"Well then... I hope you won't regret your choice today." The light ball was silent for a moment, then said

"Will not……"

Ziyun (the soul body) who was listening to and watching all this was full of surprise and disbelief... He didn't expect that all this was caused by himself. He simply dug a hole and jumped into it.

Then, thinking about it, after all, he felt guilty towards her at that time.………

After the light ball brought Ziyun to another world, it glanced at him as a soul, said nothing, and then disappeared.

Ziyun was stunned. Can it see me?

He wanted to chase the light ball, but he was pushed out of this mysterious space and entered his 9563rd dream.………

In this dream, he was still locked in the basement by Shangguan Yingrui, just like in other dreams. The ending was still that the two of them died together, and then continued a new round of reincarnation.………

In fact, this time was the closest Shangguan Yingrui was to growing old together with them, but for some reason, Ziyun still discovered her yandere side.………

Next, these dozen or even hundreds of dreams have almost the same ending.………

It's just that the way of dying will be a little different………

After experiencing the 10,000th dream, Ziyun finally woke up from the nightmare. Of course, like before, he still couldn't remember the appearance of the woman in the dream.

But the difference was that this time he could actually recall everything that happened in the dream, of course, they were all scattered memories.

And every time he recalled it, he felt a headache, as if there were endless memories in his mind.

This feeling is very uncomfortable... If you don't want to recall it, choose to abandon it (the influence of Ziyun before the time travel)………)

When Ziyun woke up, he wanted to call the system immediately, and then he remembered that the system had fallen into a deep sleep to protect itself.

So he tried to contact the system through consciousness, but the system did not give him any feedback.

After sighing helplessly, he began to observe the surrounding environment and found that he was lying in a ward, and a strange girl was lying on the accompanying bed next to him.

The girl was closing her eyes, and her peaceful sleeping face was as beautiful as a lotus bud about to bloom.

The girl has a slim figure, fair and delicate skin, black hair scattered on the white jade pillow, delicate and small nose tip is light red, thin lips lightly pursed.

Her long eyelashes covered her eyes, like butterfly wings, trembling slightly, indicating that she slept very lightly.

The girl seemed to feel that Ziyun was looking at her, and slowly opened her sleepy eyes, and looked into Ziyun's eyes.

""Are you awake?" The girl replied in a daze, with a strong nasal tone, sounding a little hoarse.

Her appearance was not stunning, but it could be called pretty, especially her big watery eyes, which made her look more lively.

"Thank you, you saved me……"

Ziyun probably knew that it was this girl who saved him. Although he was unconscious at the time, his subconscious told him that it was the girl who saved him, so he thanked her.

"You're welcome……"

Just after she finished speaking, the girl opened her beautiful eyes wide and waited.………

"Woohoo~, you finally woke up... That's great~"


He was a little confused about what the girl meant. Why did she suddenly get excited? Seeing Ziyun staring at her, the girl thought what this man was going to do. She immediately covered her chest with her hands and said nervously,"I'm warning you, don't mess around, otherwise I, I………"


Ziyun was suddenly at a loss whether to laugh or cry. Wasn't this girl's imagination too rich?

Seeing the girl hurriedly moving back, trying to distance herself, Ziyun hurriedly said,"Girl, you misunderstood... I was just a little absent-minded just now.………"

"Hmm?" The girl stopped moving, still protecting her chest with her hands, and looked at Ziyun warily,"You really didn't lie to me? You really won't do anything stupid?"

Ziyun:"I really won't do anything stupid………"

""Okay~, I'll trust you for now!" The girl breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ahem, by the way, girl, where is this place? And who are you?" Ziyun asked.

"My name is Nan Yiyi, this is Baiyun Hospital in Baiyun County, Nancheng………"Nan Yiyi replied.

Damn! The system actually sent me so far away, how nice!

In this way, Shangguan Ying should not be able to find him! I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.………

Ziyun thought to himself

"By the way, how did you faint at the foot of the mountain? And were you unconscious for so long?"Nan Yiyi asked curiously.

"This is a long story, and I have forgotten what happened."Ziyun shook his head. He didn't know what to say. Did he suddenly appear at the foot of the mountain where you are? This doesn't make sense.………

"Since you're awake, pay me back! I paid more than 100,000 yuan for your medical expenses over 20 days. I forgot the exact amount. Just give me 130,000 yuan!" Nan Yiyi said as she stretched out a slender finger, posing as if to collect the debt.

"130,000……"Ziyun frowned and thought,"Okay, I'll owe you the money. I don't have a mobile phone now, so I can't transfer the money. I'll give it to you later."

Although Ziyun didn't have a mobile phone, it was not impossible to solve this problem. He just needed to withdraw the money from the system space. However, he was afraid that Shangguan Yingrui would find his location in the bank card bill records.

"Well... okay, when you have money, remember to pay me back. If you don't, hmph!!"Nan Yiyi glared at Ziyun and threatened him viciously.

"Thank you Miss Nan for your understanding. I will definitely pay you back."Ziyun smiled and said


Nan Yiyi snorted and said,"I'll call a doctor for you. After all, you just woke up, so it's better to do a check-up first.���" Okay."

After saying that, Nan Yiyi walked out of the ward and went to call the doctor.

After a while, she came back, followed by Director Li, the doctor on duty tonight.

Director Li walked into the ward with a serious expression, glanced at Ziyun and said,"Are you awake? How do you feel now? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?"

Ziyun shook his head and said,"No... my legs are just a little weak.………"

"Of course, after all, you have been lying down for more than 20 days, it is normal... You will recover in a few days."Director Li took out the instrument and gave Ziyun a simple full body examination.

After confirming that there was no problem, he packed up and prepared to leave. Before leaving, he told Nan Yiyi to take good care of your boyfriend, and then left.

"………"Nan Yiyi was stunned for a moment when she heard this, but she quickly reacted. She lowered her head shyly and replied in a low voice:"……He...isn't...not my boyfriend………"


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