After hanging up the phone, Zhang Haotian showed an evil smile.


Very good, I want to see how powerful you are? You dare to snatch a woman from me!

Not only will I trample you into the mud, but I will also make him die without a burial place!

After Zhang Haotian sneered, he picked up the phone and dialed another unfamiliar number.

"Hello, who is this?"

"It's me. I need some good fighters to help me deal with a man named Ziyun. The sooner the better."Zhang Haotian said.

There was silence for a moment, frowned, feeling that the name was very familiar, as if someone had mentioned it before, but couldn't remember it for a moment.

Forget it, let's take the order first, after all, the brothers are already struggling to make ends meet.

But he didn't know that his decision would make him regret it and lose his life.

"No problem, but the price is higher……"That side said

"You can ask for money as you like, but the sooner the better!"Zhang Haotian said.

The other party hesitated for a while, and finally nodded and agreed.

"Okay, but you have to pay a deposit of 1 million first.

"Sure, I'll transfer the money to you right away."

"Well, wait for my news."

"No problem."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Haotian showed a sinister smile on his face:"Ziyun, if I can't get it, you can forget about it!"


"Mr. Zhang, what are you mumbling about?"

"What do you mean, if I can't get it, you can't get it either?"

At this time, a charming beauty sitting on his lap asked tenderly

"Nothing, just some boring things."Zhang Haotian said

"Really?" The enchanting beauty was obviously a little skeptical, and then drew circles on Zhang Haotian's chest.

"Of course!" Zhang Haotian nodded, then reached out and grabbed the enchanting beauty's fair and slender jade arm.

"Hate~!"The enchanting beauty groaned and then twisted her graceful body.

"Stay with me tonight and I will buy you a sports car tomorrow, how about it?"

"Well, Mr. Zhang."The enchanting beauty looked at Zhang Haotian with seductive eyes, then she gritted her teeth and kissed him on the cheek.

""Haha... so good!"

Zhang Haotian smiled and put his arm around her waist. Just as he was about to do something, someone kicked open the door. Then a girl wearing a red dress, a veil on her face, and exuding a cold aura appeared in the room.

Her footsteps seemed to have a rhythm, and every step she took seemed to cause the air to vibrate.

""Who is it?" Zhang Haotian's face changed, and he looked at her with a vigilant look and shouted.

However, the girl in red did not say anything, but just punched Zhang Haotian in the face.

The speed was too fast and the force was too strong. Even though Zhang Haotian reacted quickly, he was still hit in the nose by the punch, and blood immediately flowed down his nose.



The enchanting beauty screamed in fear and hid in a corner, trembling.

Zhang Haotian wiped the blood from his nose, his eyes flashed with a fierce light, and then he stood up from the sofa.

Before he could say anything, the girl in red kicked Zhang Haotian again, and this time the attack was more fierce.

Zhang Haotian quickly blocked her attack with both hands, but was knocked back two or three steps, and finally hit the wall heavily.

The girl in red rushed towards Zhang Haotian again, and Zhang Haotian blocked her again, but still failed to stop her steps. He was kicked out again and fell heavily to the ground.

The girl in red slapped him again, and Zhang Haotian quickly blocked it with his hand. As a result, his palm was instantly broken and his whole arm was fractured!


Zhang Haotian gasped in pain, his face pale

""Asshole, you're looking for death!" Zhang Haotian yelled, then climbed up from the ground and prepared to resist.

However, the red-dressed girl kicked him again, and Zhang Haotian was kicked away again, falling heavily against the wall, blood splattering.


Zhang Haotian fell heavily to the ground, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, his face extremely pale.

Before he could get up, he was kicked in the back again, sending him flying again.


"cough cough………"

"Who are you?"

Zhang Haotian struggled to get up from the ground, holding his chest, and looking at the girl in red with fear.

His heart was filled with anxiety and fear.

He didn't understand when he had provoked such a powerful existence.

Has he offended anyone recently?!

The girl in red did not answer him, but pulled out a dagger from behind and stabbed at him.

Zhang Haotian's face changed and he dodged in a hurry.

However, his speed was half a beat slower after all, and the dagger stabbed into his shoulder fiercely.


Blood spurted out

"ah……!!"Zhang Haotian screamed and his face turned pale instantly.

"You... who are you?" Zhang Haotian asked in horror.

"You are not qualified to know!" The girl in red said, and stabbed him again.





Zhang Haotian kept dodging, but still couldn't stop the attack of the girl in red



With another scream, Zhang Haotian finally couldn't bear it anymore and fainted.

Looking at his body that had completely lost its life, the red-clothed girl showed a cold smile on her face. This was showing a greedy look to me, wanting to reach out and pull me, tease me, and say harsh words to me, disturbing me to see the end of brother Ziyun!!

Then, the red-clothed girl put away the dagger, then took out her mobile phone from her body and sent a message to the organization boss:"Master, the mission is completed, the person is dead!"

Soon, the other side replied to the text message:"Well, you did a good job. By the way, disciple, your senior brother will go to China soon, you can pick him up then!"

"After all, according to the organization's rules, the two of you will be together in the future, so it's better to cultivate your relationship earlier and get to know each other better!"

After reading the text message, the red-clothed girl's eyes were filled with gloom and murderous intent.

"I said, I already have someone I like, someone I love. If the organization insists on forcing me, then I don't mind being the enemy of the organization. Don't blame me for being ruthless then!" The girl in red typed a reply and put her phone away. After instructing her subordinates to clean up the place, she left the bar and disappeared into the night.


On the other side, after seeing this message, the old man couldn't help but sigh. He knew that his disciple had the ability to fight against the organization. Forget it. In fact, he also hated the organization's rules. If it weren't for this rule, he would have been with his first love a long time ago, and he wouldn't be alone now!

Alas, this rule should be abolished!

He didn't want his disciple to be like him, alone for the rest of his life.

He turned off the screen of his mobile phone, and then said to the man next to him:"Give up! Yun Rui will not abide by the organization's rules and be with you. In her eyes and heart, there is only Ziyun, so you'd better give up this idea as soon as possible!"

"Besides, starting from today, this rule will be abolished, so just give up on this idea!"

After saying that, he no longer paid attention to the man and went straight to his bedroom.

The man's face suddenly became extremely ugly after hearing this, but there was nothing he could do, because he really had no way to disobey the organization, but he was still unwilling in his heart.


When he arrives in China, he will make this woman surrender to him and make her his slave.

At that time………


A sinister expression appeared on the man's face.


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