Gong Yueke sobbed softly, her eyes empty and desperate, as if her entire soul had left her body.

Xiaoyun, please don't abandon your mother, don't………

She choked and tears kept falling,"Mom only has you left... You can't leave mom...

This feeling of helplessness and despair is suffocating.

She didn't have to think about it, it must be Shangguan Yingrui who didn't let her son answer her call!

A strong hatred suddenly surged in her beautiful eyes. She gritted her teeth, clenched her fists, the veins on the back of her hands bulged, her nails were deeply embedded in her palms, and blood was flowing, but she didn't notice it at all.

Her heart was full of resentment, and she wished she could cut Shangguan Yingrui into pieces.

Xiaoyun promised me that she would always be with mom and would never leave mom. Then Xiaoyun is mine, and no one can take her away!

Her eyes became more and more gloomy and cruel


The next morning, when the sun shone into the bedroom, Shangguan Yingrui woke up. She yawned lazily, then turned over and hugged Ziyun.

She lowered her eyes and glanced at the man in her arms.���The sleeping boy

""Good morning, brother Ziyun~" She nuzzled him affectionately, then lifted the quilt, got out of bed barefoot, and walked towards the bathroom. At nine o'clock in the morning, Ziyun finally opened his hazy eyelids.

He glanced at the bright and dazzling sun outside, rubbed his sleepy eyes, got up, changed clothes, brushed his teeth, washed up, and signed in.………

Still nothing good has been signed in. Just look at the points on the system panel and let the system quit!

After washing up, Ziyun sat at the dining table and Shangguan Yingrui began to feed him breakfast.

Ziyun let her feed him without saying anything or refutating her.

The two of them finished their breakfast quietly, and Shangguan Yingrui took a tissue to wipe his mouth.

"I have classes today, so you have to stay at home and be good. Don't run around! Got it?" Shangguan Yingrui said.

"I understand, don't worry, sister!"

""Hmm!" Shangguan Yingrui touched his head and kissed him on the forehead,"Be good! Sister is going to class now~ Bye~"


After Shangguan Yingrui left, Ziyun stood there and watched her disappear at the door before he collapsed to the ground.

"Phew, it's really tiring to act.………"Ziyun let out a long sigh and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This feeling was too uncomfortable! Every time he faced her, his body would tense up.

If this continued, he would go crazy!

Ziyun shook his head and shook off the various images that appeared in his mind. Then he turned and walked to the window and opened the curtains.

The sun was shining outside, with birds singing and flowers blooming. Unfortunately, he could only stay in the villa and couldn't even go out. He hoped that Yizhi could save him.

"Sigh~" He sighed, then sat on the sofa, playing with his tablet out of boredom.


"Third brother, you're back! Did you bring us food?"Yu Yizhi heard Mo Zan's rude voice as soon as he returned to the dormitory.

"I brought it for you!" Yu Yizhi replied calmly, handing the bag of food to Mo Zan.

Mo Zan took the food box, opened the lid and sniffed it.

""Wow! It smells so good! It's still hot! Thank you!" Mo Zan grabbed the food box and couldn't wait to shovel a mouthful of rice into his mouth.

Yu Yizhi sat on his own stool and put the food in his other hand on the table.

"Third brother, what did you bring back again? Could it be that Senior Sister Su couldn't put her things there again, so she put them here with you?"

Mo Zan asked him while wolfing down his food.

Hearing this, Yu Yizhi blushed slightly,"No! Don't guess! This is what Ayun asked me to buy for him."

A few days ago, this guy saw her bring a bag of things in and thought it was snacks or something, but when he grabbed it, he found that it was full of all kinds of women's clothes.

She fooled him for a long time before she fooled him.

"Oh? So it was Lao Si who asked you to buy it for him?!" Mo Zan didn't ask any more questions, thinking it was a gift from Lao Si to his girlfriend.

After that, he continued to eat.

Yu Yizhi didn't know why Ziyun asked her to buy these things... However, he still couldn't figure it out. Was Senior Shangguan really a lunatic like what Ziyun said on the note?

He always felt that it was not like that.………

""Old Four, what are you thinking about?! You are so absorbed in it."

Seeing that Old Four was in a daze, Mo Zan couldn't help but bumped into him.

Yu Yizhi came back to his senses,"Nothing. By the way, we are going to look for Ayun tomorrow. Do you want to go with us?"

"Go! Why not?!"


Shangguan Yingrui glanced at the contents of the test paper, and when it was time to start writing, she quickly wrote down the answers.

About half an hour later, she handed in the paper. The invigilators did not dare to do so, after all, they could not afford to offend a young lady. After handing in the paper, Shangguan Yingrui walked out of the classroom building and drove home.

After returning home, the first thing Shangguan Yingrui did was to pounce on Ziyun. She bit his neck, leaving a string of red marks.

After being satisfied, Shangguan Yingrui released her grip on Ziyun's body, and went to the kitchen to prepare meals.

Ziyun sat on the sofa in the living room, gently wiping the red mark on his neck with a tissue. The mark was still very deep.

Shangguan Yingrui prepared the meal and brought it to the dining table, then called Ziyun,"Come and eat!"


Shangguan Yingrui fed Ziyun and finished eating herself. Then, she started another round of torturing Ziyun until she was exhausted. Then she let him go.

The next day, Shangguan Yingrui went to school for the exam as usual. Ziyun stayed in the room and spent the whole morning in a decadent state.

As soon as Shangguan Yingrui got home, she went straight to the bedroom.

Pushing open the door, Shangguan Yingrui saw Ziyun curled up in the corner.

Shangguan Yingrui frowned. She slowly approached Ziyun, threw her bag on the ground, and then took off her coat and threw it beside her.

Shangguan Yingrui sat down next to Ziyun, hugged Ziyun in her arms, patted Ziyun on the shoulder, and said gently:"What's the matter? Are you unhappy?"

"No." Ziyun's voice came out muffled.

"Don't be angry, okay? Sister was wrong." She held his face with her hands and stared into his eyes seriously.

Ziyun glanced at her and turned his head away.

Shangguan Yingrui smiled when she saw this. She came forward, kissed him hard, and then asked with a smile:"Are you okay?"

""Hmph!" Ziyun snorted arrogantly.

Shangguan Yingrui raised her eyebrows,"Then sister promises one thing, is that okay?"

After saying that, she wanted to kiss his lips again, but was interrupted by a ringing bell, and her face instantly darkened.

Outside the door, Yu Yizhi, Chai Hansong, and Mo Zan had been waiting at the door for a long time.

After they knocked on the door for a while, there was no response from inside the house, and the three of them couldn't help but look at each other.

What's going on?! Is he not at home?


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