Xiao Yunyun, you are getting more and more naughty. You hung up the phone without talking to your mother for a few words...

Do you know that your behavior will make your mother very uncomfortable and painful...

Her face became very creepy, and her eyes were full of gloom.……

""Damn man, get in here and tell those good-for-nothings of yours to bring my son back." Gong Yueke yelled at the man outside the door.

The man was startled. This woman was going crazy again. He couldn't help but sigh. He didn't know how many times he had said it. This woman didn't understand him at all. Every time he felt helpless, but he had no choice. Who told him to promise Ziyi that he would take good care of her?

"Yue Ke, I won't help you... I don't know how many times I've told you that the child has grown up and should have his own life.……"The man once again advised earnestly

""Shut up!" Gong Yueke shouted angrily,"Who do you think you are? If you hadn't asked Ziyi to rescue you, he wouldn't have had the car accident, and I wouldn't have lost him.……"

After saying that, he picked up the vase beside him and smashed it against the door. With a bang, the vase instantly shattered into pieces.

Fortunately, the door was closed, otherwise the vase would have hit the man.

But this smash woke up the little girl downstairs.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes, yawned, pursed her pink lips, got up from the bed, stepped on the soft sheets with her bare feet, walked to the door barefoot, stretched out her white and smooth little hand, pulled the door handle, then pushed the door open and walked out. She looked around with her dark eyes, and finally locked her target on the second floor. She ran straight to the stairs with her chubby little legs.


The little girl's voice was soft and had a milky aroma.

The man was startled, and looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a little girl standing at the stairs, who looked like Gong Yueke.

The little girl was wearing a pink princess dress, with soft and shiny waist-length hair, a chubby little face, and was very cute. Her big watery eyes kept blinking, and she looked very lovable, especially her cute and adorable appearance. No one would be willing to bully her, and would even pour all their love on her.

""Xinxin, why are you up?" The man was stunned for a moment, then he showed a warm smile, walked quickly down the stairs, and picked up the pink little girl.

Xinxin hugged his neck, leaned on his broad and strong chest, and asked in a baby voice:"Daddy, I just heard the sound of something falling in Mom's room, what's wrong with Mom?"

"It's okay, your mother just accidentally broke a vase."The man smiled and shook his head, not wanting his daughter to worry.

Xinxin blinked her big eyes and nodded as if she understood:"Oh……"

Looking at such a well-behaved daughter, he couldn't help but pinch her chubby face, hoping that Xinxin would not be like her mother in the future.………

Xinxin raised her big eyes that were as clear and bright as obsidian, looked at him with twinkling eyes, and said in a baby voice:"Daddy, let me tell you, Xinxin had a nightmare today."

""What did Xinxin dream about?" the man asked with a raised eyebrow.

Xinxin tilted her head and thought for a while before saying,"I dreamed that my brother hid Xinxin, but my brother was captured by a very beautiful older sister. Then, I saw the older sister cut off my brother's legs and arms, and then whipped my brother with a whip and said she wanted to drink my brother's blood... It's so scary, I'm scared, woooo... Dad, has something happened to my brother?………"After saying that, Xinxin burst into tears.

""It's okay, Xinxin, don't be afraid, don't be afraid... It was just a dream, your brother is okay, Xinxin, don't worry, Xinxin, be good!" The man patted Xinxin's back gently and comforted her.

Xinxin stopped crying with sobs, sniffed, looked at him with tearful eyes, and asked with a sob,"Really? Is your brother really okay?""

"Of course." The man touched Xinxin's little head and said,"Xinxin, remember that dreams are fake and can't be taken seriously, okay?"

""Yes, Xinxin will remember it!" Xinxin nodded her head and agreed obediently.

"Xinxin is so good!" The man lowered his head, kissed his daughter's pink forehead, and then carried her to the bedroom.


In the dormitory 203 of Canghai University, people were still playing games...

Ziyun sat on a chair, his slender index finger constantly tapping the mouse. On the screen, he was controlling the hero to quickly attack the defense tower in the middle lane...

Suddenly, Mo Zan's anxious voice came from his headset:"It's not good, it's not good, the defense tower in the top lane is about to be broken, hurry up and support!"

Hearing this, Ziyun clicked the mouse and quickly controlled the character to go to the top lane

"Lao Si, over here, over here!" Mo Zan called from a distance.

In the blue triangle grass on the top lane, a bunch of players were surrounding the triangle grass to kill monsters and level up.

"Fourth brother, let's go grab the blue first, and then go support third brother."

Ziyun nodded, and immediately controlled the hero to walk into the triangle grass. Sure enough, he saw the wild boar king who was brushing the wild, so the controller walked over to prepare to kill the wild boar king.

"Damn! The fourth one! Wait a minute!"Mo Zan hurriedly stopped Ziyun and said,"Don't worry about the wild boar, go protect the third one, he has been stabbed five times!"

Hearing this, Ziyun turned his head to the right and saw that the health of the defense tower on the top lane was getting lower and lower, and the number of enemies was also increasing.

"OK!!"Ziyun said, and hurriedly walked towards the middle road.

"You bastards, how dare you sneak attack our boss's jungle area!" Mo Zan cursed, controlling his���Xiong, moved towards the middle lane, ready to defend the middle lane.

Ziyun controlled the hero to rush to the middle lane while thinking about how to clear the opponent's soldiers.……

""Old Four, be careful behind you!" Mo Zan suddenly exclaimed,"Be careful behind you!"

""Oops!" Ziyun cried out inwardly and dodged quickly, but because the opponent was ambushing, Ziyun could not escape. He was hit by the opponent and his health bar was injured, and nearly half of his blood was lost.

""Shit!" Mo Zan cursed,"Old Four, you were too careless, you almost died!"

"Hehehe……"Ziyun smiled faintly,"It's okay, you won't die!"

"It will be troublesome if you die!" Mo Zan glared at him, and then continued to concentrate on killing monsters.

Ziyun smiled faintly and continued to farm soldiers...

Before long, the two teams were almost evenly matched. In the end, due to a wave of operational errors by Ziyun, they lost the 5v5 team battle.

Mo Zan said with a depressed look:"Hey, Lao Si, why did you make a mistake again?!"

Ziyun said calmly:"It doesn't matter! This time was an accident, I will never make this mistake again next time!"

"Well, it's getting late, it's time to go to bed, we have military training tomorrow!" Ziyun yawned, stretched, then turned off the computer, climbed into bed and got into the quilt.……


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