Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 69 No, this is not a giant


Suddenly, in the battlefield outside the high wall, the super giant with brain intelligence let out a huge roar.

This is Berthold Hoover. After turning into a giant, his intelligence is much higher than that of other giants. He is summoning more brainless giants to come here to deal with the sudden appearance of strange creatures.

So with the roar of the super giant, I saw countless brainless giants nearby, posing in various elegant postures, with various strange expressions, rushing over with their teeth and claws, and pointed directly towards Ming's direction. Run away.

At the same time, with this loud roar, Ming Zai was completely disrupted and woken up when he looked at the two boys on the high wall in the Xiganshina area.

court death!

At this time, Ming turned his huge head and snorted coldly in his heart. When he looked at the super giant Berthold Hoover on the other side, he had already fully considered killing him.

And they want to take advantage of this to take away the Titan Power that resides in Hoover's body, and then hand it over to the Hive Will aircraft carrier, using the huge Hive Will network system inside, to conduct analysis and genetic extraction of the super-large Titan Power. .

But Hoover is sixty meters tall. Although the muscle tissue all over his body is exposed and not covered with a bit of skin, the power this guy explodes cannot be underestimated.

In particular, this big guy has a passive skill and an active skill. One is a passive skill that can release ultra-high temperature steam from the body to the whole body, which can forcibly prevent enemies from approaching him. The other can use the power of super pressure to attack the enemy. Active skills for powerful destruction.

In this short moment, after Ming obtained some relevant abilities and information about the super giant from his past life memories, Ming felt that when faced with the opponent's ability, it was not dangerous to say it was dangerous, or not?

However, Ming's current terrifying strength has been forcibly suppressed to a very low level by the will of this plane. It seems that even after transforming into a titan insect body, he is only confident that his life will not be seriously threatened among these giants, but he wants to completely It is really difficult to crush them, especially the nine giants in this world.

Because just now, if you didn't use the power of the Titan insect body, you could only fight against a brainless giant. But even if you fully use the Titan insect body and get a comprehensive ten-fold improvement, you can only fight with a brainless giant. Fight ten, no more than twenty at most.

And you have to know that the nine giants in this world are all quite abnormal. Even the shorter intelligent giant among them, Ymir, who is about 11 meters tall after turning into a giant, can single-handedly deal with more than a dozen people. Two brainless giants attack at the same time.

Not to mention, Ming's own strength has been suppressed to an extremely low point, and all the bugs of his Ming Zong clan have also been suppressed to an even lower level in all aspects, probably based on their ability to cause damage to the enemy. In other words, it is exactly like the threat posed by ordinary insects, which is equivalent to instinctively biting and devouring.

But even with all the above! !

At this moment, when Ming was facing the super-large giant in front of him, or even when he was about to start a battle the next moment, with the armored giant who would definitely come to help, and the threats of countless brainless giants, Ming Ze didn't think that these giants could A real threat to him.

Not to mention that Ming himself has other abilities in addition to his pure strength, but the Ming Zerg tribe now has more than 5 billion bugs. If he directly launches a floor-type devouring and sweeping attack, the so-called brainless giant will not resist at all. Before long, it will eventually become the happy food of insects.

But the only troublesome point is that the nine giants and the demons hidden behind this world cannot deny their wisdom and power, and in the process of devouring and destroying them, they will cause huge losses to their own insect tribe. .

At this point, Ming now no longer wants to see the bugs dedicated to him suffer huge losses and injuries. Although they do not have many thoughts and feelings, as the one who rules and dominates them, he has the feelings of the Zerg race. colourful.

From Ming's point of view, these insects are his people. They are silently devoting themselves to the Ming Zerg tribe and to his Ming City. Then he should be responsible for them and not let them die easily. Besides, in this plane world, Everything, sooner or later, will be food and resources for his entire Hades clan.

So Ming exuded the spiritual will of the Zerg race, summoned and gathered countless bugs that had come nearby, and let them begin to enjoy a rich feast of flesh and blood, devouring these brainless giants who moved relatively slowly and had almost zero intelligence. And he was To deal with oversized giants.

what sound?

Following them were countless people from the regiment stationed on the high wall of Xiganshina. They suddenly heard an extremely noisy and rustling sound coming from the rear of the battlefield, which was very dense and terrifying. But they immediately thought that countless giants were coming from nearby, so they opened their eyes wide and looked very nervously.

No, it's not a giant!

At this moment, almost everyone had analyzed it clearly and realized that it was definitely not the effect of the giant. Although the dust and mist shrouded the sky all the way, coming in like a mighty tide, the giant was tall, even if it was only three to five meters tall. Most of them are meters, but these giants are easily exposed to their sight.

But now this unknown thing was getting closer and closer to the battlefield in front of them, and they didn't even find out what exactly it was that was attacking them on a large scale.

At this moment, Ming probably sensed that there were almost half a million individual targets, all smaller insects rushing over. Ming felt that this number could completely crush more than a thousand brainless giants, so Ming quickly Running towards the super giant, the ground shook violently for a moment, and he trampled several three-meter giants to death on the way.

What does this monster want to do?

His target is the super giant?

Ming's sudden move immediately attracted the troops stationed on the high wall. It was the first time for them to see such a scene that made them excited and frightened.

I don't know if this monster is the opponent of the super giant, but I really hope he can kill this sixty-meter-tall giant. At this moment, the only thing he said to Allen was the taciturn and introverted Mikasa. I started to talk to myself with some worry and expectation.

And soon, the super giant transformed by Hoover moved an entire huge arm directly in front of him. After releasing the power of super-heavy pressure, a terrifying shock wave was generated along the way, towards the giant. Ming Chui went away while running quickly.

Ming had no intention of dodge, but immediately transformed his entire body into cell armor, hoping to absorb some of the opponent's attack power. So when the opponent's attack was approaching, he directly punched it out.


As soon as the two unimaginable huge forces came into contact, the ground that Ming stepped on immediately couldn't bear the power of Ming's release force, and a large deep pit with a radius of 100 meters immediately broke out.

At this moment, Ming only felt that his whole arm was slightly numb. Sure enough, the opponent's active skill was extremely powerful. For Ming, who was suppressed by the will of the plane, he really couldn't use the strength to crush the opponent!

In Xiganshina, everyone on the high wall, after witnessing the power of a single blow between a super giant and a twenty-meter monster, their eyes no longer had the excitement and anxiety before, and even The monsters that were previously expected in their hearts to kill the giants that they humans hate and hate, instead, their eyes and hearts began to be filled with endless despair and terrible despair.

Such a power... is simply not something that our military regiment and our puny humans can face!! It can't be resisted!!! Suddenly, someone among them roared in despair and pain.

At this moment, his friends did not refute, and were silent in despair for a while. Yes, this is the power they want to fight to protect freedom?

No, these are bugs. Where do so many bugs come from?

And soon, Reiner Brown, the only one who stayed awake on the high wall of Shiganshina, the boy with the power of the Armored Titan, suddenly saw countless black bugs.

Each of these bugs is about one meter in size, and they all have a terrifying big mouth and several sharp toes. They are so densely packed that the dark tide rushes into the giant's battlefield, and It quickly climbed onto the bodies of countless giants, biting and devouring the flesh and bones of countless giants crazily.

At this time, with Reiner's words, many people naturally woke up. After a brief period of despair, when they saw this scene, countless giants were bitten and devoured by countless terrifying insects of unknown origin.

At this moment, they didn't know why, but they felt very happy in their hearts, but soon they became afraid again. Whether it was bugs or giants, it seemed that they were nightmares that humans could not escape!

No, Hoover is in danger!

And while others were not paying attention, Reiner kept retreating from the crowd on the high platform. He whispered to himself, his eyes full of anxiety and worry. No matter what, he, Reiner, would transform into an armored giant to save everyone. His fellow countryman, his good friend!

ps: Finally finished coding a chapter! In order to express my gratitude to the book's first book friend who gave me the red envelope more than thirty days later (there are as many novels on the wall as dogs), the author rarely stops updating and sends 800 more words to express his gratitude. To be honest, the author is very grateful. Excited, it must have been about 37 days since the book was released, and the first book friend sent an ordinary red envelope of 70 starting points. However, in any case, I would like to thank you all, as well as the book friends who silently vote and reward every day... In fact, for authors who are desperate, they still need external motivation, and your silent vote has given me a certain amount of support. Motivated, I gained confidence and the mood to write well. Although I don’t know how well I wrote, I wrote very seriously. Really, there were many fewer typos... Well... The final author It's time to go to bed, good night everyone!

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