again.

She raised her slender and beautiful right leg and crossed it in front of Ziyun.

"You want to run away after punching me? Brother Ziyun, aren't you too cruel? I can't let you punch me in vain.……"

Shangguan Yingrui finished speaking, she raised her slender right leg and swung it towards Ziyun. With a"bang", Ziyun was kicked away and fell to the ground.

"Well……!"He groaned, the pain from his internal organs almost suffocating him


"Brother Ziyun, you can't escape from my grasp."Shangguan Yingrui squatted beside him, looking down at him with a sick smile on her face.

Her smile was like a demon crawling out of hell, slowly devouring Ziyun's life...

Ziyun trembled all over, with fear in his eyes.

Shangguan Yingrui reached out and stroked his handsome and pale face, her eyes filled with deep love.

"Don't be afraid, I'll be very gentle when I do it.……"She murmured, with a tone of deep love.

Then, she gently picked up Ziyun and returned to the infirmary.

Shangguan Yingrui gently placed Ziyun on the bed, took a scalpel and some other things, and began to prepare the tools. After the preparations, she took the scalpel beside her and moved it close to Ziyun's heart...

When the sharp scalpel cut through his clothes and scratched his chest, he felt a heart-wrenching pain in his chest...

He gritted his teeth and endured it, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat the size of beans, and his brows were full of forbearance...

Ziyun pursed his lips tightly, unwilling to look at Shangguan Yingrui again.

Shangguan Yingrui was not angry, and the corners of her mouth raised a seductive arc,"Brother Ziyun, sister is starting to cut your heart now……"

As he spoke, the scalpel gently slashed towards Ziyun's chest.……

"Ah!!! Ziyun screamed, closed his eyes, tilted his head, and fainted.

Then, Ziyun woke up from his sleep.………



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