Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 82 The Heart of War Soul

Warriors, let's start working! Kyle is a 100-meter-level humanoid stone giant, but now he is wearing golden armor, showing his king-like edge. His cold and ruthless eyes are looking at this land. Above, I saw countless warriors and people who had listened to his call and woke up from their thousand-year slumber.

At this time, King Kyle raised the golden armor warhammer in his hand. That thing that symbolized the highest authority suddenly burned with blazing fire in Kyle's hand.

Yes, our great King of Kyle, we will burn the hearts of our fighting souls and fight to the death for you! Countless stone warriors responded with their heads held high, and their voices resonated throughout the sky, and there was even more of a wave. The invisible power was suddenly released by them. It seemed that at this moment, these stone warriors had ignited the hearts of their own fighting souls, and were filled with the fearless fighting emotions of brave men.

No, we need a solid city wall first, and a kingdom inside the city wall... Another 100-meter-level humanoid stone giant is made up of thousands of stones of different sizes at this moment. Appearing to compete with the King of Kyle, his 100-meter-level body was covered with silver armor. He raised the silver shield in his hand, which also burned with raging fire.

Yes, our great King of Kaidi, we are also willing to serve you!

At the next moment, only thousands of stone creatures were seen. They used their bodies to turn into an extremely tall city wall on this endless land. Thousands of stone creatures formed a magnificent and majestic city wall. A domineering palace.

Pah! Pah!!

There are also countless stone creatures that quickly gather and line up to form a huge army. They trample on the land with a sound like iron hooves and become the guard warriors of the entire Stone Kingdom. The formation of this force seems to be able to trample everything in front of it. .

Marshal Liuli, you should shoulder the responsibility of defending the kingdom and send troops to the front line! The huge King Kyle looked at his marshal, hoping that Liuli could bring countless warriors to protect his territory!

Please rest assured, I swear by the fighting spirit in my body that I will fight back all invading enemies! The glazed giant knelt on one knee. At the moment he swore the oath, in his huge 50-meter-long glazed body, Suddenly a 100-meter-level glazed soul appeared, like a god-like being, looking extremely domineering!

Go, you are the pride of my King Kyle! Kyle waved the war hammer in his hand and suddenly threw a ball of fire into the body of the glazed giant.

Thank you for the king's blessing, I have been completely burned! At this time, Liuli was touched by the fire of the war hammer in the hands of King Kyle, and she felt that her sleeping power was infinitely awakened, and the power of the war soul in her body began to burn surgingly!

Sulei Maria! Bring tens of millions of soldiers and follow this marshal to defeat the enemy!

Hey, you guy, after all, I am a general who directly takes orders from the two brothers of King Kyle. Please don't order me around at will! Suley Maria, who was a centaur and a horse, stepped on the ground and looked at it calmly. When I took a look at the Liuli Giant, I felt a little reluctant to follow Marshal Liuli on the expedition.

Suleimaria, please go with Marshal Liuli this time. The enemy may be very strong. If necessary, let Liuli ride on him... The silver stone giant Kaidi King raised the shield in his hand and held a A burning flame engulfed Sulemaria's body.

Hehe, no problem! After receiving the flames from the King of Kaidi, Sulemaria was extremely excited. She felt that the fighting spirit sleeping in her body was gradually waking up. At this moment, Sulemaria could no longer bear it. Don’t stop and let yourself go on the vast land!

go ahead!


So Marshal Liuli led tens of thousands of troops and advanced rapidly toward a certain place, as if he knew where the enemy would appear!

The Hive Mind aircraft carrier in the sky has already broken through the outer atmosphere at this moment, and will land on a desert land in just a few minutes!

Jin... wake up from your deep sleep! At this time, Ming directly asked the invisible insects of the Insects, headed by Jin, to lurk first and get the initial information detection for the Insects!

At this time, hundreds of thousands of invisible insects quietly infiltrated into this world. Not long after, through the invisible insect's vision, Ming discovered that there were no flowers, plants and trees in the world below. Almost every Every corner is a deserted area, and it seems that the boundaries are all made of rocks and sand!

No, how can the stone move? But then, Ming discovered an incredible scene through his field of vision. Just below the straight line, there seemed to be a mysterious legion, which were all special life forms composed of various stone-like creatures. Because there is no blood and flesh in these living beings.

What kind of creatures are these? Can they be eaten? What do they taste like? Ming roughly estimated the number of the opponents, which was around ten million. He, the Ming Zerg, still had a huge advantage in this aspect. As for the combat power of these creatures, There is no way to know at present, and we can only release some puppies to test it first.

It doesn't seem possible. If these strange beings are all stones, the puppy shouldn't be able to bite them directly. Let's just use the iron beetles! Finally, after some meditation, it was better to just launch 50 million iron beetles to try their skills.

So the Hive Will aircraft carrier immediately dropped thousands of Zerg biological pipes, and countless iron beetles descended from the biological pipes to the ground.

Go and trample all the moving stones under your armor! After Ming gave an order, tens of millions of armored insects swarmed away.

Hey, Marshal Liuli, why do you feel like you have seen these things before? Suley Maria looked at them from a distance, as if in a war a thousand years ago, there were many souls in order to protect them. Creatures like this come to invade their world.

Yes, but these guys are much weaker than those creatures back then. Marshal Liuli also remembered, but at this moment, he only felt that these enemies were too weak and were just cannon fodder.

Go up one million and kill all these invading insects! Marshal Liuli then sent out an army of one million, intending to kill more than 50 million insects.

Huh? Only use one million troops? At this moment, Ming saw that the other party had arranged for one million stone men. This was too confident! Are they really powerful?

However, immediately afterwards, Marshal Liuli, the fifty-meter giant stone giant, condensed a ten-meter-diameter boulder out of thin air in his hand, and immediately threw it towards Ming, several thousand meters above the sky. The power of the vibration was very terrifying. On the way, a raging flame burst into flames, and at the same time, it broke through the clouds and appeared directly in front of Ming's eyes.

Looking for death, how dare you directly attack me!

Boom! Ming immediately punched and blasted the attacking boulder into countless slag!


But at the next moment, an incredible scene happened. The stones that had been blasted into countless pieces suddenly condensed together quickly and turned into a ten-meter-level stone man on the spot. This stone man was so brave that he could fly out of thin air in the air. Punch at Ming!

ps: Thank you everyone for your recommendation votes.

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