Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 84 Evolved Tyranids

Huh? Are they all existences of infinite resurrection?

On the other side, Ming followed more than 50 million iron beetles and had completely crushed millions of stone warriors. However, these stone warriors seemed to have the ability to be immortal. No matter how they were destroyed, these warriors could quickly stand up. Standing up, even after turning into countless fast-sized stones, they can gather into new warriors in an instant.

However, it is really a good ability! But for Ming, there is always a reason for the ability to be immortal. If the gene can be stolen, this will be another huge advancement for the Ming Zerg tribe. !

It seems like this is an opportunity for the Tyran series bugs to undergo a major evolution and test!

However, Ming will not personally explore the immortality of these stone warriors, because the Ming Zerg tribe once hatched a batch of Tyranids using hundreds of gene combinations, which means that each insect has hundreds of different kinds of genes in its body. The genetic potential of living things, it just so happens that these Tyranid bugs must go through infinite battles to continuously awaken the hundreds of biological genes in their bodies!

And among their hundreds of biological genes, there are more than ten kinds of the most powerful genetic power, such as the power of the nine giants coming from the power of demons. If infinite fighting can allow them to achieve genetic evolution, then The changes brought to them by the power of the nine giants, even the sudden ultimate changes, will be what Ming expects!

Secondly, Ming hopes to hierarchize the Tyranid series of bugs, for example, taking this opportunity to assign different statuses to them, such as commander-level Tyranids, including Tyranid Hive Tyrant and Tyranid Tyrant Guards. , Tyranid Hive Lords, and the third is to divide the Tyranid elite part, including Tyranid warriors, or Tyranid creatures with abilities like Licat.

Of course, there are also main battle units, such as tyranids with similar abilities such as velociraptors and brute beasts, as well as many tyranids species abilities of fast attack units, such as blood worms and snake flies in the tyranid series, and even Heavy fire support troops must also be divided.

Because the Tyranids are one of the most powerful insect species in the Zerg race, they not only have the strongest and fastest genetic evolution, but many Tyranids will be the first to evolve biomechanical weapons, such as long-range guns, or It is an extremely powerful biological battleship.

So on the home ground of the Zerg race, with the blessing of sufficient rare-level purple carpet, Ming let one hundred thousand powerful Tyranids enter the battlefield to engage in repeated battles with these immortal stone warriors, striving for continuous evolution and Unlock the genetic potential in your body.

Here, Tyranid bugs are defined as having the potential of hundreds of genetic organisms in their bodies. Evolution is the most terrifying among the Zerg biological groups, that is, they can evolve and grow quickly on the spot during battles.

Boom! Boom!! Boom!! Immediately afterwards, countless Behemoth insects, holding the spiritual weapons in their hands, began to pound the ground, making a booming knocking sound, which seemed to shock and congratulate Tai. The entrance of the dragon worm.

Followed by countless powerful bugs, these bugs are covered with steel armor from top to bottom, and some special ones have skeletons interspersed all over their bodies. Their shapes are strange and strange, and they seem to be composed of multiple or even dozens of creatures. The living beings come together and come in different sizes.

This is the Tyranid series of bugs that were hatched by the Hades some time ago. Now they are showing their original form, but they can reproduce and evolve quickly and autonomously by taking organic matter from the planet during battle!

Destroy, destroy, evolve, fight!

Ming immediately issued absolute orders to these terrifying locust-like insects, because wherever they passed they were almost completely devoured and trampled, and even stones would be completely eaten by their strange body combinations!

Boom! Boom~~

Just like this, more than 100,000 Tyranids quickly entered the battlefield. Facing countless stone warriors, they launched biological weapons one after another and began to bomb wildly. Some Tyranids even fired laser cannons and scattered missiles. Bombs, smoke bombs, etc.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, and it seemed that the entire battlefield was dominated by them, because even in close combat, these Tyranids were extremely powerful and terrifying!

But those stone warriors, just like those seen before, they are immortal, even if they are smashed countless times, they can re-condensate into new stone warriors! Even when countless stone warriors showed their fighting spirits behind them, their combat power seemed to increase to about five or six times at this moment.

Countless stone warriors were seen, and the shadow of the fighting spirit behind them was like an absolute defensive wall, forcibly resisting the attacks of countless Tyranids. And these stone warriors began to fight back against the Tyranids, using their entire bodies as The weapon flew directly into countless Tyranids at high speed, and the energy it erupted was comparable to the power of the biomechanical weapons emitted by the Tyranids.

For a time, countless Tyranid creatures suffered huge obstacles, but the defense of Tyranid creatures is also very strong. Their entire bodies are like steel and iron bones. Even if they are bombed, they may be knocked hundreds of meters away. , they can still stand up intact and continue fighting!

However, during this period, a huge threat suddenly came. The nine million stone warriors who had been overwhelmed by Wanli's huge Hive Will aircraft had all been resurrected outside Wanli. At the same time, they were surrounded by the Marshal. Under the leadership of General He, it transformed into a huge war hammer, and burned the war soul hammer that reached the sky.


The huge 10,000-meter war hammer and the sky-high war hammer soul fell from the sky together at this moment. The endless void where they passed began to explode, bringing with it huge winds, impacting the ground in a radius of 10,000 miles.

In response to this, countless insects below were forced to the ground, and even the entire ground could not withstand the force of the pressure, and continued to break and sink.

Ming watched the whole process, but Ming didn't stop it.

Because if you want the bugs to grow quickly, you must go through all kinds of wind and rain. Even if the war hammer comes from the sky, countless bugs will be destroyed, but Ming believes that for the Tyranids, one of the strongest among the bugs, As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, they will evolve rapidly, and within a certain moment, the potential genetic power in their bodies will be stimulated to enhance their own destructive power.


Soon, both the Warhammer and the Warhammer Soul hammered into the ground. The ground was subject to huge fluctuations for thousands of miles, especially within a radius of 10,000 meters. The destruction caused was unimaginable. It seemed like mountains and rivers were shattered, and volcanoes erupted, all in an instant. A huge pit of 10,000 meters was formed.

In the deep pit, one hundred thousand Tyranids and countless stone warriors were hammered into the bottom of the pit, their life and death unknown!

The thousands of miles of huge Hive Will ship was naturally under the shock wave of this giant hammer, but the psychic shield was opened in advance, so this destructive impact force still did not shake it in the slightest.

Those who dare to invade the Stone Soul Star will all die! Then, the marshal's voice suddenly came from the huge stone hammer.

However, at this moment, under the huge pit of 10,000 meters, there was an extremely dazzling golden light, which suddenly bloomed like a terrifying lightning, raging over a thousand meters in an instant!

That's right, you are the ultimate evolvers and corroders! At this moment, Ming witnessed that some Tyranids had achieved rapid genetic evolution, and the more powerful Tyranids were forcibly transformed by the power of the giant hammer. Birth!

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