Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 83 Crush you ants

Boom! When he suddenly faced such an incredible scene, Ming displayed his full-scale Titan bug body with great force.

All this happened in just an instant. Ming transformed into a giant of more than 20 meters. Then he had explosive power, which seemed to surge out of his body uncontrollably. At this time, Ming directly held the giant... With a fist, the stone man in front of him exploded into countless dusts on the spot, completely making him disappear into the sky!

Oh, Suley Maria, look at that guy, he smashed one of my subordinates. Marshal Liuli below looked at Ming's sudden transformation and completely smashed one of his stone warriors, and he felt in his heart. one time.

I saw it, don't act too hastily. Maybe you are lucky. The guy who attacked must be a high-ranking creature. Sulemaria analyzed calmly, as if she was not interested in the transformable monster above. It feels very dangerous and tricky.

Do you want to try? I feel he is very dangerous and has the aura of a king! Marshal Liuli thinks that to kill the enemy, he must kill the king first. If the transformed guy above is the king of these insects, then solving the problem is straightforward and simple. too much!

Well, my opponent, that guy has already reminded me of that earth-shattering battle a thousand years ago. A bug named Queen of Blades almost took away the heart of the fighting spirit of our Stone Soul Clan! Suley Maria at this time He was also a little serious. The more he looked at the other party, the more unfathomable he became. He always felt that his opponent looked like the Queen of Blades from thousands of years ago.

Hmph, but I can send him to hell with one arrow! At this time, Suleymaria burned her fighting spirit, and condensed a fighting spirit with human head and horse body outside her body. It was a hundred meters huge and appeared in the shape of sky blue. The color makes people feel extremely sacred and domineering when viewed up close and far away. In short, it is like a wonderful dharma, heaven and earth!

Then, a large blue bow suddenly appeared on Sulemaria's blue fighting spirit body, but was immediately pulled away tightly by the arms at the head, followed by a blue light arrow. Condensed on the bowstring out of thin air.


When this light arrow was launched, it was so fast that the naked eye could not catch it. It was unimaginable to be able to fully feel its power. At least the space it passed was being burned violently.

These strange guys are really interesting! Ming Zai did not move or even make any resistance when facing the opponent's attack!

So I saw this blue light arrow piercing Ming's body on the spot, destroying a hollow wound of about one foot on Ming's huge body, but under such a terrifying wound, Ming did not shed a single trace of blood. Instead of blood, the wounds on his body were being repaired at an extremely fast speed. In the end, in less than ten seconds, all the damage caused by the light arrow had been recovered!

Sulei Maria, you're not awake, are you? Can't you fire a few more arrows at the same time? Marshal Liuli looked at the general's war soul arrow, which didn't seem to cause any damage to the creature above. Multiple arrows will surely severely damage the creature above.

Damn it, it's true that I underestimated him. This time I will shoot him into a funnel. Let's see if he dares to ignore my attack! When the marshal said this, Suleimaria exploded on the spot. . He thought that no one dared to despise his war soul arrow thousands of years ago, but now this enemy ignores his attack like this, which is simply unforgivable!

Are you coming again? Then Ming Ziran noticed the idiot below with the head and body of a horse, and he actually dared to attack him. Isn't this looking for shit?

Hmph, I will crush you ants now! So Ming directly landed the Hive Will aircraft, and then directly dispatched 8 billion insects of the Ming Zerg tribe, so powerfully that they ignored any attacks from tens of millions of enemy warriors. Let these stones feel what power is.

Hey, Marshal, something's wrong. That guy won't accept my attacks anymore! Sulemaria's fighting spirit body had already pulled out twelve light arrows at this time, but she noticed that she was being attacked by The target of the attack suddenly fell into the battlefield ahead as if teleporting. Then, the huge object with no visible boundaries in the sky came directly down!

For a moment, these stone creatures felt an extremely powerful sense of oppression, as if the whole sky was about to collapse.

Fearless warriors, become the soul of the warhammer in the hands of King Kyle! However, at this moment, the marshal, as a warrior with tens of millions of stones, made an absolute order! It seems that taking a step back is a shame for them, and they must fight to the death to resist beyond their own capabilities!

Haha, I want to see how capable you are!

The moment before, there was an explosion-like movement, falling into the battlefield of millions of warriors on the front line, crushing these stone warriors together with tens of millions of iron beetles, but at this moment, Ming noticed the army of warriors on the other side, and unexpectedly wanted to Resisting the landing of thousands of miles of huge Hive Will aircraft, Sure enough...these life forms made of stone have brain problems!

Arise the Warhammer Soul! The marshal has ordered nine million stone warriors.

Pengpengpeng~~ I saw more than nine million stone warriors completing seamless connections, merging together one after another, and melting into a whole in the blink of an eye, like a huge stone peak, and this huge stone peak in the blink of an eye It turned into a war hammer again. This war hammer was extremely huge, at least tens of thousands of meters in size. It seemed that even the God of Thunder could not shock it!

Then came this extremely huge and shocking stone hammer. Countless warrior souls flew out and quickly condensed into a whole body in the sky. It looked like the soul of a war hammer, exuding incomparable brilliance. At the same time, the formation of the War Hammer Soul is about five times larger than the huge stone hammer.

War hammer strike! The marshal's voice came from the stone hammer at the next moment, and this huge stone hammer and the huge war hammer soul struck directly at the huge Hive Mind aircraft carrier thousands of miles away.

However, as a hive-will aircraft carrier with life consciousness and integrated intelligence, it does not need to issue orders from the master at this moment. It has activated the Zerg psychic shield to form a layer of psychic protection on the outside to avoid any destruction caused by the Warhammer Soul. Power!

Boom! Soon, the huge Hive Will aircraft carrier thousands of miles away collided with the hammering Soul of the Warhammer. The two immediately produced an explosive air flow, which swept across a dozen miles in a terrifying manner. For a moment, they were stunned. The sky was dark, and the yellow sand was sweeping across the sky.

Stuck! However, all this happened only in the blink of an eye. The extremely dazzling Warhammer Soul began to appear with countless cracks, and continued to float and disappear like a broken mirror. Here, it was not so much falling and disappearing. , it would be better to say that the souls of countless warriors return to the bodies of countless warriors!

Then the huge war hammer entity began to appear cracks, but in just an instant, it suddenly shattered into tens of millions of fast-sized stones, and fell to the ground one after another!

As an unshakable Hive Will ship, it descended on the ground with an extremely powerful posture at this moment, and its indescribable weight flattened and crushed all the hillsides and boulders within a radius of thousands of miles. At this point, the Hades Zerg tribe has truly arrived on the Stone Soul Star.

Then came the 8 billion bugs of the Zerg race, densely packed and flying out of the Hive Mind aircraft carrier. Countless worker bugs began to create the home of the Zerg race, vomiting insect liquid from their mouths to catalyze the purple carpet.

After the purple fungus carpet is continuously catalyzed by the insect fluid, it quickly covers an area of ​​thousands of miles, thousands of miles, or even wider at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, the purple carpet is still under the special catalysis of the workers, so as it spreads out, it also forms structures on the ground that are conducive to the climbing of the insects, such as huge insect stings, temporary caves, and tumor-like structures. The fortress awaits!

ps: Thank you [无心心] for the huge reward, and thank you all for your voting support. Well... the updates have been really slow recently, and I have no choice but to do so! If you just want to play but can't sit still, you won't be able to write fast!

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