Time flies, and the days go by one by one.

The 20-day military training is about to end with the start of the military training parade on the last day.

During these three weeks, apart from the military training, Ziyun was pestered by Shangguan Yingrui almost every day...

Since Shangguan Yingrui became the class assistant, Ziyun has basically been occupied by her during rest time, like a sticky taffy that can't be shaken off. Ziyun simply let her go... but there is still some resistance.

Ziyun didn't know why, as long as Shangguan Yingrui touched him, his whole body felt like it was electrified, numb and very uncomfortable. He still couldn't figure out what this meant?

But his body always gave him a warning bell telling him not to resist Shangguan Yingrui, otherwise he would regret it...

Fortunately, Shangguan Yingrui didn't do too many things that crossed the line. With the last sentence of the leader, the instructor blew the whistle to announce the disbandment.

"Yeah~, it's finally over! Second, third, fourth, go back to the dormitory and play games~" Mo Zan stretched and called Ziyun and the other two to go to the dormitory building.

"Aren't you going to the cafeteria to eat?" Yu Yizhi asked

"No, no, just order takeout. Playing games is more important!"

"I lost five games in a row last night, I must win today!!!"

"Besides, if you go there now, there will definitely be a lot of people. You might as well play games in the dormitory! Then order a takeaway, isn't it delicious?"Mo Zan said, and pulled Yu Yizhi's arm,"Let's go! Don't dawdle! Let's go!"

"Lao Si, what are you still doing? Hurry up and catch up!" Seeing Ziyun fiddling with his phone for a long time without saying anything, Mo Zan couldn't help but urge him.

"Here they come!"Ziyun came back to his senses, quickly put his phone in his pocket, and quickly chased after him.

"Were you waiting for your senior sister just now?" Yu Yizhi looked at him with a sly smile.

"No, I'm... I'm working on the stock market.……"Ziyun shook his head and said calmly

"Tsk tsk tsk, I don't believe it!! In the past ten days, whether it was breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or rest time and leisure time during military training, you were almost inseparable!"

"Sometimes even when you are standing at attention, the school beauty Shangguan will wipe your sweat off personally……"

Mo Zan then said to Yu Yizhi:"Tsk tsk, it really makes others envious!!!"

"I...I was……"Ziyun opened his mouth and wanted to explain, but he hesitated, not knowing what to say.

"Did you get the senior girl to do it?" Yu Yizhi said with a smile

"there is nothing……"Ziyun shook his head. He didn't want to continue this topic. Besides, he couldn't explain it to them clearly. He didn't know how many times he had said it. Sigh~

"Okay, stop teasing Lao Si about this every time... Hurry up, hurry up, go back to play games?!"Chai Hansong stopped the two from teasing


Shangguan Yingrui, who was about to go to Ziyun for dinner, looked at Ziyun's back which gradually disappeared from her sight, her face suddenly darkened, and a trace of scarlet flashed in her eyes again...

Ziyun is hers! It's hers!

Brother Ziyun has been very obedient these days! Why didn't he wait for me? She was just called over by the teacher for a while, and brother Ziyun left with those people in their dormitory.

It must be... it must be those people in Ziyun's dormitory who did it again. They must have instigated brother Ziyun to leave, damn it!

Shangguan Yingrui clenched her fists.

At this time, she suddenly received a message from the organization, asking her to take a group of people to destroy the stronghold of a force, and she accepted the task.

For no reason? She just wanted to kill someone! She wanted to vent the sudden anger in her body, otherwise, she really couldn't help but kill all of Ziyun's roommates in the dormitory!


After returning to the dormitory, Ziyun and his roommates played a few games, had dinner, took a shower, and climbed into bed to sleep. Tomorrow is the first class in college, and he can't be late...

Before going to bed, Ziyun glanced at the stock trading page and found that it was still rising. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It is estimated that this stock will continue to rise for a while. When it rises almost, you can sell it. By then, you should be able to make a lot of money!

Thinking of this, Ziyun's mouth curled up a shallow arc.

Then, after thinking about it, Ziyun sent a text message to Shangguan Yingrui: I'm going to rest, good night!

Turning off the screen of the mobile phone, Ziyun closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Then, he fell into a dream again...

Opening his eyes and looking at the four iron pillars with his limbs tied to the bed, Ziyun pulled the corners of his mouth speechlessly, here it comes again... It's like this every time... Can't it be changed to another dream?


Ziyun cursed inwardly and struggled to get rid of the rope. Then he subconsciously lowered his head to look at the environment he was in, but suddenly found that the place where he was was actually pitch black. Only the moonlight shining in from the window could barely distinguish a little bit of things, but with only this little light, Ziyun couldn't see anything clearly.

""Well, wake up~! Brother Ziyun~!" Shangguan Yingrui's lazy and charming voice came to his ears.

Ziyun raised his head and saw Shangguan Yingrui sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at him from above. She was playing with her hair with her fingers while supporting herself on the bed with her other hand. The posture of looking down at Ziyun was particularly charming.

"Um... can you let me go? Every dream is like this, what's the point?"Ziyun sighed helplessly.

Listening to Ziyun's slightly complaining voice, Shangguan Yingrui tilted her head with question marks on her face. She blinked her eyes, as if she didn't understand why brother Ziyun suddenly said such a thing?

"Brother Ziyun...what do you mean by that?" Shangguan Yingrui looked at Ziyun in confusion and asked.


"I promise to stay by your side forever, but you have to promise me not to do anything to them!" Ziyun took a deep breath and said slowly.

Hearing this, Shangguan Yingrui was slightly stunned for a moment, then laughed softly:"Hehehe~ Brother Ziyun, are you begging me?"

"I guess so!" Ziyun shrugged and said

"Okay, as long as you don't think about running away, I won't harm their lives. Shangguan Yingrui promised with a smile.

"Then... can you let me go now?" Ziyun raised his eyebrows and looked around, then said

"Um~ No way~!"

"Why did I agree to your request?"Ziyun frowned.

"Of course I'm going to punish you, brother Ziyun~! Who told you to be naughty? You always want to run away, always want to leave your sister~" Shangguan Yingrui said, throwing a wink at Ziyun

"Punishment? What punishment?"Ziyun frowned and asked. He had already guessed what Shangguan Yingrui would do.

"Hehe~ This time, I will brand you~ Let everyone know that you are mine……"Shangguan Yingrui said with a bright smile

"Brand?" Ziyun widened his eyes with an expression of disbelief,"You...are you crazy?!"


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