Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 68 Suppression of Plane Will

Yes, that's how it is. I should go down and punch this super giant away. No, I should punch away Berthold Hoover, the boy who can transform into a giant.

Then Ming descended from the sky to the battlefield outside the tall city wall in Xiganshina District.

The way he appeared from the sky at this moment undoubtedly aroused the panic of the garrison troops on the city wall and outside the city wall for the first time, and even the super giant with brain behavior.

Look, my God...what on earth is that thing? It has a pair of wings that look like black flames, and it suddenly falls from the sky!

On the ruined city wall of Shiganshina, a man equipped with a three-dimensional mobile device. In such a severe battle situation, his whole body's nerves have been highly tense, so he is extremely sensitive to every move on the battlefield, so He saw it the first time and yelled in horror.

Is that a monster, or a birdman?

Hurry up and get the combatants from the garrison corps to evacuate the battlefield!

What does this monster want to do? Is he in league with these cruel giants?

The humans engraved on the wall of Shiganshina have become suspicious, and they have even entered an unprecedented high alert. They only feel that today is destined to be the most nightmare day for them, because the super giant appears again and successfully destroys Shigan The high wall of Xina shattered their dream of short-term peace, but at this moment, such a mysterious and unknown monster came again.

At this moment, Ming in the battlefield was suddenly attacked by a brainless giant. This was a naked and big-bellied giant about fifteen meters tall, and he grabbed him directly.

Seeing that Ming was standing still, he just raised one hand to block at will, and even made a counter-grab at the next moment, intending to twist the giant's entire arm or throw them away with one hand.


However, Ming was shocked that he couldn't exert his own strength and could only barely block the opponent's attack, which meant that he could only exert a few hundred kilograms of strength! If a few more brainless giants attack him, he will be completely unable to resist in his current bad state.

Damn, what on earth is going on? Is it the suppression of the will of the plane? As Ming realized, this may really be the suppression of the alien creatures by the will of the plane, just like the advanced people in the previous plane world. The creature's strength was suppressed to the extreme by the will of the plane.

What the fuck, I have missed this point in all my thoughts! Now Ming was speechless to the extreme. He originally wanted to destroy everything in this plane world and quickly sweep the next plane, but now he has this kind of intention. And the actual situation of insufficient strength is really a slap in the face.

Look, that black monster actually withstood the giant's attack with one hand.

And what makes Ming helpless at this moment is that the people in the garrison on the wall of Shiganshina are dumbfounded and at the same time can't believe how powerful he is. They seem to be saying that people like them can resist the giant with one hand. Strength, if you did this, your body would have been crushed, turned into pieces, and completely reduced to food in the giant's mouth!

But Ming felt that if these humans knew his true strength, they would never be so calm again, let alone stationed on the high wall of Shiganshina, or fight to the death with giants, and they would have given up long ago. Everything, and the only thing to do is to keep running away!

However, all this is destined to be impossible in a short period of time.

Ming has learned through the induction with the Hive Will aircraft carrier that it will take at least half a year to completely affect this world plane and reduce the plane will of this world by depleting it.

In other words, the combat power of his entire Hades tribe is now suppressed by the will of the plane, and it will take half a year to recover. Moreover, the premise is that the aircraft carrier of the Hive Will must be able to successfully absorb the power of this plane world during this period. All things will do.

Hmph! Even so, I can tear you apart! Mingxin snorted coldly, and immediately used the power of the Titan insect body. I think he should be able to punch more than ten brainless giants at the same time with his own strength. Attack together and even fight against the nine giants of this world.

What? This monster can actually grow to giant size!

Reiner Brown, who had already arrived from the high-walled inner city of Shiganshina, saw that the monster outside the high wall could take the shape of a human body and freely grow to giant size. His face was full of shock and disbelief, and his heart was filled with shock and disbelief. Do you think it is a new species sent from the rear that has the same giant power as them? Are you here to help them infiltrate the humans here?

Reiner, what did you just say?

But Alan Nigel, who came with him, that is, Alan, the protagonist of this plane, paid a little attention to what Reiner just said. But specifically, he couldn't explain the reasons, but he felt a sense of déjà vu. Sense of memory!

Huh? Allen, didn't you see that this monster became gigantic?

At this moment, Reiner naturally realized that what he had just said was very dangerous, because it could easily reveal his ability to transform into a giant, so at this moment he changed the way he spoke, and at the same time, in his square posture There was no uncomfortable emotion on his big face. Reiner's disguise and concealment were perfect.

This monster can actually grow to a height of twenty meters? Could it be that these human-eating giants are actually ordinary humans?

Followed by other people from the garrison on the high wall. After seeing the monster that was just close to two meters high, suddenly transformed into a huge body of more than 20 meters high. In addition to being surprised, frightened, and unbelievable, he seemed to feel It's like coming into contact with something secret!

How is it possible? This monster actually killed a fifteen-meter-tall giant with one punch!

Immediately afterwards, the people on the high wall saw the giant monster again, and punched a fifteen-year-old giant into two pieces. The disgusting and dirty flesh and blood spattered out, and then the nearby giant, They began to compete for the flesh and blood of this giant.

At this time, Ming had suddenly turned his head, looking at the men stationed on the fifty-meter-tall Shiganshina wall, and then focused all his eyes and attention on Allen and Reiner.

At this moment, Ming only felt very surprised. He did not expect that the protagonist of this world, Allen, had joined the garrison corps and became a member of the training corps. He was already fighting to protect human freedom!

It seems that this is not the first time that a super giant has appeared...

So Ming thought in his mind that if the current plot trend is followed, the first tall protective wall destroyed by the super giant should actually be the city gate area of ​​​​Tros District. In other words, Allen's mother has already been killed by him. Dad's first wife, Dinah Fritz, who was of royal blood, was torn up.

And the yellow-haired boy standing next to Allen at the moment is none other than one of the nine giants in this world - the Armored Giant Reiner Brown.

Hmph! This kid has a very close relationship with the super giant... Ming was sure that when he would fight the super giant later, this guy would find a reason to leave the high wall, and then quietly transform into an armored giant to help him. Friend - Berthold Hood, the super giant on the battlefield.

ps: Thank you for your silent support...

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