Time flies, and it's the day of the end-of-term exhibition.

After Shangguan Yingrui dressed neatly and finished breakfast, she took Ziyun out of the house and went to school.

When they arrived at the school, Ziyun took Shangguan Yingrui to the place where the design major was specially set up for exhibition.

There were already many people gathered here.

Because the end-of-term exhibition of each semester is quite grand, the college specially invited a group of reporters to interview and broadcast it on the Internet media to attract more attention and increase the popularity of the school.

Shangguan Yingrui dressed very beautifully today, wearing a white knee-length skirt, with long black and smooth hair scattered around her waist, no makeup on her face, white and tender skin, delicate features, like a fairy walking out of a painting, beautiful and elegant.

She took Ziyun's arm and stood with him, just like a golden boy and a jade girl, pleasing to the eye and eye-catching.

The two of them stood out in the crowd, and the boys around them cast envious and jealous eyes at Ziyun.

Ziyun, on the other hand, had an indifferent expression on his face. He was not affected by the surrounding environment at all. He took Shangguan Yingrui straight to the exhibition area where their class was setting up the exhibition.

""Old Four!" At this time, Ziyun heard a shout from behind him.

He stopped and turned to look at the source of the sound, and saw two funny guys running towards him.

""Old Four, you finally came to school?" Mo Zan and Chai Hansong ran over excitedly and hugged him.

Shangguan Yingrui's face turned black instantly, and her whole body exuded a low pressure that was enough to suffocate the people around her.

Ziyun felt Shangguan Yingrui's anger, and his body suddenly stiffened. He quickly pushed away Chai Hansong and Mo Zan.

"cough cough………"

The two of them smiled awkwardly. Mo Zan scratched his head and explained,"Well, Senior Sister, we didn't mean that. We just haven't seen Old Four for a long time, so we were a little too happy.………"

They felt that after Shangguan and Ziyun were together, her expression became more and more uncertain and more and more terrifying.………

"Humph!"Shangguan Yingrui snorted coldly, pulled Ziyun's arm, and walked towards Ziyun's exhibition area, leaving the two idiots stunned.

"Hey, this senior sister's temper has changed a lot." Chai Hansong shook his head and sighed

"Alas, who says it's not true?"Mo Zan said in distress

"Let's go, we'll go too." Chai Hansong put his arm around Mo Zan's shoulders, and the two of them walked over together.

Yu Yizhi followed closely behind.


""Sister...sister, wait here for me. I'll put the homework I've completed this semester on the display stand, okay?" Ziyun asked cautiously, fearing that he might upset her.

"Sure, go ahead, but do it as soon as possible~" Shangguan Yingrui looked at him with a smile, she wanted to see what tricks her baby was going to play to escape from her?

"kindness……"Ziyun responded, and then left quickly.

When his figure disappeared from sight, the smile on Shangguan Yingrui's face suddenly disappeared, and returned to its original coldness.

There was a deep light in her eyes, which made people unpredictable.

Ziyun ran all the way, took his previous homework from the teacher, and then slowly came to the display position designated by the teacher for him.

Then he put his previous color composition, plane composition, and three-dimensional composition homework on the display stand.

After doing all this, he slowly walked towards Shangguan Yingrui's position.

In the process of walking over, he saw Yu Yizhi arranging his homework, so he quietly walked to his side, leaned close to his ear and whispered,"Yizhi, these three homeworks are well done, keep working hard~"

Yu Yizhi was startled by Ziyun's sudden approach, but soon regained his composure. Turning to look over, she saw Ziyun's smiling eyes.

The words she wanted to curse were stuck in her throat. Her little face instantly turned red and she lowered her head because she thought of that scene again.………

Yu Yizhi's shy look made Ziyun couldn't help but chuckle. This handsome boy seemed to blush easily!

Then, he gently rubbed Yu Yizhi's soft short hair, helped her put her things in place, and then returned to Shangguan Yingrui.

Feeling that Ziyun had left, Yu Yizhi raised his head and looked at the slender figure that was getting farther and farther away, and his cheeks became even redder.

Damn! What's wrong with me? Why do I think of the embarrassing scene that day every time I see Ah Yun?!

Ah? Ah? Ah?

Yu Yizhi shook her head vigorously to get rid of that picture. Seeing that Ziyun had already put her things in place, she adjusted them a little and went to find Mo Zan and the others!


"Brother Ziyun, why did you take so long?" Shangguan Yingrui looked up at him and asked, her tone seemed full of dissatisfaction.

"Well………"Ziyun hesitated for a moment and said,"I just met a friend and helped him arrange her homework.………"

Shangguan Yingrui's eyes flickered for a moment, she didn't say anything, she just stared at Ziyun quietly.

It seemed that her baby had already taken action.………However, no matter what evil ideas you have, you can't escape.………

Ziyun was terrified by Shangguan Yingrui's stare. He always felt that Shangguan Yingrui's current expression seemed to contain some kind of danger.

""Sister...what's wrong with you?" Ziyun asked tentatively

"Nothing~" Shangguan Yingrui raised the corners of her lips, smiling brightly and harmlessly.


Why do I feel a chill down my spine?

This thought flashed through his mind, but Ziyun didn't pay much attention to it.

He sat back down next to Shangguan Yingrui.………

Then, Shangguan Yingrui leaned forward, hugged his neck intimately, buried her face in his arms, and smelled his unique scent.

This smell gradually calmed her irritable mood.

"Brother Ziyun, you'd better not think about running away, or your sister will be angry~" Shangguan Yingrui's warm breath blew on Ziyun's neck, causing him to shudder all over.

"Haha, of course not, sister, don't worry, I promised you that I will never run away again."Ziyun laughed dryly a few times, patted Shangguan Yingrui's delicate arm, and promised.

Time passed by minute by minute, and at noon the two went out for a meal and returned to school around 3:30.

At this time, the teacher had said a few simple words, and the exhibition began.

All the students in the design department stood in front of their respective works waiting for the judgment of students and teachers from other colleges and the media.

It was a public execution for their freshman year.

The exhibition ended around seven or eight o'clock in the evening.

After everyone packed up their things, they went back to their dormitories.

When Yu Yizhi was packing up, he saw a note under his homework. He opened it and took a look. It was written by Ziyun.

He couldn't help but frowned slightly.


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