
Nan Yiyi said this and ran out of the ward shyly, leaving Ziyun, who was bewildered, sitting on the bed.

He touched his nose. How could he be accused of being his boyfriend when he just woke up?

Besides, if Shangguan Yingrui knew about this, he would probably be in trouble again.………

Thinking of this, Ziyun couldn't help but feel cold all over.………

After a few days of observation in the hospital, the doctor allowed Ziyun to be discharged after confirming that he was no longer seriously ill.

"Phew~, I can finally be discharged~"

After leaving the hospital, Ziyun took a deep breath of fresh air and stretched his body.

"" Well, it feels so good."

He stretched his muscles and bones, and suddenly there was a crackling sound. He felt full of strength. It felt so good!

At this time, Nan Yiyi also paid the money and came over."Okay, let's say goodbye. I have stuffed my contact information and bank card account into your pocket. Remember to pay me back. Bye~~"

As she said that, Nan Yiyi jumped towards the bus stop, leaving behind a string of happy backs, which made Ziyun quite helpless.

"…………"Ziyun remained silent, just sighed and shook his head, wandering aimlessly on the roadside. It was definitely impossible to return to Canghai City now, at least not in the short term, otherwise, Shangguan Yingrui, that crazy woman, would definitely not let him go after catching him.………

We can hide for a while now... We can find a way to escape after we are found.………

As for my mother, I will think of a way to report my safety when the time comes... I guess my mother must be worried sick now?

Ziyun walked and stopped, wandering around the county town. He didn't know where he was going. Anyway, the most important thing now was to find a place to stay. Because it was dark, he didn't take a taxi, so he just walked slowly.………


Unconsciously, night gradually fell, the lights on the roadside became brighter and brighter, but Ziyun still had no idea where to stay.

""Ding ding~ ding ding~" Suddenly a car sped past Ziyun, splashing water all over the ground.

"Hey, how do you drive?!!"Ziyun suddenly shouted angrily

""Sorry! Sorry! I'm in a hurry to go home for dinner!" The driver apologized quickly.

Ziyun didn't know what to say. After all, the other person was in a hurry to go home for dinner. No matter what, he was wrong.

So, Ziyun waved his hand to signal the other person to leave, and then continued walking.

Suddenly, Ziyun heard a pleasant music. He raised his head and looked at the square in front of him.………

At this time, Ziyun saw a group of young people in ancient costumes singing in the middle of the square.…………

In the middle of the group of young people in ancient costumes, there is a beautiful girl.………

The girl was wearing a white gauze dress, flowing like a fairy. Her face was delicate and pure, and she looked like a fairy walking out of a painting.

But this person made Ziyun feel like he was his brother Yu Yizhi.………

After thinking about it, I shook my head and felt that my idea was a bit ridiculous.………How could Yu Yizhi, who would blush when listening to those two guys telling jokes, play the piano in front of everyone, let alone play the piano in women's clothes?

How could a grown man wear women's clothes?

Therefore, Ziyun felt that the person in front of him was definitely not Yu Yizhi, but just looked very similar.………

At this moment, the girl was sitting on a stone pier, stroking the strings of the guqin and playing a classical and graceful tune to the melodious music.………

""Hmm?" Suddenly, the girl's eyes swept to Ziyun who was standing on the street. She was stunned. She felt that the man was very familiar. It seemed that she had seen him somewhere before.

"Hmm, what's wrong? Yu Xuedi?"The girl's companion asked in confusion

"Oh, it's okay, I think I saw Ziyun." Yu Yizhi answered his companion and turned his gaze back to the street. Ziyun had already left the street.………

"Oh, I saw it wrong.……"The companion smiled and didn't care about it.

"Maybe……"Yu Yizhi said calmly, and then continued to play the strings………

When the song ended, everyone applauded.………

Yu Yizhi stood up and bowed to the people around him to show his gratitude.

After saying a few words to the proprietress, the girl took Yu Yizhi away.………

They were originally dragged up by the lady boss to make up the numbers. Now that it's over, they naturally want to continue shopping and eating local delicacies.

"Come on, Yu Xuedi, let's go play some interesting projects……"The girl said, although she was talking to Yi Zhi, her eyes were actually looking at the haunted shop on the corner on the other side of the street.

"OK……"Yu Yizhi smiled slightly

"Hehe... Don't be afraid when you enter the haunted house. Don't be afraid. Senior Sister Su will protect you.……"The girl winked playfully and patted her plump chest.

"Ah………"Yu Yizhi chuckled,"Well, with you here, Senior Sister Su, I'm not afraid of anything."

"whee………"Hearing Yu Yizhi praising her, the girl was very happy. She took his arm and the two of them walked towards the haunted house.


Ziyun walked around and finally found a relatively cheap hotel. After paying the bill and deposit, he took the room key from the counter and walked to the room. He found the door of his room according to the house number on the room.

Ziyun took out the room card, swiped the card to unlock it, and pushed the door open. Ziyun walked into the room, looked around, and nodded. It was quite clean and tidy.………After checking it, he lay down on the bed to rest.

Ziyun was very tired because he had just walked on the street for too long. Not long after lying down, he fell asleep.


In a villa in Canghai City, a peerless beauty was sitting in the studio painting. Her delicate hands were seen, and the tip of the pen was moving across the paper, as if she was painting something.

Not long after, a figure appeared on her drawing paper.

The person in the painting was Ziyun!

""You dog system, my patience is limited. It's been more than a month. If you can't find my treasure, I will not just cut it into pieces~" Shangguan Yingrui threatened the Samsara system that had just been put together while drawing. Samsara swallowed his saliva: [Master, I have been searching, and I am even trying to crack the shield... Please give me a little more time】

"snort……"Shangguan Yingrui snorted coldly,"This is the last time I warn you, you better take care of yourself.………"

Samsara shrank his neck in fear, and said pitifully: [Master, don't worry, I would never dare to lie to you!! ]

Shangguan Yingrui didn't bother to pay attention to it and continued to concentrate on painting.


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