Hearing what they said, Ziyun paused while playing the game, and there was a strange flash in his eyes.

Trying to reduce his presence as much as possible, Ziyun pretended to know nothing and continued to play the game.

He didn't want them to focus on him, because he didn't know how to explain this matter.

Could it be that the kiss was accidental?

If they knew that the person was him, they would probably tear him apart!

After all, they were not familiar with each other at this time. If he told them rashly, it would be like exposing himself to their guns.

""Old Three, what's that kid's name?" Mo Zan looked at Yu Yizhi and asked

"I don't know!" Yu Yizhi shook his head.

"Did you see his appearance clearly?" Mo Zan asked again.

"It's too far, I can't see clearly."Yu Yizhi shook his head and said

"Are there any photos of the campus forum?"

"I guess not... After all, most people were howling in indignation and didn't bother to take pictures. By the time they realized what was happening, they had already gone far away."

""Fuck!" Mo Zan couldn't help but curse.

"Okay, second brother, let’s not discuss which one for now." Chai Hansong looked at the time and it was already half past five in the afternoon, so he said,"Let’s go eat!"

"Yeah!" Yu Yizhi nodded,"I didn't eat lunch, and now I'm starving."

"Me too."Mo Zan also echoed.

Ziyun finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that they did not continue the discussion.

"Let's go!" Chai Hansong said, and took the lead to walk out of the dormitory building.

""Ziyun, why are you still standing there? Let's go and have dinner!" Mo Zan saw that Yu Yizhi and Chai Hansong had left, so he turned around and called Ziyun.

""Oh!" Ziyun responded and quickly followed.


The four of them took out their phones and saw that it was a message sent by the counselor in the group: All students in Design Class 1 will have a class meeting at 6 o'clock tonight in Room 206, Building A. Please arrive on time!!!

Seeing this message, the three of them suddenly felt depressed.

"Oh my god, a class meeting at this time? Are you kidding me? I haven't eaten yet?" Mo Zan looked at the message on the phone screen and couldn't help complaining.

"Okay, stop complaining and go to the class meeting first!" Chai Hansong patted Mo Zan on the shoulder and comforted him.

""Yes!" Mo Zan nodded, then put his phone in his pocket and followed Chai Hansong and Yu Yizhi.

After Ziyun caught up with them, he also put his phone in his pocket and followed them.

Along the way, everyone was silent.


When they arrived at the bottom of the teaching building, they found that many people had already arrived.

"Damn!!!" Mo Zan looked at the crowd in front of him and felt like crying.

"I should have come at a later time." Mo Zan said with a frustrated look.

Yu Yizhi patted Mo Zan on the shoulder and said,"Okay, stop complaining, let's go in quickly!"

""Yes!" Mo Zan nodded, and then the four of them squeezed into the crowd and walked in.

At this time, Ziyun's phone suddenly rang. He picked up the phone and saw that it was his mother calling. He signaled to his roommate, then left the crowd and went to the corner to answer the phone.

"Hello, mom!"

"Xiaoyun, why didn't you tell your mother before you chose to live in the school?" The mother and son said in a somewhat blaming tone.

"Mom, I'm grown up now and have my own ideas. Ziyun said calmly.

"Xiaoyun, are you becoming less obedient to your mother as you grow older?"The mother and son pretended to be sad and said.


After a moment of silence, Ziyun said,"Mom, I just want to be more independent."

"But you are making me worry about you. You should know that I feel very sad when I don’t see you for a day." As the mother and son talked, their voices began to cry.


At this time, Ziyun finally couldn't help but sigh, and said to his mother on the other end of the phone:"Mom, I'm grown up now, you don't have to worry about me anymore, I can handle my own affairs."

"But……"Mother and son hesitate to speak

"Okay, Mom, I won't talk to you anymore. I have to start a class meeting." Ziyun said, then hung up the phone and put the phone in his pocket. He felt a little depressed. He didn't know why his mother was so possessive and controlling of him.


Ziyun sighed deeply, then turned and walked towards Classroom 206 in Building A.


On the other side, hearing the busy tone on the phone, the gloom in the eyes of the mother and son became even thicker.

"It seems that Xiao Yunyun has grown wings and doesn't listen to her mother anymore. She wants to fly away by herself." The mother and son murmured, their faces becoming a little distorted,"But it doesn't matter, Mom will find a way to make you obedient."

Then, looking at the man at her feet,"You bastard, when I remarried you, didn't I tell you not to interfere in the affairs between me and my son?"

""Yue Ke, it's wrong to control and possess Ziyun like that. He is your son, not Ziyi. You should let him grow up freely." The man said lightly.

Zimu looked at the man under her feet and sneered,"Heh~! Grow up freely? I tell you, no way! If you dare to interfere in Ziyun's affairs again, I will make you live a life worse than death!"

"Don't you think it's despicable to control and possess him like this?" The man still looked at her calmly,"Have you ever considered his feelings?"

"Humph! I don't need to consider his feelings."Ziyun was born after ten months of pregnancy. My blood flows in his body. Even if he hates me, I will not let him leave me."

"Yue Ke, I hope you can respect your child. You can't always control Ziyun's affairs from the perspective of a mother and a wife. If you do this, you will ruin him. The man looked at her and said seriously.

"What do you know?……"After hearing what he said, the mother and son's faces changed and they said excitedly:

"………"The man looked at her and shook his head helplessly,"Gong Yueke, you can take care of yourself!"

After saying that, the man turned and left, leaving the mother and son alone.


At this time, Ziyun had already arrived at the door of classroom 206.

"Ziyun, here, here……"Yu Yizhi saw Ziyun appear at the door and greeted him immediately.

Ziyun nodded slightly and walked in.

With Ziyun's entry, the whole classroom instantly became quiet.

So handsome!

Many girls looked at Ziyun's handsome face and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Seeing everyone's gaze, Ziyun calmly sat down in the seat next to Mo Zan, Yu Yizhi sat on his right, and Chai Hansong sat on Yu Yizhi's right.

"Why are you sitting in the first row? I just saw there are seats in the back!"

"I didn't realize you guys love studying so much!" Ziyun said puzzledly.

"Hehe~, don’t you think that if you sit in the first row, you can see the appearance of the girls in our class more clearly when you introduce yourself!" Mo Zan smiled a little obscenely.

Yu Yizhi:"…………"

Seeing Mo Zan's expression, Ziyun was speechless.


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