September in Canghai City is still so hot, and the air is full of the smell of dryness.

Everyone is doing military training under the scorching sun, and those classes that can do military training under the shade of trees have become the envy of everyone.

Ziyun and the other four are no exception.

Time has unknowingly come to 11 o'clock in the morning, and there is still an hour before they can be temporarily liberated.

At this time, everyone in Ziyun's class, or everyone on the playground, is basically sweating and thirsty!!

If you can have a glass of iced cola at this time, it will be a real enjoyment!!

Some girls can't stand it anymore, and they pretend that relatives have come and want to rest.………

Although the instructor was serious, he didn’t say much when he saw this situation. He just let them rest where they were, and the rest of them continued to stand at attention!!

Some boys saw that this trick worked, and immediately followed suit. They reported that they had stomachaches and needed to rest, but they were severely scolded by the instructor, and even punished to run two laps back!!

After hearing this, these boys wanted to cry but had no tears. If they had known earlier, they would not have reported it!!!

But now it was too late, so they could only run obediently.

"Sigh~, freshmen are getting more and more delicate these days. They complain of stomachache after just standing in military posture for a few hours.………"The instructor looked at the boys who were punished to run and shook his head helplessly.

When the boys heard what the instructor said, they were all depressed.

You are the one who is spoiled, your whole family is spoiled!!

However, they didn't dare to refute it.

The instructor looked at the time and blew the whistle.

"All of them! Listen to my orders!"

"Stand at attention! Stand at ease!"

""Rest where you are for 10 minutes!"

The instructor shouted to everyone.

During the break, some people started to drink water!!

But Ziyun and the other four people in the dormitory could only watch others drink water!

Because these four guys were in a hurry in the morning and didn't bring any water.

Chai Hansong looked at others drinking water and couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Although those people drank ice water, it could quench their thirst!

""Alas, Boss, stop looking! Just bear with it for a while, we can go buy some iced drinks when the party is over." Yu Yizhi said to Chai Hansong in a low voice.

Although he said so, the scene in his eyes, the envy and desire betrayed him.

"Hmm~!" Chai Hansong nodded.


At this time, a beautiful girl wearing camouflage uniform walked into the playground.………

She has a very good figure, and her height is at least 170cm. She has a full chest and long legs.

Her face is white and her skin is smooth.

She looks like a beautiful girl who walked out of a comic book.

This girl is their class assistant, Yu Luoxue.

At this time, Yu Luoxue walked straight to Ziyun and the other four with a bottle of mineral water in her hand, handed Ziyun a bottle of water, and said,"Student Ziyun, did you forget to bring water?"


"I just bought an extra bottle of water, for you!"

Yu Luoxue looked kind and gentle.

Looking at the bottle of water in the assistant's hand, Chai Hansong and the other two suddenly had their eyes lit up, and they couldn't help swallowing. Then, they all turned to look at Ziyun.

Their eyes were very clear, asking him to take the bottle of water.


Ziyun was stunned, not knowing whether to answer the call or not. If he answered, he felt that he would not end up well, but if he did not answer, he was afraid of disappointing the other person's kindness.

At this moment, Ziyun's body shuddered, and he felt a chill rising from his spine.………

"What's wrong?"Yu Luoxue looked at him and couldn't help asking

"fine………"Ziyun shook his head and said.

Then, he heard a burst of noise coming from not far away.

Everyone's attention was attracted.

Shangguan Yingrui, wearing a purple dress, appeared in everyone's sight from afar.

She had a faint smile on her face, and that smile was as moving as a blooming lily. In an instant, it took away the color of the surrounding scenery.………

The breeze blew gently, and her hair fluttered, drawing an elegant arc in the air.………

Her beautiful little face shines brightly in the sun, so beautiful that it is beyond description.………

Everyone present had their eyes wide open.!!

"Holy crap!!"

"The most beautiful goddess Shangguan Yingrui!"

"Goddess Sakura is here!!"

"Why is the campus beauty Shangguan here??"

"Could it be the boy who kissed her when he came to report?"

"Probably not.……"

"Who knows?……"


A group of boys were whispering, their eyes fixed on the goddess who had descended from the sky.

Shangguan Yingrui was too lazy to care about their discussions, and walked straight to the playground for freshman training.

The classes that were training couldn't help but stop what they were doing, and looked at Shangguan Yingrui.

When they saw clearly that the person who came was Shangguan Yingrui, they were all dumbfounded.

How could this goddess come here?……


"The thing in Shangguan campus beauty's hand seems to be a drink?"

At this time, someone noticed the bag in Shangguan Yingrui's hand and immediately guessed.

That's right, Shangguan Yingrui was holding a bottle of ice cola!!

Under the hot sun, the bag of ice cola exuded a refreshing breath.

Everyone who saw this scene was attracted by the bottle of ice cola in Shangguan Yingrui's hand, and they all licked their lips with their tongues.

It was no wonder that their mouths were dry after a morning of military training.

How could they not be excited to see the ice drink!!

"Is the school beauty here to serve drinks to people? ?"Someone asked in confusion


"Except for a few sophomores from the student union who were there to maintain discipline, the rest were freshmen!!"

"I've never heard that the school beauty Shangguan has a boyfriend! It's impossible that he came here to deliver drinks!!"Someone said with certainty

"You don't know yet, right? During the registration process, the campus beauty Shangguan kissed a boy in public!"

"real or fake??"

"I saw it with my own eyes!"

"Damn, no way?"

"If you don’t believe it, just wait and see!"

"Wait and see, haha……"


Everyone started gossiping.………

At this time, Shangguan Yingrui still walked to the edge of the playground at an unhurried pace.

She bit her pink lips lightly, and her beautiful eyes kept flashing.

Her eyes kept scanning around the playground, as if she was looking for something?

From time to time, her brows slightly frowned, and then relaxed.

Those unintentional frowns and movements made everyone intoxicated.

Damn, Shangguan Yingrui is indeed worthy of being called the most beautiful school belle in the country!! She is so damn beautiful!!


At this moment, Shangguan Yingrui's eyes suddenly lit up, and she saw Ziyun's team.

But when she saw the girl in front of Ziyun who was about to hand him water, Shangguan Yingrui couldn't help but frowned, narrowed her eyes, and a sinister look flashed in her eyes.……


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