As Ziyun fell asleep, he also fell into a dream again.………

When he opened his eyes, he found himself standing on the top of a mountain. A dozen steps ahead would lead to a steep cliff.

He could hear the rustling sound of leaves in the wind, and a cool breeze blew past him, blowing his clothes up.

He knew that he must have entered a dream again.

He was used to this situation... except that he was not tied up this time...

Ziyun looked up and saw two women standing on the edge of the cliff, one of whom was Shangguan Yingrui, and he couldn't see the other one clearly...

However, when he squinted his eyes to see the face of the tied person clearly, his pupils suddenly contracted, and a huge anger surged through his body.

That person was none other than Ziyun's mother, Gong Yueke.

At this time, Gong Yueke was tied up, her mouth was sealed with tape, her hands and feet were tied tightly with ropes, her pretty face was full of fear, and tears had already wet her exquisite makeup.

Shangguan Yingrui was holding a knife against her neck, her eyes were cold, as if she would cut her fragile throat in the next second.

"Shangguan Yingrui, what are you doing? Let my mother go!" Ziyun glared at her.

Shangguan Yingrui curled her lips and smiled, her smile was as beautiful as a flower,"Let your mother go, okay, as long as you listen to your sister and stay with your sister, your sister promises that she will not harm your mother's life, otherwise……"

As she spoke, Shangguan Yingrui turned the dagger in her hand. The sharp dagger emitted a dazzling cold light in the dim sunlight, cutting through Gong Yueke's fair skin.……

"Ah!" Gong Yueke screamed in pain, with a look of fear on her face.……

""Mom!" Ziyun shouted with gnashing teeth, veins popping out of his forehead.

He wanted to rush up and tear Shangguan Yingrui into pieces, but he had to be patient now!

"How about it? What do you think? Shangguan Yingrui looked at him with a smile,"As long as you promise me, I will never hurt your mother."

Ziyun suppressed the surging anger in his heart and said as calmly as possible:"Okay, I promise you. But you have to let my mother go first, and stay away from the cliff."

"No, in case you suddenly run away……"Shangguan Yingrui snorted coldly

"So what do you want?" Ziyun frowned.

"Hehehe……"Shangguan Yingrui smiled softly, her smile was particularly charming,"It's very simple……"She slowly approached Ziyun with the dagger in her hand,"Just... let me kiss your lips……"

"Don't even think about it!" Ziyun refused without hesitation.

"Are you sure?" Shangguan Yingrui raised her head slightly with a charming smile on her lips,"If you don't do as I say, believe it or not, I will kill your mother immediately?"

"Shangguan Yingrui, you dare!!"

"Hehe... do you think I dare to do it?" Shangguan Yingrui sneered a few times, and the dagger once again slashed across Gong Yueke's delicate skin...

Ziyun suddenly felt weak all over. He clenched his fists, not even noticing that his nails were digging into his flesh. He gritted his teeth and uttered a few words with difficulty:"I, agree, you……"

Shangguan Yingrui smiled with satisfaction,"Good brother, you are so obedient!"

Shangguan Yingrui held Ziyun's handsome cheeks and leaned over slowly. Ziyun closed his eyes and let her ravage his lips.

He clenched his hands tightly, his joints were white and his veins were exposed...

Shangguan Yingrui kissed him for a long time, as if she wanted to swallow him whole, until she felt satisfied, she let go of Ziyun.

""Brother, you are so sweet. Sister likes you!" Shangguan Yingrui licked her seductive red lips and smiled evilly.

Ziyun's breath was disordered and he was gasping for breath. He lowered his head, clenched his hands into fists, suppressed the anger boiling in his body, and forced himself to calm down.

He tried to adjust his emotions, then looked up at Shangguan Yingrui and said,"I have done what you asked. Now you should fulfill your promise and let my mother go, right?"

"Hehehe... Of course, I always keep my word." Shangguan Yingrui said, then turned and walked towards the edge of the cliff, saying,"Come here!" Hearing this

, Ziyun became alert and slowly moved closer to Shangguan Yingrui.

When they were only about one meter away from the cliff, Shangguan Yingrui suddenly stopped, turned her head and stared at him and said,"Brother, remember what you just said, otherwise... you can wait to collect the bodies of your family!" As soon as Shangguan Yingrui finished speaking, she stabbed her heart with a dagger in one hand, raised the gun with the other hand, aimed at Ziyun's direction, and then pulled the trigger.……

"With a"bang", the bullet penetrated his chest...

Ziyun felt his eyes go dark and he lost consciousness instantly...

Then, he suddenly sat up from the bed, sweating profusely and breathing rapidly.

He reached out to wipe the fine beads of sweat on his forehead and looked out the window...

The moonlight was bright, the stars were twinkling, the Milky Way was endless, and the moonlight shone into the dormitory through the window

"hiss……"A sharp pain struck his heart.

Ziyun frowned and rubbed his temples. He still couldn't remember what happened in the dream...

He opened the quilt, walked into the bathroom, and looked at his pale face in the mirror. He was stunned for a long time.

"Damn it! Why do I forget the scenes and things in my dream every time I wake up? What did I dream about?"

Ziyun turned on the faucet, scooped up a handful of water and splashed it on his face to make himself more awake.

After a long while, he shook his long bangs and looked up at the clock hanging on the wall.

The hour hand happened to point to 3:30 in the morning, and there were still two and a half hours before morning training.

He took a deep breath and decided to sleep for a while.

He yawned and lay back on the bed.

Unknowingly, he gradually fell into sleep... He didn't know how long he slept, and when he woke up again, he was woken up by his roommate.

"Hey! Lao Si, wake up! You’re going to be late!!"The roommate patted his shoulder and urged him.

""Okay, okay! Wake up!" Ziyun opened his sleepy eyes and quickly got up and went to the bathroom.

Of course, he didn't forget to sign in.……

"System, Sign In……"Ziyun said in his head

【Sign in completed, congratulations to the host for gaining 1000 experience points and 500 points. 】

Ziyun raised his eyebrows. This time, he actually awarded 1000 experience points. Previously, he gave 100, 50, and 30 experience points. Did the system have a change of heart?

Then, he checked the personal panel again and asked the system to exit!

After washing up and changing into military training uniforms, Ziyun and his roommate walked out of the dormitory together.


"Everybody, stand at attention, at ease!"

""Stand at attention for 30 minutes first! Then start the rest of the course!"

The instructor ordered sternly.

All the students lined up step by step, stood neatly, and started today's military training.


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