"What's wrong, Ziyun? Are you feeling unwell?" Mo Zan saw that Ziyun looked dazed and asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I just feel a little tired suddenly. I'll go back to the dormitory first, you guys go eat!" Ziyun suppressed his inner fear and said to Chai Hansong and the other two.

"Well, be careful on the road. Chai Hansong nodded and said


Ziyun responded, and just as he was about to leave quickly, a clear and pleasant voice came from under a street lamp not far away.

But to Ziyun, it was like the whisper of a devil, which made him feel a little creepy.

""Junior Ziyun, we are so destined to meet you here!"

At this time, a fragrant breeze blew, and then a girl in a white sportswear and a high ponytail slowly walked out from the shadow of the street lamp.

There was a smile on her face.

However, in Ziyun's eyes, that smile was a little scary. The fear from the bottom of his heart made him have an urge to escape.

He wanted to recall, but he couldn't, and his mind was blank.

Similarly, the three roommates also looked in the direction of the sound, and when they saw the girl's appearance clearly, they were also stunned.

This girl was none other than Shangguan Yingrui, the number one campus beauty of Canghai University, the goddess of the three of them!

But now their goddess actually greeted Ziyun and took the initiative to approach her.

Is there something strange in the middle?

The three of them exchanged puzzled looks with each other, and finally set their sights on Ziyun.

"Ziyun, do you know her?" Mo Zan looked at Ziyun and asked in confusion.

"Yes, I know him. I met him in the cafeteria and exchanged a few words with him!"Ziyun calmed down, came to his senses, and said

"So that's how it is~!" Mo Zan nodded, but then he looked at Ziyun in confusion and asked,"But do you have any connection with her?"

"I'm not familiar with her.……"Ziyun replied in a panic.

"Then why did she notice you?"Mo Zan frowned and continued to ask

"have no idea……"

How could he know... His mind was in a mess right now, and he didn't want to explain too much.

At this time, Shangguan Yingrui had already walked over.

"Junior Ziyun, what a coincidence, we meet again……"Shangguan Yingrui smiled slightly and said

""Yeah...yes, what a coincidence." Ziyun glanced at Shangguan Yingrui and said awkwardly

""Ziyun, what's wrong with you? You look pale, are you feeling unwell?" Shangguan Yingrui looked at Ziyun and asked with concern.

"fine………"Ziyun shook his head and replied calmly

"Well then~!" Shangguan Yingrui smiled slightly, and then said:"Since we are so destined to meet, I will treat you to a meal, how about it?"

"No... no thanks. I appreciate your kindness, but I'm a little tired, so I want to go back and rest early.………"Ziyun shook his head and refused.

He didn't know why, but he had become a different person since he saw Shangguan Yingrui... He had an urge to run away.

But he didn't dare to

""Oh my! Junior, why are you so disrespectful? I've already treated you, but you refused. It really hurts my heart!" Shangguan Yingrui said, pretending to be sad.

Watching Shangguan Yingrui's performance, Ziyun's mouth twitched, and he secretly complained in his heart: This girl's acting skills are really good! Should I consider joining the entertainment industry?

However, this can only be thought about in the heart.

"I'm really sleepy, sorry~!" Ziyun still shook his head, not wanting to get entangled with Shangguan Yingrui.

"Okay~! In that case, I won't force it.......But, what a pity, I originally wanted to invite my roommate to go out and chat together, but it seems that we can only do it next time.……"Shangguan Yingrui glanced at the three people in Ziyun's dormitory, sighed, and pretended to be helpless.

Listening to Shangguan Yingrui's words, Ziyun's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Oh no, is this girl going to play some tricks again?

Sure enough, Shangguan Yingrui's next words confirmed Ziyun's guess.

When Mo Zan and Chai Hansong heard it, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they quickly agreed:"Senior, senior, Ziyun is not sleepy. He was playing games energetically in the afternoon, how could he be sleepy~!"

"We can go eat together………"Mo Zan continued.

Ziyun almost fainted when he heard this. You idiots actually sold me out.

Although Yu Yizhi didn't say anything, his meaning was similar to Mo Zan's.

Ziyun couldn't help but smile bitterly, but he could only shake his head helplessly, then nodded and said:"In this case, I'll trouble you, senior sister."

"It's settled then, see you in the back street later~!" Shangguan Yingrui smiled at Ziyun, then turned and walked towards another road.

Ziyun looked at Shangguan Yingrui's back and breathed a long sigh of relief, as if a huge rock had fallen to the ground, and he felt much more relaxed.

Then, he glared at Mo Zan and Chai Hansong fiercely.

The two of them looked innocent and shrugged their shoulders, indicating that they were innocent.

They just wanted to get to know the senior's roommate, exchange feelings, and have a meal.

Looking at Mo Zan and Chai Hansong, Ziyun became even more depressed.

"Ziyun, why did you reject the invitation just now?" Mo Zan came forward and asked in confusion.

"me………"Ziyun opened his mouth, but found that he didn't know how to answer.

Could it be that he didn't know why he rejected Shangguan Yingrui's invitation?

He really didn't know.………

Or, he couldn't tell the reason.

"What do you mean by"you"? Tell me the truth, what is your relationship with the senior sister?"Chai Hansong asked with a gossipy look on his face.

"I'm not familiar with my senior sister.………"

Ziyun didn't even think about it and said

"Not familiar with her?" Mo Zan and Chai Hansong looked at each other, both showing disbelief.

Not familiar with her?

Who would believe such nonsense?

They are not fools, how could they believe Ziyun's words.

If they were not familiar with her, why did Shangguan Yingrui suddenly smile at you so brightly just now, and how could she invite you to dinner?

You know, Shangguan is not only the most recognized beautiful campus belle in the school, but also the president and vice president of the Taekwondo Club, the Women's Fighting Club, and the Sanda Club.

In addition to her unattainable background and the aura that she was born with, she has never smiled at anyone.

Today, she took the initiative to smile at you, still with such a gentle and sweet smile, there must be something fishy about it.

Ziyun looked at the expressions of Mo Zan and Chai Hansong, and his heart was speechless.

It seems that they still don't believe that they are not familiar with Shangguan Yingrui.………

Regardless of whether they believed it or not, he was too lazy to argue.

Ziyun sighed and said,"Forget it, think whatever you want~!"

Seeing this, Mo Zan and Chai Hansong looked at each other and laughed.

There was definitely something going on between the two~!


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