Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 81 Interstellar Fifty Thousand Light Years

There is another great imprint of the Insect Tribe. Invincibility is really lonely!

Four months later, Ming Yao looked at every corner of the giant world and found that everything had been sucked dry by his Insect Clan. Even the magma thousands of miles below had not fallen. In short, the plane sphere in front of him had completely reduced to a dead ball. It is lifeless on the outside and riddled with holes on the inside. It is simply a rare masterpiece that could only be made by the Insect Clan.

Start activating the energy to bombard the void and perform void shuttle! As Ming felt that it was time to leave here and move towards a new path of devouring. Besides, the universe and the galaxy are so big, they had to go and see them.

The Hive Mind aircraft carrier, which is always on standby, has gathered enough energy in the past four months. Not only has the number of bugs increased by three billion, but it has also collected a ball of world origin energy from this world, which serves as the core. supplement of energy.


Then the scene of the end of the world and the explosion of the planet unfolded again. A powerful super laser energy cannon was directly bombarded from the Hive Will aircraft carrier. The void of the plane here was bombed on the spot and was infinitely shattered and destroyed. It was difficult to repair for a while. !

Let's go, I will take you to the infinite starry sky!

At this time, Ming had already opened up the power of interstellar estimation and interstellar coordinates, and made accurate estimates through the existing energy and food resource storage of the Ming Zerg. This ability came from the system before, and Ming had chosen Evolved, it is possible to predict the coordinate landing point after a light-year distance, which ensures that the Zerg tribe has reliable azimuth coordinates on its way forward.

In Ming's mind, interstellar blue dots have already appeared, and of course there are also many plane red dots. However, Ming is planning to develop in the interstellar this time, and the planes really limit the development speed of his Insect Tribe.

And there is another important reason. The Tyranids, one of the most powerful Zerg species, have genetically hatched the first batch, numbering around 100,000. However, if we want these bugs to grow quickly, only endless interstellar resources can do it. It can completely satisfy their endless appetite, and even expand the Tyran series of insect hatches infinitely.

When the thousands of miles of huge Hive Mind aircraft carrier opens the Zerg psychic shield, the eight billion bugs of the Hades begin to fall asleep. Perhaps when they wake up again, their presence will appear in a certain star. Figures, disasters and destruction will also be ignited by them.

However, he is still traveling through the endless darkness. As time continues to pass, there are still countless red dots in Ming's mind, but these are ignored by the Hive Mind aircraft carrier, because Ming's target is the interstellar blue dot. , and can only continue to approach the interstellar blue point.

In the process of shuttle, there is no time to speak of, so I don't know how much time has passed, but Ming can still measure that the Hive Will aircraft carrier has traveled several light years away.

Finally... finally here?

At this time, in Ming's mind, the blue dot of interstellar coordinates coincided with his Hive Mind aircraft carrier. Ming knew that he had reached his destination, but now he had to break through the void here before he could truly enter this place. In the interstellar system, we will eventually witness hundreds of millions of planets.

Quick! Get ready and start firing super cannons!


Suddenly... a huge energy cannon bombarded the void here. The powerful destructive energy forcibly blasted a huge crack into the void on the interstellar plane, but the repair ability of the void here was too powerful.

Continue bombarding! Seeing this, Ming could only let the Hive Mind aircraft carrier bombard one more shot.

Boom! This time, the void here opened a larger mouth on the original basis, which was fully capable of allowing the entire Hive Will aircraft carrier to rush in.

Following the Hive Mind aircraft carrier, it immediately rushed into the galaxy.

The galaxies here are brilliant, the stars are infinite, and there are countless planets and civilizations scattered among them. Every planet here seems to be in front of you, but it is out of reach. The closest distance between planets is dozens of light years away. distance.

The Soul River System spans 50,000 light-years and has a billion planets of various sizes. The specific degree of civilization is unknown... Suddenly, when entering this universe, these things appeared in Ming's mind out of thin air. A lot of information, but after careful analysis, it turns out that it is an additional function of the power of interstellar coordinates!

Soul River System? The interstellar distance is 50,000 light-years? Then Ming thought to himself with relief. This is not the Milky Way, but the Milky Way spans a distance of about 100,000 light-years. It seems that the Soul River System is still there. The level of interstellar civilization is not as high as that of the Milky Way, and perhaps the creatures in it are not that powerful.

That's how it is. Just place some troops and land on a planet!

Huh? Come on, it's you!

In the end, the underworld fell on a planet with a darker color, but there was a golden star ring on the outer circle of the planet. It looked very sacred, but it did not match the appearance of the inside of the planet. margin.

But Ming wouldn't find it strange. He just felt that this planet was filled with incomparable power, and it seemed that there were endless secrets hidden inside!

So he quickly ordered the thousands of miles of huge Hive Will aircraft carrier to carry eight billion insects of the Hades, nearly dozens of insect units in size... The whole thing was like turning into a huge sharp sword, powerfully impacting this belt. Among the planets with golden star rings!

Probably the Hive Mind aircraft carrier is expected to completely land somewhere on this planet in half an hour.

However, before the Hades, when the two powerful cannons were bombarded, the energy and sound energy had already affected the awakening and alertness of countless special life forms inside the planets.

Originally, sound cannot propagate in a vacuum. If it propagates, it requires a certain medium as a medium, such as water, stone, air, etc.!

But there are some life forms here that can act as media themselves, and are particularly sensitive to sounds and vibrations in the vacuum.

Kyle, can you feel it? There is a special energy bursting out from the outside of the planet!

Yes, my brother, I was also awakened. We must wake up countless sleeping people. I can feel that there is an external force coming to the Stone Soul Star!

Here is an endless ruins. There were two mysterious beings talking to each other just now, but they didn't seem to reveal any real bodies.

But soon, on top of this endless ruins, the endless layers of ruins suddenly began to collapse, and it seemed that something terrifying was gradually awakening from its slumber!

Suley Maria! Damn it, you interrupted my thousands of years of dreams! At this moment, a black glazed boulder seemed to fly out of the soil, and the black glazed boulder was carved underneath, It turned into a glaze-colored humanoid stone man in mid-air.

Hey! I said Marshal Liuli, this is Brother King Kyle calling us! Immediately afterwards, a brown boulder flew directly out of the crumbling soil, and a centaur and a horse appeared in the air below. stone creature!

Finally, there were countless stones of various sizes and colors, flying out of the soil one after another, and they all transformed into various strange organisms.

But the only common feature is that these creatures are all made of stone. They have no flesh and blood, but they all have spiritual life, can talk, walk, and are even full of emotions!

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