On the other side, Ziyun and Shangguan Yingrui had already driven towards the villa. Inside the car, the atmosphere was a little silent.

Shangguan Yingrui kept turning her head to look at Ziyun's handsome profile, her eyes full of possessiveness and aggression. Ziyun felt her burning gaze, but pretended to be calm and focused on driving.

Although he appeared calm, in fact, Ziyun's whole body was stiff, and even the palms of his hands holding the steering wheel were sweating.

He didn't know what this woman was up to, so he could only be cautious against her.

"hehe………"Suddenly Shangguan Yingrui chuckled, causing Ziyun's heart to tighten suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Ziyun asked, pretending to be calm.

"It's nothing, sister, I just want to laugh………"Shangguan Yingrui was laughing so hard that her body shook.

This made Ziyun even more alert. Could it be that Shangguan Yingrui discovered something?

"Um……"Shangguan Yingrui smiled strangely again.

This smile caught Ziyun's eyes and made him tremble.

"Sister, I……"Ziyun was just about to explain

"Okay, sister is just teasing you~" Shangguan Yingrui smiled at him and blinked her beautiful eyes.

Ziyun breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this woman didn't notice………

However, Shangguan Yingrui's abnormality also made him feel a little strange, but he didn't think much about it. After all, no one could guess what a girl was thinking.………

"elder sister………"Ziyun turned around and looked at her, hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong?" Shangguan Yingrui raised her eyebrows, still with a faint smile on her lips.

Ziyun hesitated for a moment,"I want to go back to school tomorrow to take the final exam of this semester... I promise not to run away, really, I promise you………"

""Oh?" Shangguan Yingrui's face suddenly turned gloomy.

Seeing her change in expression, Ziyun knew that she would not agree to his request this time, but fortunately, he had a backup plan and told Yu Yizhi the address.

It seems that Shangguan Yingrui would not do anything when someone was at home. Ziyun knew this.


Ziyun heard a cold laugh, which made him tremble.

At this time, there was a traffic jam, and it would be difficult to get through for a while.

Shangguan Yingrui stretched out her finger to hook his chin, and then moved in front of him,"Brother Ziyun, do you think your sister will agree to you?"

Shangguan Yingrui's breath sprayed on Ziyun's cheek, itching.

"…………"Ziyun didn't speak

"Ziyun's younger brother………"Shangguan Yingrui licked his thin lips with the tip of her tongue, and then continued,"Why don't you answer your sister? Your sister will be sad~"

Her words seemed to be coaxing, but Ziyun could hear the threat in them.

"Sister, I………"Before Ziyun could finish, there were bursts of car horns and drivers cursing from behind,"Fuck... what's going on in front?"

Seeing this, Ziyun hurriedly started the accelerator and sped away.

Shangguan Yingrui had a grim look on her face. Damn it, she almost heard her baby admit his mistakes!

They really deserved to die!………

Ziyun drove all the way and soon arrived at the entrance of the villa. The car slowly stopped and then turned off the engine.

Ziyun was about to unbuckle his seat belt when Shangguan Yingrui suddenly approached him and said,"Where do you want to go? You haven't answered your sister yet?" She looked at him with a smile, her eyes full of teasing.

"I was wrong. I shouldn't have thought about leaving you."Ziyun pursed his lips, lowered his eyes, and admitted his mistake.

He knew that he couldn't provoke her now, otherwise he probably wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.………

Sure enough, Shangguan Yingrui felt much better when she heard him admit his mistake. She raised her hand and gently stroked Ziyun's face. The soft touch made her love it."Since you already know you are wrong, you should listen to your sister more in the future, understand?"

Ziyun nodded obediently.

"That's good!" Shangguan Yingrui smiled with satisfaction, she leaned over and kissed his lips,"Brother Ziyun, remember, don't make your sister angry. If you make your sister angry, you don't know what crazy things you will do." There was a threat in her words.

This sentence made Ziyun's body dazed, and then he nodded,"Sister, don't worry, I will be obedient."

Shangguan Yingrui's eyes narrowed into slits, and her eyes flashed with dangerous light:"Well, it's better to be like this, otherwise, you should know the consequences." Her smile was weird, and her tone was gentle, but creepy.

""Yeah." Ziyun replied indifferently, not daring to look at her any more, for fear that she would see through his thoughts.

The two got out of the car and went into the house. Shangguan Yingrui first helped Ziyun take a bath, then helped him clean his hair, and finally helped herself wash again, put on pajamas, and lay down on the bed.

After the two lay down, Shangguan Yingrui put her arms around Ziyun's waist, put her face on his chest, closed her eyes, and enjoyed the unique smell on his body.………

Although Ziyun was somewhat resistant, he chose to obey her in order not to anger her.

Soon after, they fell asleep in each other's arms.………

It was late at night, and the moonlight shone into the room through the window, clearly showing Gong Yueke's beautiful facial features and long, curled eyelashes.

At this moment, she was in a nightmare, with beads of sweat on her forehead and pain between her brows, as if she was mumbling something in her sleep.

"Ziyi...you promised me that you would make me happy...why did you break your promise?………"Gong Yueke whispered softly, tears flowing down her eyes and wetting the pillowcase.

In her dream, suddenly, a nine-year-old little figure hugged her fragile body tightly,"Mommy! Mommy! Don't cry, if you cry like this, Dad in heaven will see it and be unhappy, so Mommy, don't cry, okay?"

"In the future, Xiao Yuner will take over Daddy's hand, protect Mommy, and stay with Mommy forever. She will never leave Mommy.………"The tender voice of the child is full of determination and sincerity


Then, Xiao Yun'er's blurry figure slowly disappeared. Gong Yueke tried to catch her but found it was futile.………

""Xiaoyun! Xiaoyun! Don't leave... You promised your mother!"

Gong Yueke shouted.

At this time, Gong Yueke opened her eyes, sat up suddenly, and tried to find Ziyun, but she found that she was the only one in the dark room.

"Xiaoyun?" She exclaimed, but Ziyun did not respond.

Picking up the phone, Gong Yueke dialed Ziyun's number, but the cold mechanical voice on the other end of the line still said,"The number you dialed is currently unanswered. Please call again later."………"

Gong Yueke frowned, pressed the hang-up button, and called again, but it still showed that no one was answering the call.

She called several times in a row, but the same thing happened every time.

Xiaoyun, what's wrong? Why don't you answer your mother's call... Are you going to abandon your mother and leave her too?

Gong Yueke lowered her head, curled up in bed, hugged her knees with her hands, buried her head in her arms, her eyes slightly red, and crystal clear tears slid down her cheeks to her neck and dripped onto the sheets.………

She felt as if her heart was being torn apart, and she was in great pain.

"Xiaoyun... don't go... don't leave mommy alone... don't... woohoo………"


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