Shangguan Yingrui saw that there was actually a woman who dared to covet her treasure, and her eyes gradually became gloomy. A hint of cruelty flashed in her pupils, and she exuded a cold and sharp aura.………

The originally hot weather also turned cold at this moment.

The people around couldn't help but shiver, and felt a cold wind blowing across their backs.

They looked up at the sky, and the sun was still shining brightly in the sky, so where did the cold wind come from?!

But everyone knew in their hearts that this was the coldness emanating from the campus beauty Shangguan, the kind of chill that made people tremble with fear.

They didn't know why?


Shangguan Yingrui restrained her emotions for a moment, then took light steps and walked towards Ziyun step by step.………

Her steps were very slow, and every step seemed to be stepping on everyone's heart.

Every step was so heavy, one by one, as if stepping on everyone's heart.

At this moment, the whole playground was silent, and everyone's eyes followed Shangguan Yingrui's figure involuntarily.

The beauty of this woman has completely conquered everyone, even the boys, who couldn't help but want to see what kind of person Shangguan Yingrui is.………

But her eyes were always fixed on Ziyun.

There was a hint of possessiveness in her eyes.

She didn't like other women touching Ziyun, no matter who they were!

Ziyun, her Ziyun, could only belong to her!!


Ziyun also saw her at this time, and the feeling in his heart came back. He couldn't help but shiver, and a chill roamed in his body.………

Why is she here?!

In this way, Shangguan Yingrui slowly walked to the front of Ziyun's team under the gaze of everyone.

"Uh..., Lao Si, the school beauty Shangguan is here to see you! ?"

Chai Hansong poked Ziyun next to him with his hand and asked in a low voice.

Although his voice was low, Yu Luoxue, the assistant classmate next to him, also heard it.

She looked at Ziyun in shock.………

""Instructor, can I find a servant?" Shangguan Yingrui pointed to the class line and said to the instructor.

Her voice was soft and gentle, and it sounded as clear as a spring, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

The instructor was stunned for a moment.

He had never seen such a scene before, and his face turned red.

"cough cough……"

"Um...okay, now is the break time?!"

"Who is this student looking for? Do you want me to call him out for you? ?"

The instructor said in a gentle tone.

He was not as fierce as when he was scolding Ziyun and the others just now!

Everyone in the square team who saw this scene felt speechless...

As expected, they are all in the same boat.

Instructor, you are such a dog!

"Oh oh~"

"No need, I'll just deliver something and leave!!" Shangguan Yingrui smiled and rejected the instructor's proposal.

This smile made all the male compatriots present look at her in a daze!

After she finished speaking, she walked into the class line with a drink in her hand.

"Hello, Senior Sister Shangguan!"

"Hello, Senior Sister Shangguan!"

"Hello, Goddess Yingrui!"


When the boys saw Shangguan Yingrui walking into the class, they all shouted excitedly.

Shangguan Yingrui ignored the boys and walked across the crowd to Ziyun.

"Uh..., Senior, why are you here?" Ziyun suppressed his fear and pretended to be calm and asked

"Junior, this is for you."Shangguan Yingrui handed the drink in her hand to Ziyun.

As soon as Shangguan Yingrui said this, all the boys in the class widened their eyes and looked at Shangguan Yingrui in disbelief.

She actually took the initiative to hand Ziyun a drink!

And she spoke to Ziyun in such a sweet voice!

This completely subverted the image of the school beauty in their minds!

Not only them!

Even the boys in the class not far away were no exception.

When they saw Shangguan Yingrui actually took the initiative to hand Ziyun a drink, they immediately felt like 10 million grass mud horses galloping through their minds.………

This, this, what is going on?!

Shouldn't Shangguan Yingrui be a cold goddess?

Why would she take the initiative to hand a drink to a boy?!

Could it be that Shangguan, the school beauty, likes Ziyun?!

When the boys in the class thought of this possibility, their hearts were broken, and some were even about to cry.

Shangguan Yingrui is their goddess!!

Now, their goddess likes other boys, how can they feel!!

At this time, the class assistant Yu Luoxue looked at Shangguan Yingrui with strong jealousy and resentment in her eyes.

She originally came to the design class as a class assistant just for Ziyun.

But now, Shangguan Yingrui has taken the lead!!

How can she be willing?!

Besides, she and Shangguan Yingrui already had a grudge, and she was even more unwilling to accept it!!

Thinking of this, class assistant Yu Luoxue clenched her fists tightly, then took a few deep breaths, and then calmed down her emotions and tried to keep herself calm.

Then he looked at the bottle of mineral water in his hand, silently hid it behind him, and held it tightly.………

Feeling the murderous gazes of the boys around him, Ziyun was very embarrassed.


"This is for... for me?" Ziyun was stunned for a moment, then slowly said.

He was a little confused, not knowing what Shangguan Yingrui was up to.

""Yes, I bought this for you, junior. Why are you standing there like an idiot? Drink it quickly!"

Shangguan Yingrui looked at Ziyun expectantly.


Ziyun responded, took the bottle, and then raised his head and gulped down the drink in the bottle.

The cool feeling made him feel refreshed!

Shangguan Yingrui watched Ziyun drink the whole bottle of frozen soda, and then smiled even more brightly.

"Thank you... Thank you... Senior Sister!"

Ziyun hesitated for a moment but still thanked Shangguan Yingrui.

You're welcome, because only you can make me humble...

My brother Ziyun………

Shangguan Yingrui said secretly in her heart

"you're welcome!"

"Then I'll go first."

Shangguan Yingrui said to Ziyun with a smile, and then turned and left.

When she turned and left, she glanced at Ban Zhuyu Luoxue, and then gave her a meaningful smile.………

Seeing Shangguan Yingrui's expression, Ban Zhuyu Luoxue felt goosebumps all over her body, and she was full of hostility.

Shangguan Yingrui, this bitch!!

How dare she provoke her?!

Ban Zhuyu Luoxue gritted her teeth, her heart was filled with anger.

She stared at Shangguan Yingrui's back with a sinister look in her eyes.

She didn't stay for long, just threw the water in her hand to someone and left.



Ziyun found that everyone in the class was looking at him with strange eyes.

Especially the boys, they all looked at him with envy and jealousy, as if they wanted to kill him at any moment.………

Sure enough, the look in someone's eyes that wanted to kill him couldn't be hidden!

Even the instructor was looking at Ziyun with a meaningful look.

"Cough cough"

"Everyone, please don't look at me like that. It's embarrassing." Ziyun laughed dryly.

At this time, a whistle for assembly sounded from the playground stage.

"Pah pah"

"All right, everyone, get up!"

The instructor clapped his hands and said to everyone.

"Everyone, gather!!"


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