Ziyun frowned and thought deeply, then shook his head and stopped thinking about these things.

Then he continued to watch………

Ziyun finished his work and returned home at two o'clock in the morning. Shangguan Yingrui was sleeping soundly on the sofa.

Looking at her peaceful sleeping face, Ziyun raised his lips slightly, then gently picked her up and carried her back to bed.

"Huh? Husband, you're back." Shangguan Yingrui opened her sleepy eyes and saw her beloved husband.

"Well, I'm back." Ziyun gently touched her head.

""Well, are you tired? Take a rest, I'll make you something to eat." After saying that, Shangguan Yingrui got up from the bed and walked towards the kitchen.

Looking at her slender and graceful back, Ziyun's mouth curled up slightly, and his heart was warm.

Shangguan Yingrui cooked very quickly, and soon the food was served. After the two finished their meal, they hugged each other on the bed.



""Hubby, can you not go to work tomorrow? Stay at home with me." Shangguan Yingrui hugged Ziyun's neck and asked softly.

"I'm afraid this won't work.……"Ziyun refused in a low voice

"Husband!"Shangguan Yingrui pouted and said unwillingly

"How about this! When I finish my work tomorrow, I will apply for a few days off to accompany you!"Ziyun compromised.

He knew her temper. If he didn't agree to her, she would probably pester him all night.

"Well then... let's make a pinky promise. Shangguan Yingrui happily hooked her little finger with Ziyun before letting him go. She nestled in his arms, found a comfortable position, and fell asleep.

Six days is six days!

Ziyun caressed Shangguan Yingrui's long black and shiny hair lovingly, his eyes filled with happiness.

He lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead.

""Good night, baby." He whispered in her ear.

Shangguan Yingrui heard his whisper and responded in a daze:"Good night, husband!"


The next morning.

The sun shone through the window, and the room was filled with vitality and hope.

Ziyun opened his eyes, he looked at the sun outside, and found that it had not risen yet.

He got out of bed, washed up, changed his clothes, and went to work at the company.

After arriving at the company, he began his busy day.

Ziyun finished the work at hand, looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was five o'clock in the afternoon. He stood up, stretched his body, and then walked towards the supervisor's office. He was going to tell the supervisor that he wanted to take a few days off.

After Ziyun walked into the supervisor's office, he saw the supervisor drowsy on the table, his cheeks rosy, and his breathing even.

"Supervisor? Supervisor?"Ziyun called out twice, but found that the other party did not respond.

Ziyun sighed, walked over and woke her up:"Supervisor!"

The woman rubbed her eyes, raised her head slowly, yawned, looked at Ziyun and asked:"Ah, Xiao Yunzi, what's the matter?" Ziyun's mouth twitched when he heard this title.

Forget it, just call her.

""Supervisor, I want to take a few days off." Ziyun stated his intention directly.

When the woman heard this, her sleepiness disappeared immediately. She sat up straight and said seriously,"How many days do you want to take off?"

"Six or seven days"

"So long?"The woman was surprised

"Well, is there any problem?"Ziyun raised his eyebrows and said

"Uh, no problem.……"The woman shook her head and said,"You can take a day off if you want, but the project is a bit busy recently. If you take a day off suddenly, it may delay the progress of the work.……"She paused, then leaned closer mysteriously and said in a low voice:"If this project is successful, the commission will be beyond your imagination. Are you sure you are willing to give it up?"


"How much is the commission?"When Ziyun heard the word commission, he hesitated for a moment.………

"Hehehe, keep it a secret!" The woman kept the secret,"In short, as long as this project is completed smoothly, there will be at least one million yuan, so, Xiao Yunzi, are you sure you want to give up this commission?

"Besides, Xiao Yunzi, aren't you going to change your house to give your wife a surprise?………"

"I'll think about it."When Ziyun heard the woman say there was a prize of more than one million, he was a little tempted.

"OK. Don't worry, go home and think about it. If you insist on taking a day off, I will approve it. The woman shrugged and smiled, then waved her hand, indicating that Ziyun could leave.

""Yeah." Ziyun nodded and went out.

As soon as he walked out of the company building, Ziyun received a text message from Shangguan Yingrui: Husband, come home early, I'll wait for you at home.

Ziyun replied with a word"OK" with a smile on his face.

Then, he exhaled and looked at the sky in the distance. I wonder what he was thinking?


When they got home, Shangguan Yingrui came up to them immediately, took Ziyun's arm and asked,"Honey, how is it? Have you talked to your supervisor? Does she agree to your adjustment of leave?"

"No, she is not in the company today. I will talk to her about this tomorrow." Ziyun still lied to his dear wife.

Because he has been eyeing this project for a long time, he can't give up this project at this juncture.

Shangguan Yingrui pouted her lips and felt a little disappointed when she heard what Ziyun said. She didn't say anything.

Seeing Shangguan Yingrui like this, Ziyun felt distressed. He stretched out his hand and pinched Shangguan Yingrui's fair face and said,"Silly girl, I didn't say I won't accompany you. I will go to the supervisor to discuss it tomorrow and try to take these two days off."

Hearing what Ziyun said, Shangguan Yingrui forced a sweet smile, then hugged his strong waist, put her face on his chest, and breathed in his unique scent, as if this smell was deeply engraved into her soul.

Feeling the emotions of the little person in his arms, Ziyun touched her hair helplessly.

But the other Ziyun, who was a soul, was very uncomfortable.………This was a feeling from the bottom of his heart, because on this day, he saw Shangguan Yingrui cough up so much blood. After he came back, he became as if nothing had happened.

She pretended to be strong in front of him.………

She is trying to endure………

She knew that he was lying to her, but she didn't expose herself.………

The more she did this, the more guilty and uncomfortable he felt deep down.


In the following days, Ziyun tried different ways to deceive Shangguan Yingrui, and the project was successfully completed on the seventh day. When he was about to take a day off, he received the bad news that Shangguan Yingrui was sent to the hospital.

At that moment, Ziyun panicked, and countless scenes of the past few days flashed through his mind.………

Every word Shangguan Yingrui said to him... every abnormal action she took………

Ziyun's steps were a little unsteady. He stumbled out of the office and drove to the hospital.

"Ruirui... Ruirui……"He ran through more than a dozen red lights along the way and arrived at the hospital. He was about to rush into the operating room, but was stopped by the nurse:"Sir, the operation is going on now. Please wait outside the operating room. Thank you for your cooperation!"

Seeing this, Ziyun stopped, turned around and leaned against the wall in dejection...

He kept blaming himself... blaming himself………He hated himself, why didn't he notice Shangguan Yingrui's abnormality?

Not long after, the lights in the operating room went out and the doctor walked out of the operating room.

Seeing the doctor coming out, Ziyun immediately walked over and grabbed the doctor's sleeve and asked:"Doctor, how is my wife?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ziyun, we tried our best."The doctor said to Ziyun with regret.

"I tried my best... What does that mean?" Ziyun repeated these three words in a daze, then his legs went limp and he collapsed to the ground.………

The doctor sighed, patted Ziyun on the back and comforted him,"Mr. Ziyun, I am sorry for the loss.


Ziyun stood up woodenly and walked towards the operating room. The doctor shook his head and did not stop him, but left the space for them.…………

Shangguan Yingrui lay on the cold bed, eyes closed, lifeless………

Ziyun sat by the bed, holding her slender, cold fingers. A tear slid into Shangguan Yingrui's palm.………

"Ruirui, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. If I had noticed your abnormality earlier, you wouldn't have………"He murmured, his voice full of regret.………

"Ruirui, I'm sorry, I'm sorry………"He repeated these words over and over again.

"sorry Sorry………"

"If there is an afterlife, I will let you do whatever you want me to do, even if it means sacrificing my own life, just to exchange for your peace in the afterlife………"Ziyun choked up and said………

His heart was filled with sadness and regret.

After Shangguan Yingrui died, Ziyun was in a trance and fell into despair.

During this period, Ziyun dreamed of Shangguan Yingrui countless times and the scene of their wedding.

In the dream, Shangguan Yingrui was still smiling like a flower.

After waking up from the dream, he returned to his original state and continued to go to work, busy with work, until one night, Shangguan Yingrui suddenly appeared beside him and hugged him tightly.

"Ziyun, I really miss you." She whispered………

Ziyun hugged Shangguan Yingrui tightly and said gently:"I miss you too, Ruirui.………"

Shangguan Yingrui raised her head slightly and kissed Ziyun on the lips.

However, when Ziyun woke up, he found that Shangguan Yingrui was not there.

Half a year later, Ziyun followed Shangguan Yingrui's footsteps and left this world.

As a soul body, Ziyun thought it was over and he was going to enter the next dream and leave this world that made him so sad. Unexpectedly, his eyes went dark and he entered another space.

Just as he was wondering where this place was, Ziyun woke up and opened his eyes. He found that the scene around him was a bit strange. Then a ball of light appeared in front of him, flashing brightly. This ball of light emitted golden light. A gentle voice came from the ball of light:"Ziyun, do you want to be resurrected?"

Hearing this, Ziyun was stunned. It took him a moment to come to his senses. He nodded, then shook his head and said,"I don't want to.………"

"But can you help me revive my wife? I'll pay any price for it." Ziyun asked

"Of course, as long as you pay for the merits in this life, I can help you two reunite and bring you back to life."The voice said.

The so-called merits are the good deeds that Ziyun has done in this life and the good karma he has accumulated.

""Okay, as long as you can bring my wife back to life, I will do whatever you ask of me." Ziyun gritted his teeth and said, his greatest wish was to be with Shangguan Yingrui for a long time, nothing else mattered

"That's great. In that case, I will give you three more wishes.………"

"Tell me, what is your wish?"

"I hope my wife Shangguan Yingrui is healthy and immune to all poisons.………"

"There are two more……"

Ziyun thought for a moment and remembered that his wife had said that she was bullied by others, so he said:"I hope my wife Shangguan Yingrui is invincible in martial arts and strength."

"Haha, I will fulfill your wish.………"

"There is one more thing. Have you decided what you want?"

"System! A system that must be able to help her, solve some problems, and cannot betray her.………Okay, that's all the three wishes."

Ziyun stated his request.

After hearing the last wish, Guangqiu was stunned. He thought the last wish would be given to himself, but unexpectedly it was given to his wife. So, he couldn't help but ask:"Are you sure, have you ever thought of using a wish for yourself?"

"There is no need for this. I am ashamed of my wife. Ziyun said seriously.

"Oh well………"


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