In the middle of the playground, all the freshmen of Canghai University gathered here.

In the crowd, Ziyun wiped the sweat from his forehead!

There was nothing he could do, because he could see malicious eyes from the boys around him from time to time.

Damn it(>﹏<)

These guys are real.(ー_ー)!!

Didn't I just drink a glass of iced cola?

What's the big deal? Is it necessary to make such a big deal?

I wish she wouldn't send you off, so that I wouldn't have to experience that feeling of fear. Although he didn't know why he was afraid of a girl, he was just afraid and wanted to run away.………

Ziyun thought helplessly.╮(╯_╰)╭

As for what the leaders on the stage said, no one in the audience paid any attention.

It was nothing more than some words about the students having to do a good job in military training, that a good body is the capital of revolution, and that military training is linked to credits, etc.?!

The morning's military training finally ended with the last words of the chief instructor.

"Lao Si, hurry up and leave!"

Chai Hansong patted Ziyun on the shoulder and said in the crowd.


"There are so many people here now. If you go over there now, you probably won’t be able to get any food!" Ziyun shook his head helplessly.

"Uh..., it seems to make sense!!"Chai Hansong thought for a while and said.

At this time, Mo Zan beside him said quietly:"If we can't eat, well, at least we have to buy a glass of ice water to drink. After all, we are not like the fourth child who has a school beauty to send us ice drinks!!"


This sentence, why does it sound sour?………

He glanced at Mo Zan and was speechless for a moment.

"Okay! Stop talking, second brother!"

""Who told us that we don't have girlfriends?" Chai Hansong patted Mo Zan on the shoulder and said.

This sentence made Mo Zan fall into deep thought.………


He doesn't have a girlfriend either.

Thinking about it, Mo Zan couldn't help but curl up a bitter smile.

At this time, Ziyun, who had been watching Mo Zan, saw Mo Zan's appearance and suddenly felt a little strange. What happened to this kid? Why did he suddenly become like this?

"Lao Mo, what's wrong with you?" Ziyun asked with concern.

"Lao Si, I'm fine, I just thought about not having a girlfriend."

Mo Zan shook his head and said


Hearing Mo Zan's words, Ziyun almost choked on his own saliva.

He didn't know how many times he explained that there was really nothing between him and the senior sister, but unfortunately, these two guys didn't believe him.………

Never mind, I'm too lazy to explain………

There’s no point in explaining it anyway!

"Let's go buy some water. I'm dying of thirst. Then we can go to the cafeteria to eat." Yu Yizhi suddenly said

"Yes, the third brother is right, let's go buy some water and then go eat." Chai Hansong nodded in agreement.

Ziyun nodded.

Then, they headed to the school supermarket.………

Along the way, the three of them were talking about games, and Ziyun could not get a word in, so he could only follow behind silently.

Then, he seemed to think of something. He took out his phone from his pocket, opened the stock trading software, and then entered his account password to open the stock trading interface.………

I found that the stock I invested in actually rose to about 5%, which was 0.2% higher than in my previous life.

It seems that my original choice was really right.

Not only did I not lose money, but I made a lot of money.

He is worthy of being Ziyun.………

Ziyun thought happily.

At this time, Chai Hansong and Mo Zan also saw Ziyun's actions and asked,"Old Four, what are you doing? Why are you walking so slowly?"

"Well……"Ziyun scratched his head awkwardly.

"Hey, Lao Si, you're not secretly reading study materials in the back, are you?" Mo Zan leaned over and said with a chuckle.


"What? Are you embarrassed to say it?!"Chai Hansong said with a laugh.


"Fourth brother, what's wrong with you? Why don't you speak?"

"Did I guess it right?"

"Lao Si, just admit it, don't be embarrassed."Chai Hansong continued


"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Let's go buy some water and then have dinner." Mo Zan said.


He didn't know what to say.

In his heart, there were thousands of horses galloping through him. He really wanted to kick the two guys away.

However, he could only think about it and didn't dare to really do it. They were brothers.

But? It seems that brothers can also be kicked! ?

"The fourth one is gone!" Chai Hansong said, holding Ziyun's arm.

"oh……"Ziyun put away his phone and responded helplessly.

Soon, the four of them arrived at the school supermarket.

"What do you want to drink? It's my treat!"Chai Hansong patted his chest generously and said

"I want an iced Coke." Mo Zan said with a smile.

"Same as the second one!" Yu Yizhi said

"Where's Lao Si? What do you want to drink?"Chai Hansong turned to look at Ziyun and asked

"Well, I just need a bottle of iced black tea!" Ziyun replied


"Please wait for a moment." Chai Hansong said


Soon, Chai Hansong came to the group with three bottles of iced cola and a bottle of iced black tea.



""Haha, why are you being polite? We are all brothers!" Chai Hansong said with a smile.

The three of them opened their iced Cokes and drank them.

"Lao Si, why don't you drink?" Yu Yizhi asked in confusion.

"I’m not thirsty!!"Ziyun said with a slight smile.

At this moment, his cell phone rang.

He took out his cell phone and saw that it was a WeChat message from his senior schoolmate: Where is my junior schoolmate?

"Senior, I just bought some water and was about to go to the cafeteria to eat!���Ziyun replied

"Well, I'll come find you in a bit and we'll have dinner together!"

Ziyun thought about it and replied with an"OK".

Soon, the senior sister sent a message:"Then you stand there and wait for me, I'll be there soon, don't run around, senior sister, I'll be angry~!"

"If I get angry, there will be a punishment~!"

Ziyun shuddered when he saw this message, and replied subconsciously:"I know!"

Damn it, what's wrong with me?

Why do I feel cold all over every time I see this senior?!

This feeling………

It's really weird.………

"Lao Si, who are you sending a message to? Could it be your senior sister?"

At this time, Chai Hansong looked at Ziyun curiously and asked

"Uh... yes!" Ziyun replied

"Hehe~, Lao Si, we won't bother you anymore, we'll leave first."

After saying that, Chai Hansong took Mo Zan and Yu Yizhi away.

That day, they went back to school with senior sister Su Xiaomo, and learned from her that Shangguan, the school beauty, liked Lao Si. Moreover, they also knew that when the senior sister kissed Lao Si during the registration, it was also intentional.

Naturally, they would not be stupid enough to be a light bulb.



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