After the two finished breakfast, they walked towards the school gate.

Along the way, Shangguan Yingrui stretched out her hand to hold Ziyun's arm, put her head close to his shoulder, and enjoyed the feeling of walking side by side with him.

Ziyun was a little helpless. He lowered his head and glanced at Shangguan Yingrui who was holding his arm, then pursed his lips and said nothing.

The two came to the parking lot together.

Ziyun sat in the driver's seat and fastened his seat belt.

Shangguan Yingrui sat in the passenger seat, holding her cheeks with both hands, staring at Ziyun's handsome profile without blinking, with fascination in her eyes.

Ziyun turned his head and glanced at Shangguan Yingrui. Seeing her staring at him so intently, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated and his cheeks flushed.

He cleared his cough, then said,"Senior sister, um, can you please fasten your seat belt first.……"

"Oh~, all right~" Shangguan Yingrui immediately took out the seat belt from the side and prepared to buckle it, then thought of something and let it go, looking at Ziyun with a smile and said,"Brother Ziyun, can you help me buckle it~"


Shangguan Yingrui saw that Ziyun didn't respond, so she came over and muttered,"Help... help your sister~ Brother Ziyun……"

Her tone was so numb that Ziyun got goosebumps all over his body. He quickly looked away, then took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and thought about how to refuse this request. After all...

At this moment, the system in his mind suddenly sounded a reminder to release a task: [Ding~, the host triggered the task: Please help Shangguan Yingrui fasten her seat belt.……】

【Mission Reward: Experience +200, Points +500】

【Mission Penalty: Unknown……】

Hearing the system's prompt, a few black lines appeared on Ziyun's forehead. He originally thought about how to refuse this request, but the system suddenly issued this task to him, which caught him off guard.

However, once the system's task is issued, it must be completed and cannot be violated.

Otherwise, there will be severe punishment.


I can only do what the system says...

Before Ziyun can say yes, Shangguan Yingrui's voice with a faint and aggrieved cry came,"Brother Ziyun, what's wrong? Don't you want to help your sister?" As she spoke, tears rolled down her face, and she looked pitiful.

""That... No, senior, I didn't say I won't help you fasten your seat belt." Ziyun explained, then reached out and pulled the seat belt that Shangguan Yingrui had placed aside, and fastened it for her carefully.

During the process of fastening the seat belt, Ziyun accidentally touched Shangguan Yingrui's soft skin, and his heart seemed to skip a beat.

He lowered his eyelids to hide the strange color in his eyes, and then continued to fasten the seat belt for Shangguan Yingrui.

When fastening the seat belt, the two were very close. Shangguan Yingrui could smell the fragrance coming from Ziyun. She couldn't help but sniff a few more times. Her eyes became more blurred, and her breathing gradually became heavier. Her hand quietly touched Ziyun's waist, then slid down and touched Ziyun's chest.

Ziyun held Shangguan Yingrui's mischievous hand, then raised his head and looked at her with clear eyes,"Senior, stop it!"

"I'm not making trouble, Brother Ziyun~" Shangguan Yingrui smiled charmingly, her eyes moving around, captivating and alluring, then she pushed Ziyun down on the seat of the sports car, her red lips pressed against Ziyun's ear, and she said in a breath-taking voice,"Brother Ziyun~ I want to play something exciting with you~"

Ziyun's ears were itchy, he couldn't help but shrink his neck, trying to avoid Shangguan Yingrui's teasing.

But Shangguan Yingrui seized the opportunity, put one hand around Ziyun's neck, and the other hand reached to the hem of Ziyun's clothes, and went down along his strong abdominal muscles...

Ziyun's eyes widened, he reached out and grabbed Shangguan Yingrui's rebellious hand,"Senior Shangguan, stop making trouble, take your hand back!"

""Brother Ziyun~" Shangguan Yingrui called out tenderly, then buried her face in the crook of Ziyun's neck, exhaling orchid-like, warm breath sprayed on Ziyun's neck, itchy, numb...

Ziyun felt a flame rising rapidly, burning his internal organs, he clenched his teeth, trying to control himself from losing control.

He took a deep breath to calm the heat in his body, then gently pushed Shangguan Yingrui away, quickly helped you fasten your seat belt, and then sat up straight,"Okay, fasten your seat belt."

Then he inserted the key into the lock and started the car.

He stepped on the accelerator, the sports car roared, and sped away………

On the other side, the villa……

""Dad, brother, are you coming back today?" Xinxin asked the man with her big watery eyes. Her long eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings, which was very beautiful.

The man rubbed Xinxin's little head and said gently,"Yes, your brother will be back soon."

"Great~ When my brother comes back, I want him to tell me a story. Daddy’s stories are terrible and not nice to listen to~" Xinxin clapped excitedly, looking so cute

"Well……"The man's mouth twitched, and he couldn't refute a word. He could only cough awkwardly and said nothing more.

"All right, just sit here and watch TV. I'll go tell your mother that your brother is coming back." The man rubbed Xinxin's hair, then stood up and walked towards the second floor.

Xinxin nodded obediently, then held the remote control and watched TV, humming songs while watching. She was in a very good mood.

The man walked to a bedroom on the second floor, took out the key from his pocket and opened the door. He said to the woman inside,"Ziyun is coming back," and then went downstairs again.

After hearing what the man said, Gong Yueke quickly stood up, then hurried into the bathroom to wash up.

The man walked down the stairs and saw Xinxin holding the TV and humming a song, and couldn't help but reveal a doting smile. Xinxin stopped singing, turned her head to look at the man, smiled sweetly,"Dad~ Brother is back, let's go to greet him~" After that, she jumped off the sofa and ran out on her two short legs.

"Hey~~Xinxin……"The man looked at Xinxin's back, sighed helplessly, and then followed.

Xinxin ran out of the door and saw a white sports car slowly approaching. She stood on tiptoe and stretched her neck to see,"Wow~ It's my brother who is back~ Brother~ Xinxin missed you so much~"

As she said that, she waved her chubby arms and legs, trying to attract her brother's attention.

The sports car got closer and closer, and finally stopped at the door of the villa.

The driver's door was opened, and a slender and tall figure appeared in Xinxin's eyes.

"Brother~" Xinxin rushed over excitedly, wanting to jump into Ziyun's arms.

Ziyun bent down and caught Xinxin steadily, then squatted down and picked Xinxin up,"Yeah." Xinxin was so happy that her eyes were beaming. She hugged Ziyun's neck, rubbed Ziyun's cheek affectionately, and then acted coquettishly in a baby voice:"Brother~ I miss you so much~"

Ziyun smiled and nodded,"Yeah, brother misses Xinxin too~"

Shangguan Yingrui, who came down from the co-pilot seat, saw this scene, and a sinister look flashed across her eyes for a moment, but only for a moment, and then, she raised an elegant smile and walked in front of Ziyun and Xinxin,"Brother Ziyun, this is……"


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