Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 66 Shattered Void

All human beings in this world are extinct, and the demon creatures and the insects of the Insects have reached a final compromise, providing a certain amount of their precious blood to the Insects every day.

So a year passed by in a blink of an eye. At this moment, Ming was standing on top of the huge Hive Will ship thousands of miles away, looking at the world between thousands of miles away.

This plane planet is finally close to being exhausted. It's time for me to lead the Insects out of here. Ming whispered softly. In the past year, his Insects have been recharging their troops and the number of insects has reached more than five billion. This time Over the past year, countless insects have devoured all the resources in this world.

And they can get fresh blood provided by those higher creatures every day. They used Kunpeng's genes to successfully hatch the Leviathan series of whales. This kind of terrifying insect creature is about ten times more powerful and terrifying than the Leviathan snake. , and the growth space in the later period is simply unimaginable. In the history of the Zerg, they were the beings that could devour the entire planet in the later period.

Of course, there are other new insect species, such as the war fortress insect of the base insect series, which is obtained based on the genes of the big tortoise. They can be large or small. They have an indestructible shell and can even carry out internal storage and land transportation, which also makes them The appearance is a symbol of disaster, because among the entire Zerg race, their fortress defenses are almost indestructible by insects, and they can forcibly transport insects into the enemy's camp.

There are also mainly based on the genes of the golden dragon, the sky series of pterodactyl insects are produced and hatched. They have a pair of Western dragon wings that can fly at high speed, and also have the long body and tail of the Eastern dragon, and can go from terrifying and evil to full of... From the big mouth of the fangs, flames that can burn everything are sprayed out. The pterosaur insects are a hundred times, even a thousand times more terrifying than the fire-breathing insects of the Zerg tribe.

There are also a series of therapeutic slugs hatched mainly based on the genes of the Phoenix. They have the function of dividing themselves at all times, and can achieve large-scale treatment and repair of damage caused by any bug, especially for the repair and treatment of the Hive Will aircraft carrier. Damage has no effect.

Then there is also the increase in the number of bugs in the Hive Will aircraft carrier. In order to better manage and control the bugs in each unit, the Hive Will has given birth to the first Hive Lord in the Hive Will - the Grivig series. The primitive worm has a body of several hundred meters, and its entire mouth resembles a chrysanthemum flower covered with countless fangs and stings. Not only can it devour everything, but it can also eject extremely corrosive acidic liquid from its mouth. But it can only be shifted by holes.

As for some other strange insect species that are still in the genetic combination and have not been hatched yet, they may need to combine some other genes with mineral sources. At the same time, this also prompted Ming to lead the Ming Zerg out of this direction. Face the world.

Some time ago, Ming also had enough reserves again. The power opened by the strongest evolutionary system, and the strongest evolutionary choices given by the strongest system, were arranged according to the abilities that Ming needed most.

As a result, Hades evolved to gain the power to estimate planes and interstellar travel, and to control the coordinate network points of countless planes and interstellar spaces.

With this ability, Ming can sense the plane closest to him and the nearest interstellar. At the same time, he can perfectly and accurately estimate the energy storage of the Hive Will aircraft carrier, whether it is traveling through planes, and whether it is traveling through interstellar space.

If the energy storage of the Hive Mind aircraft carrier cannot travel through the void and reach any plane or interstellar space, Hades will not be able to sense or estimate any plane red dots and interstellar blue dots.

But now, after devouring all the resources and all the power in this dimensional world, when Ming is connected to the entire Hive Will aircraft carrier, Ming senses several red dots on the plane. These red dots represent the Hive Will aircraft carrier. Can travel through the void to any plane.

As for the interstellar blue dot, Ming did not sense it, which shows that the energy stored by the Hive Mind aircraft carrier is not enough to break out of the plane and reach the distant interstellar system.

Huh? Are you ready to break the void and leave?

Suddenly, through the Zerg's field of vision, he saw the nine-tailed sky fox flying out of the frozen country, the golden dragon soaring from the clouds thousands of miles away, the Kunpeng rising from a dry quagmire, and the giant tortoise emerging from a piece of turtle. Cracked barren strata rocked the mountains.

Yes, this world has been completely exhausted. If we don't leave, I'm afraid you will drink up our precious blood. The nine-tailed sky fox replied from a distance. Although their current individual strength is not able to break the void, after After a year of training and recovery, they were able to work together to break the void and achieve space travel.

Haha, it turns out that this king will naturally fulfill his promise to you. Ming said with a smile, thinking, what does it mean to be afraid of drinking their precious blood?

But in the past year, they have not taken any advantage. They originally wanted to devour all the energy in this world to regain some strength. However, the billions of bugs with the devouring attribute of the Insect Tribe are not just for show. , can they take advantage of this? I'm afraid most of the energy gained will be used to restore the precious blood drawn daily.

Soon, this group of advanced creatures came to Ming's eyes. Although they were all very proud, they did not dare to speak too arrogantly, for fear that Ming would regret it and none of them would be able to leave.

Well, you have indeed recovered a lot of strength. Congratulations. It seems that the precious blood is really gone in the future! Ming looked at them one by one, making them all feel uncomfortable.

Hmph, now you should fulfill your promise and withdraw from the control of the nine-tailed sky fox. We must work together to break the void and leave together! The huge Kunpeng snorted coldly, reminding the insect in front of him to fulfill the promise made a year ago. .

The other higher-level creatures looked extremely aggrieved. They had given out so much precious blood in the past year. If the other party went back on their word, they would probably be pissed to death.

Of course, I have always been honest. Ming once again looked at the advanced creatures in front of him and said, Have you ever been interested in following me before this? Following me, you will get unimaginable benefits...

Hmph, this is impossible. I would rather die than surrender. However, before Ming could finish his words, he was interrupted and refused by the golden dragon flying in the void. They couldn't do this kind of thing.

Haha, if that's the case, then you can just do it on your own? Ming smiled, knowing that there was little hope of convincing them, and then withdrew his control over the nine-tailed fox, and said: Do you want to think about it again? Follow me. My king, you will trample all the heavens with me, your future is limitless!

Oh... see you again if we are destined! The nine-tailed sky fox was stunned. Is this Pluto really stubborn and unwilling to let her go? But even if she knew that the other party might not lie to her, she would not follow Ming.

So these advanced creatures worked together to exert the power of shattering the void, and disappeared between the heaven and the earth together, executing the shuttle between the void.

Alas! What a pity! Ming stood there and sighed, there is nothing worth missing in this world.

Then Ming returned to the Hive Will aircraft carrier, dominated the thousands of miles of huge Hive Will aircraft carrier, used laser energy cannons to forcibly break the void, implemented void shuttle, and headed to the new red dot world of the plane.

ps: A new volume has begun. I hope that book friends will support me. I have received suggestions from some book friends. The planes I hope to visit include the world of Quiba, the world of hunters, the world of giants, etc. Well, if there are still good planes, I will I will find a small notebook to write it down.

Also, the weather has changed a lot, so book friends should keep warm. The author caught a cold yesterday and feels extremely uncomfortable today. He took fluids and took medicine and slept all morning. After all, being sick is not a good thing, and it is easiest to not be sick.

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