
Ziyun, who had just finished eating and paid with his roommates, walked back to the dining table. Seeing his three roommates leaning back on their chairs and burping, he couldn't help but twitch his mouth a few times."Can you guys pay attention to your image? We're outside. Is this really okay?"

"I say, can you three pay attention to the impact?" Ziyun said speechlessly.

"Impact? Impact on what?" Mo Zan was stunned, then asked

"Uh...if I say that a few girls just glanced at us with a look of disgust, don't you care?" Ziyun rolled his eyes and said.

Hearing this, the three roommates immediately reacted and looked embarrassed.

Seeing Ziyun laughing, they knew they were fooled and glared at him. Ziyun felt the angry gazes of the three people, shrugged his shoulders with a smile, and said:"Okay, let's go back to school! Otherwise, the door of the dormitory building will have to be locked again."

"Well, let's go!" The three said in unison

"Let 's go back to the dormitory to sleep!" Ziyun said, and walked out the door first.

Seeing Ziyun leave, the three roommates hurriedly followed.


When they turned a corner, a fierce-looking man with a baseball bat and tattoos on his face, followed by six or seven thugs, stopped them.


"What, you want to pick a fight?!"The four of them immediately became alert.

It seems that this group of people are not good people?

At first glance, they are the kind of street thugs who rely on their own power to do whatever they want.

"Who among you is called Ziyun? Someone is willing to pay one million for your life! ?"One of the gangsters said


Hearing the word"one million", Ziyun frowned slightly.

One million is really not a small sum these days.

It seems that Guo Yu is willing to spend money!

But damn, he felt that the guy must have been kicked in the head by a donkey. He just kicked him subconsciously, and he wanted to kill him. Isn't it too much!

There is another thing that Ziyun really wants to complain about. Damn, are you sure you hired these 1 million gangsters? You didn't get cheated, did you?

According to the general plot of novels, shouldn't those professional killers be hired with 1 million?

You just hired these?

Guo Yu, that idiot, must have been cheated!!

But this is also Well, it's easy to deal with. After all, there are three roommates around him. If it's really a real fight, I'm afraid I have to take the safety of these three roommates into consideration, and I will be restricted at that time.

In fact, the assassin organization also wanted to send assassins, but when it was mentioned that the person to be killed was Ziyun, everyone refused, leaving the leader confused. He asked why? But those people looked at him with a half-smile and said nothing. They called him a bastard, but he didn't listen...

This made him even more confused.

In the end, he was too lazy to think about it. He had already received the employer's money, so he had to find some gangsters to do the job. After all, he was just a student, how powerful could he be?

"Brothers, have you recognized the wrong person? I am not Ziyun at all!"Ziyun said calmly.

"Did you recognize the wrong person? Haha, do you think I'm a fool?"The man with the baseball bat sneered and said,"No matter what, you must die here tonight!"

"No, brother, I am really not Ziyun. Did you get the wrong person?"Ziyun continued to explain.

"Wrong person?!"The man holding the baseball bat was immediately furious, and then he swung the baseball bat and hit Ziyun.

Seeing this, Ziyun immediately dodged and cursed in his heart,"Damn, you really think I'm afraid of you? Since you are so unkind, don't blame me for being unjust!"


Just when Ziyun was about to fight back, the three roommates beside him saw this and suddenly became anxious. They didn't want to see Ziyun get into trouble, so they rushed forward and stood in front of Ziyun. Then one of them grabbed a baseball bat and hit the man hard.


The man screamed in pain, the baseball bat fell off, and then he took a step back.

Seeing the three brothers desperately blocking in front of him, Ziyun's nose was sore and his eyes were moist.

This is what brothers are!

I am really lucky! I can meet three such brothers!

At this time, the man with the baseball bat saw this situation and was immediately furious.

""Fuck, what are you standing there for?" He roared,"Hurry up and kill these little bastards!"

The rest of the thugs also gathered around and rushed towards Mo Zan, Chai Hansong and the other two.

Looking at the oncoming thugs, Mo Zan and the other two did not dare to be negligent, and they all used all their skills to fight with them.

Although these people were thugs, they were old hands in society and had rich experience in fighting, so Mo Zan, Chai Hansong and the other two soon fell into a disadvantage.

At this moment, Ziyun suddenly rushed up, knocked the two thugs away with a punch, and then rushed into the crowd and began to wreak havoc, beating the thugs without any resistance and retreating step by step.

Seeing this scene, Mo Zan and the other two could not help but be stunned

"Oh my god! The fourth brother is so powerful?!"Chai Hansong exclaimed

"Lao Si, you are awesome!!"Mo Zan exclaimed

"Lao Si, I swear, you are definitely the most handsome man I have ever seen!!"Mo Zan added.


""What are you three doing standing there?! Hurry up and run!"

Ziyun saw Mo Zan, Yu Yizhi and Chai Hansong still standing there, and immediately shouted anxiously.

After hearing Ziyun's words, the three of them immediately reacted.���They ran towards the school.

However, after they had run a few steps, the man with the baseball bat caught up with them, holding a stick in his hand and swinging it at the three of them.

Ziyun was quick to dodge and the stick brushed past his ear, almost knocking it off.

Ziyun couldn't help but sweat on his forehead. If he had deviated one centimeter more, his ear would have been really broken.

He turned around quickly, then kicked the man with a whip kick, tripping him directly, then snatched the baseball bat from the man's hand and threw it at the man with the stick.


The baseball bat hit the man's knee, and he immediately knelt down, and then the baseball bat in his hand fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

""Oh my god!"

The man howled miserably, then rolled on the ground with his hands on his knees.

Ziyun took the opportunity to run to Mo Zan, Yu Yizhi and Chai Hansong and said,"Why are you still standing there? Run!"

Hearing this, the three of them ran away in a hurry, and soon disappeared into the night.


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