
"I said, Guo Yu, right?"

"No, it should be called dog thing, right?"

"Do you think you are awesome now?"

Ziyun sneered, and then started to ridicule Guo Yu.

At this time, Guo Yu's face became extremely gloomy. He stared at Ziyun coldly and said,"Fuck you, say it again if you dare!"

"Then I'll say it again?" Hearing this, Ziyun raised the corners of his mouth and said,"I have never heard such a cheap request. In this case, I will satisfy you. Say it again!"

"damn thing!!"

"Damn it, do you have the guts to say it again?"

"damn thing!"

""You bastard!"

Ziyun repeated word for word. Every time he said it, Guo Yu's face became more gloomy. Finally, his face was completely gloomy to the extreme!

"Do you have the guts to say it again?"


"I don't believe it today, I can't deal with you?!"Guo Yu said angrily


"I'll say it again, you're just a piece of trash!"

Ziyun said coldly, his face was gloomy to the extreme.


"I will kill you today!!!"

Guo Yu was also completely furious. He shouted loudly and rushed forward.


Guo Yu kicked Ziyun with a whip kick.

Ziyun snorted coldly, then raised his right foot and kicked out fiercely. He kicked Guo Yu hard in the stomach. Suddenly, Guo Yu's body flew out like a kite with a broken string, hit a wall, and then fell to the floor.

"Ouch~, it hurts so much~!!"

Guo Yu lay on the floor, holding his stomach and wailing, his face full of pain.

"How dare you do that? Aren't you afraid that I will punish you?!"

Guo Yu struggled to sit up and said angrily.

Hearing this, Ziyun just smiled, pointed to the phone next to him, and said:"I was just self-defense and counterattacked subconsciously."

"Remember this! I will definitely take revenge on you!"After Guo Yu finished speaking, he left with a group of people in anger.

Ziyun took his foot back calmly.

Looking at Guo Yu's back as he left, Ziyun knew that this kind of person would definitely come back again!

As soon as Guo Yu left, the atmosphere in the dormitory finally calmed down.

""Guo Yu?" Yu Yizhi whispered the name again.

"Guo Yu, Vice President of the Student Union!"

"Well, he is also one of Senior Yingrui’s admirers!"

"Today, my senior sister sent me iced drinks twice. I guess she was angry~!" Ziyun explained briefly.

"Brothers, this matter can be said to be caused by me. I am sorry for causing trouble for everyone."Ziyun added with some guilt.

Hearing this, the onlookers already understood!

This is completely jealousy!

Then, this licking dog senior used some small tricks to retaliate.

No wonder Ziyun just said that this matter was directed at him. It turned out that it was because of jealousy that he targeted Ziyun.

However, although Guo Yu is a small figure, his boss is Zhang Haotian, and they can't afford to offend him at all.

"Hey, Lao Si, what are you talking about?"

"We are brothers, so why would we get involved?" Chai Hansong said seriously.

Ziyun didn't say much after hearing this, but just nodded.

"That’s right! Fourth brother, we are all brothers. It’s really inappropriate to say such things!"

"Damn, this kid is so arrogant, if someone hadn't stopped me, I would have beaten him up long ago!" Mo Zan at the side also echoed.

After hearing this, Ziyun felt warm in his heart!!

""Okay, guys, I won't say anything else!"

He looked at the three of them and said softly.

""Okay~! Let's clean up here first, and then we can think about how to solve this problem!" said Chai Hansong.


"I think I have some ideas, let's clean up first! We will eat and chat later.……"Ziyun's eyes flashed with a hint of ruthlessness, and then he said


Then, several people suppressed their nausea and cleaned up the dormitory inside and outside.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, the four of them came to the dormitory management office. They planned to check the surveillance in the corridor to see if Guo Yu came to dump the garbage in their dormitory!

As a result, they came to the dormitory management office, but were told by the dormitory aunt that the camera had been broken for a long time and would not be repaired until a few days later.

The four of them looked at each other. They didn't need to think about it.

Guo Yu must have known about this, so he deliberately took advantage of this loophole to make Ziyun and others unable to do anything to him.

"Depend on!"

"This Guo Yu is too despicable!" Chai Hansong couldn't help but swear.

"That's right, it's such a piece of shit!"Mo Zan was also annoyed, and then he punched the railing hard.

"Hiss~! It hurts~!" Mo Zan couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"Are you okay?"

Ziyun asked hurriedly.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just a minor skin injury."Mo Zan shook his head.

"Don't let me catch him, otherwise, I will definitely make him pay for it!"

Mo Zan said angrily.

"Fourth brother, this can’t go on!"

"I think that bastard will definitely come over to cause trouble tomorrow when we are not around!" Chai Hansong frowned and said

"Well, no doubt about it, judging from his attitude just now, he will definitely continue to cause trouble."Mo Zan nodded.

"Even if the camera is fixed in a few days, that villain will probably find other ways to make trouble."Ziyun said after hesitating for a moment.

Chai Hansong and the others fell into deep thought after hearing this. It was indeed as Ziyun said.

Judging from Guo Yu's performance just now, he would definitely not give up.

"By the way, let’s go eat first. Don’t skip meals just for some villains!" Ziyun said with a smile.

""Okay, I'll listen to you, Old Four." Chai Hansong nodded and said.

Then, the three of them left the dormitory and walked towards the school gate.


After Guo Yu returned to his dormitory, he immediately called his boss Zhang Haotian

"Hello! Guo Yu, what's up?" Zhang Haotian's somewhat unhappy voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Brother, I need your help with something. Guo Yu said

"Oh? What's the matter? Tell me quickly."Zhang Haotian's tone became a little better, and then he asked

"I want you to help me teach someone a lesson. Guo Yu said straight to the point.

"one person?"

"Yes, it's a man called Ziyun. Guo Yu said bluntly.


When Zhang Haotian heard Ziyun's name, he immediately laughed contemptuously.………

The guy who dared to snatch the woman from him………


"Okay! I promise to help you." Zhang Haotian snorted coldly and agreed.………

"Thank you, brother!" Guo Yu said excitedly


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