Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 67 Attack on Titan

The huge Hive Will aircraft carrier consumes a huge amount of energy to shuttle through the void, and when preventing the power of destruction from existing in the void, the Hive Will aircraft carrier also consumes a lot of energy to run the Zerg spirits. Can protective cover.

Fortunately, there are sufficient resources in the Hive Will aircraft carrier, and there is even an unimaginable source of world instinct as a supplement for all energy. The Hive Will aircraft carrier shuttles through the void extremely smoothly.

Traveling in the void is the darkest place, and there is no time to speak of. Therefore, most of the bugs in the Hive Will aircraft carrier have to go into sleep in order to avoid consuming resources.

As the master of the entire Zerg clan, Ming must always control everything that travels through the void. At the same time, he must always sense the plane red dot in his mind and convey the new trajectory and direction to the Hive Will aircraft carrier at any time. .

Just like this, an unknown amount of time passed, and the Hive Will aircraft carrier was getting closer and closer to the world in that plane. Slowly, until it coincided with the red dot world in that plane, Ming knew that his Hive Will aircraft carrier had already Came behind the space wall of a plane.

Carry out an extremely large amount of laser energy impact. At this moment, Ming gave the command to the Hive Mind aircraft carrier, hoping that this energy could shatter the void here and then descend into this unknown world.

Then I saw an energy beam full of endless destructive power, making a silent impact in the void here. Suddenly, silently, the surface of the void that received the strongest impact began to twist until it shattered, and soon a A huge void crack formed quickly, but this void crack began to heal quickly. Seeing this, Ming let the Hive Will aircraft carrier forcibly shuttle in, forcibly delaying the healing of the void crack.

In the end, the Hades finally arrived in the middle of a new world.

There are no clouds here, and the air is extremely clear, but the clear air is mixed with a faint smell of blood, which will make the bugs sensitive.

At this time, Ming stood on the Hive Will aircraft carrier. When he looked at the mountains and rivers here from a distance, he found that the mountains and rivers here were not majestic and steep, and the endless vast land was not rich. It seemed that everything had been severely damaged.

This... can't be true? Is there anyone else who can get ahead of me and sweep this world away? Ming thought in his mind and muttered, really full of doubts about the plane in front of him!

But before that, Ming will not let the Hive Will aircraft carrier directly drop countless biological channels to absorb the power of all things in this world. Instead, he must first determine whether there is a threat to him in the world in front of him. The power exists.

Therefore, Ming awakened countless bugs sleeping in the Hive Will aircraft carrier, and ordered the spray bugs to release a large amount of fog, shrouding the entire Hive Will aircraft carrier in yellow fog, and then sent out hundreds of thousands of lurking bugs. The invisible bugs and some bugs with smaller targets dispersed, scattered over a wider land and even a wider sky.

Soon, Ming saw countless giants and some ordinary humans equipped with three-dimensional mobile devices fighting outside a fifty-meter high wall through the sight of the scattered lurker invisible bugs and other bugs.

Giants are cruel and bloodthirsty, humans are brave and fearless.

Oh?! Is it the Shiganshina District? Or the city gate of the Trost District? Ming remembered from the memory of his previous life that he actually came to the Attack on Titan world, because the sixty-meter-tall super giant, A fifty-meter-tall city wall defense line that is destroying humanity.

Is it really a sixty-meter giant?

Then I meditated and thought, should his real body be Terhold Hoover? When transforming into a giant, his sixty-meter-tall body made him extremely destructive, but his movements were much slower than those of ordinary giants, and his body was not covered with skin.

Okay, the last...Attack on Titan World... At this moment, Ming felt that with his arrival, this place should soon be called Attack on Bugs World!

And knowing the power of the Attack on Titan world, it seems that there is no power that can threaten him and his entire Hades clan.

Even if there are humans with magical three-dimensional mobile devices, they cannot pose a threat to the five billion insects, even the brutal giants in the eyes of humans, or the ultimate power of the world in the eyes of the underworld - the power of the nine giants. , none of them could resist the erosion of his Underworld Insects, and they could only become the flesh and blood nourishment of his Underworld Insect Tribe.

In addition, the genes of the giant world seem to be interesting, because humans with the power of giants can actually transform. Ming thinks that it would be pretty good if their genes were extracted and then the genes hatched similar bugs.

So the next moment, the Hive Mind aircraft carrier threw out thousands of biological tentacle straws. These biological tentacles stretched freely, quickly inserted into the soil of this world, and began to blatantly absorb the inner power of this world. That is, the power of the earth is used to store energy for the next plane travel.

And there are countless bugs falling to the ground one after another and beginning to devour everything in their path. They follow the orders of the Hive Mind and aim to devour everything in the world. Whether they are humans or giants who feed on humans, they will It's what they want to devour.

It seems... the protagonist Alan Nigel at this time should no longer be curious about the world outside the city wall, right? Ming came at this moment, above the protective city wall of what should be called Shiganshina District, quietly He watched with his own eyes the fight between humans and giants below.

He thought of the protagonist Alan in this plane world. When there were no giants to destroy the fifty-meter-high city wall, although he was only thirteen years old at this time, he was extremely naive and was content with being inside the wall during this period. They live a temporarily peaceful life, but the people who return from outside the wall are full of despair and are incompatible with the atmosphere inside the wall. However, Allen regards them as livestock and thinks these people are foreign objects.

Well... Now Eren's dream and the peace of mankind have been completely shattered with the appearance of the super giant... I can only pity the heroine Mikasa of this world, what a good girl? When the three-dimensional function is installed, no matter what is in front of her No matter how dangerous it is, she still wants to help Allen realize his dream and always protect him.

Of course, there is no emotional color in this today's Ming, it all comes from the memory of the previous life. But after seeing all this at this moment, he naturally thought of it and said it to himself.

But all this will end with the arrival of this king. Instead of you suffering long-term pain, it is better for this king to give you short-term pain! At this moment, Ming watched countless humans being bitten and devoured by the brutal giants. Although the pain cannot infect him, it does not deny that he has a kind and compassionate heart and cannot kill people and be bloodthirsty!

Moreover, the Insects have already arrived in this world, so they must aim to destroy, destroy and devour them. Then the world will be disrupted by the insects.

Therefore, there will no longer be any plot behind Attack on Titan, such as a super-large giant destroying the fifty-meter-high city wall of Trost District, and there will no longer be Allen seeing his mother being torn apart by a giant. There will be no harsh battles where young Eren transforms into an Attack Titan to fight the Titans, and there will be no Mikasa working hard to protect Eren's dream.

So it’s better that this all ends early!

ps: Our requirements are not high, I just hope that book friends will continue to read and give some support, such as voting, publicity (haha), or going to book reviews and setting up a review board. Ah, lest some book friends who come in see such a high-profile book, they probably won’t dare to try the poison easily. Anyway, thank you all, and I see all the book friends who vote every day and take it into my heart. I can't repay you, so I just...

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