At this time, the classroom door was pushed open again, and a man in a suit and leather shoes, who looked to be about fifty or sixty years old, walked in from outside.

As soon as the man walked in, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

However, the girls' eyes were still on Ziyun, because he was so handsome, too handsome, so handsome that it was suffocating.

As for the other people, their eyes were attracted by this man.

The man walked straight to the podium, looked around, and was a little embarrassed. He found that most of the girls' eyes were not focused on him at all, but all on Ziyun.

The man coughed twice and cleared his throat.


"Ahem~, classmates, can you look at me first? I will give you time to communicate later!"

After hearing the man's words, the girls came back to their senses, some embarrassedly withdrew their gazes, some stole glances at Ziyun, some stared at his perfect profile, and some even showed crazy expressions.

Ziyun looked at this scene, feeling a little helpless, he really didn't like this feeling.

It seems that when the system is upgraded, I have to see if there are any charming things blocked in the system mall?

"Ahem~ Hello, students. My name is Zhao Zhijun, and I am the counselor of your 4716 Design Department Class 1. The man stood on the podium, holding a microphone, looking at the students below, and began to introduce himself.

"Hello everyone"

"Hello teacher!"

"Hello, teacher!"

There was a warm applause in the classroom.

"First of all, I am very happy to be your counselor. Please give me your guidance in the future." Zhao Zhijun said, and then bowed to everyone.

"Teacher, these are what you should do."Mo Zan looked at Zhao Zhijun and said with a smile.

Ziyun looked at Mo Zan with a gleam in his eyes, thinking in his heart: This guy is definitely flattering me!!

Zhao Zhijun just smiled after hearing what Mo Zan said, and said nothing, and continued:"I believe that everyone knows what will be discussed in the first class meeting in college? I won't talk too much nonsense, after all, everyone is an adult, and there is no need for me to say much about safety issues? After all, you have talked about it enough in junior high and high school, so I will omit it here."

Although he said so? But it still talked about some

""Student, please help the teacher to distribute the safety warnings~" Zhao Zhijun looked at Ziyun and said.

Ziyun was stunned for a moment, then reacted, quickly stood up, walked to the podium, and took the stack of papers from the teacher,"Okay, teacher"


"Ziyun, let me help you post it~!" Mo Zan came over happily, stretched out his hand and said.

Ziyun glanced at him and handed him half of the safety warning.

"Thank you!" Mo Zan took the safety warning and said with a smile.

Then, he walked towards the girls.

What a show-off!

Ziyun watched Mo Zan walk towards the girls and secretly complained in his heart, but he did not stop him. He walked straight to the boys and issued a safety warning.


Seeing that it was not Ziyun who came here to distribute the safety warnings, the girls all felt a little disappointed, and then looked at Mo Zan with resentment, as if they wanted to torture him to death.

Mo Zan felt a chill on his back and shuddered subconsciously. After distributing the warnings, he quickly ran to Ziyun's side and sat down.

"Damn! I'm so scared! Ziyun, look, those girls are so scary~~!!"Mo Zan muttered softly.

Ziyun glanced at the girls and didn't say anything.


"Everyone got it, right? Just read it and sign below."Zhao Zhijun looked down and said

""Yes." Everyone agreed in unison.

""By the way, classmate, what's your name?" At this time, Zhao Zhijun suddenly changed his target and asked Ziyun.

Ziyun was stunned for a moment, then said:"My name is Ziyun"

"Ziyun, a nice name. When the time comes, help the teacher collect the safety warnings."After Zhao Zhijun finished speaking, he smiled at Ziyun.

Ziyun's mouth twitched after hearing what Zhao Zhijun said, and then he said,"Okay."

"Well, that's all for this matter. Tomorrow I will go to the fourth teaching building with my campus card to pick up my military training uniform. The day after tomorrow I will have military training.……"

"Next, it’s the self-introduction session that everyone loves to see!"

""Student Ziyun, you go first and take the lead!" Zhao Zhijun said to Ziyun.

Ziyun had just gathered his things and was about to sit down when he heard Zhao Zhijun's words. He was a little speechless, but he still stood up and walked to the front of the podium.

"Hello everyone, my name is Ziyun, I am a local of Canghai City, please take care of me in the future!"Ziyun said to the audience, and then walked back to his seat and sat down.

As soon as Ziyun sat down, the girls below went crazy.

"Wow! He is so handsome, just like a handsome boy who walked out of a painting!!"

"His skin is so white~! And his voice is so gentle and sweet~!"


"Hello everyone, my name is Li Mengyao, from Huacheng, please take care of me in the future!"A girl stood up, walked up, looked at the girls below, and introduced herself

"My name is Li Hao, I am from Chengdu, I like singing and dancing, I hope you will take care of me in the future……"

"My name is Wang Xiaoyu, I am from Kyoto,……"

" My name is Chen Wenbin, from Haicheng, I like……"



About half an hour later, all the students in the class had introduced themselves.

Zhao Zhijun glanced at them, nodded, and said,"That's all for today's self-introductions~! Everyone can go home and have a rest! Remember to go to the fourth teaching building tomorrow to pick up the military training uniforms, don't forget!"

""Okay! Goodbye, teacher~!" Everyone shouted in unison and left the classroom.

After most of the students had left, Ziyun and the other three came out.

""Huh~! It's finally over, Ziyun, I didn't expect you to be so popular with girls! I'm so jealous!" Mo Zan said sadly, looking at the girls around him.

Ziyun glanced at Mo Zan and said nothing.

His heart told him that the more popular he was, the more dangerous he would be.………

"Okay, okay, let's go eat.……"Chai Hansong came over, patted Mo Zan on the shoulder, and said

""Okay~!" Mo Zan replied with a smile. Then, the four of them walked out of the teaching building, talking and laughing.

As soon as they walked out of the door of the teaching building, Ziyun was stunned.

Because there was a familiar figure standing not far away.………

The feeling of fear hit Ziyun again, causing his body to tremble.


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