Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 65 The Final Compromise

At this moment, the erosion of the golden dragon by the black cell armor was like a terrible viral infection. It quickly eroded away one of the five-clawed golden dragon's giant claws at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the subsequent erosion rate continued unabated. He wanted to attack the golden dragon. The entire body is eroded.

Bastard, do you want to devour this dragon?

At this moment, the golden dragon became more and more frightened and angry, but there was no other good way to stop these black mysterious substances. The golden dragon had to cut off the giant claw to escape the disaster, and then it retreated far away and did not dare to fight again.

Ha, you are decisive...!

It was a pity that the golden dragon cut off one of its giant claws and escaped. How great would it be if the golden dragon's body was covered with his cells? In this case, the golden dragon will completely become a part of his body.

But now even if he gets a dragon claw, it seems to be of little use to Ming himself. He still likes his fists. So after the opponent abandoned a giant claw, Ming controlled all the black cells on it to return to the surface of his body, and then sent the giant dragon claw of more than ten meters back to the insect's nest will aircraft carrier, and then the insect Gene extraction and analysis will be carried out in the Nest Will aircraft carrier, striving to prepare for the future hatching of insect species!

Huh, useless trash!

However, at this moment, the Divine Fire Phoenix on the sidelines saw the golden dragon looking so scared, even sacrificing a giant claw as the price of escape, which really made her think that the golden dragon was just being funny.

What did you say? Stinky bird!! If you have the ability, try it. After hearing this, Jin Long felt extremely aggrieved. Is it true that it doesn't hurt to stand and talk?

I'm not as useless as you! The Divine Fire Phoenix squinted at the golden dragon, then flew towards the battlefield, and immediately spit out endless divine fire from its beak. The red flame was extremely hot, and immediately burned violently in the void. And in the blink of an eye, Ming was already in an endless flame.

It's really interesting. Are you going to attack one by one? Ming didn't care about Phoenix's divine fire attack, because it couldn't cause any fire damage to him at all.

I saw that Ming's huge Ming Yan membrane was completely stretched out at this moment, and it was tens of meters wide. It could provide protection for his entire body and directly wrap his entire body.

You must know that this membrane of dark flames is a wing obtained from the system, which is different from the wings of ordinary bugs or creatures.

At the same time, at this moment, the flames of the divine fire phoenix can be seen completely, and they do not pose any threat to the membrane of the dark flames. Even the divine fire of the phoenix is ​​swallowed up by the dark flames. Obviously, from this point, it can be seen that the level of the divine fire of the phoenix Lower than the fire of Hellfire.

How is this possible? The Divine Fire Phoenix was dumbfounded by this. There were flames that were more powerful than her Divine Fire. So who was she, the Fire Phoenix?

Tch, you're stupid. This dragon thought you were so powerful that even the flames of pride were swallowed up. The golden dragon not far away got angry, thinking that it was really a slap in the face for daring to despise him before.

Hmph, shut up, my mother. If my strength hadn't been so suppressed, what else in the world would have been burned down by my Fire Phoenix clan? Although Shenhuo Phoenix was so unconvinced, the next moment he asked Shenhuo The center of Hades.

You monster insect does have some tricks. What kind of demon fire did you use?

Fairy fire?

Ming emerged from the wrapping state of the film of Ming Yan at this moment, because the surrounding divine fire had been suppressed by the Ming Yan on his wings, and swallowed up an absolutely safe space.

It's really ridiculous. I'm afraid your fire phoenix is ​​a fake bird? Ming still feels ridiculous about this. He claims to be a dignified fire phoenix clan, and can even command all the flames in the world, but he doesn't know about the Ming flames under the Nine Nethers?

What's so funny? Do you know how many years this Phoenix has been imprisoned here? Do you know that all my memories come from every Nirvana of Desire? The Divine Fire Phoenix disagreed at this moment, as if to say, I don't know some flames It's quite normal. Besides, being imprisoned in this low-level plane, where is there enough spiritual energy from heaven and earth to help her evolve to a higher level of Nirvana?

I think you should come together! Ming Ze was too lazy to tell her.

At this moment, countless bugs gathered from all directions, and the black pressure eroded the entire sky. They were surrounded by water, and even at this time, many bugs flew out from the Hive Will aircraft carrier.

Because this human race had been completely exterminated a moment ago, and it was only a matter of time. How could hundreds of thousands of cultivators resist the attack of more than a billion insects?

Alas! At this moment, the fox suddenly sighed. She looked at the other higher creatures and asked, What do you think now?

As long as it's not essence and blood, I don't care. The big bastard, who had never spoken before, said in an extremely old voice at this moment.

Huh, this Kunpeng has a lot of blood, but it's impossible to get meat. The same goes for the rest! Kunpeng, who was soaring thousands of miles above, said in an extremely domineering manner. He had clearly seen the previous battle with this strange insect, and it was indeed a bit... It's difficult... Therefore, if we sacrifice some of our own blood to solve the problem peacefully, it seems feasible based on the current situation.

Where are you two? Should we fight again or compromise?

How can you guarantee that what this guy said is true? If there is a guarantee, the same applies to everything else! Jin Long did not trust the strange insects in front of him, or even the nine-tailed fox.

Yes, is there a guarantee? The Divine Fire Phoenix didn't want to fight anymore. It just wanted to quickly recover enough strength, then break the void and return to its own world.

Regarding the problems of these advanced creatures, the nine-tailed sky fox can actually be arrogant and disdainful, but surprisingly, and for some unknown reason, she is actually willing to take practical actions to make them believe that peace can be achieved as long as they compromise. coexistence.

We are willing to dedicate a certain amount of precious blood to you, the Insects, every day, but you have to promise that when we leave the Shattered Void, you cannot stop us from leaving. As for providing us with meat every day, this is simply impossible.

If this is acceptable to you, you can control me now, but you must promise that when we have the ability to break the void, we will release your control on me. If you do not accept our compromise and conditions, then We just have to fight again.

At this moment, Ming looked at the fox with a very serious look, and seemed to trust him, so he thought about it in his mind. Although their flesh was missing, it didn't seem to be that important. If there was enough blood, he could extract it from it. their genes.

Yes, but I need to leave a spiritual imprint on you. If you have any intention of starting a war with me, I will know it immediately. Naturally, all our compromises and conditions will be invalid, and we still have to fight. Fight, you must die!

Of course, the purpose of Hades is not as simple as it seems, because his ambition suddenly becomes terrifying. As long as he leaves seeds in their bodies today, they will definitely find their plane world in the future and devour everything in it... .

Okay, that's okay! The fox nodded, and asked Ming to take measures to control her.

And Ming's method is very simple, that is to let the nine-tailed sky fox loosen its spirit, let his spiritual power enter inside, and then connect with her spiritual power, as long as the nine-tailed sky fox resists, he can do it with just one thought Completely destroying her and even taking away all her spiritual power can directly turn her into a puppet without any thoughts and feelings.

Next came the other higher creatures. After they felt that the Nine-tailed Sky Fox was really controlled by the monster in front of them, they made up their minds to compromise. After all, the Nine-tailed Sky Fox had already taken such risks, which meant that she still had a lot of potential. Big certainty.

Moreover, the monster's request to leave a spiritual imprint on them is not a dangerous matter, it is just to keep track of some of their situations at all times, which is no big deal. Besides, their only purpose now is to leave this low-level plane as soon as possible. They really don't have much thought when it comes to fighting. Besides, the overall power of this strange insect does threaten their existence.

Therefore... in the end... the competition is who will suck this world dry first, and who will leave this world first?

ps: What about Journey to the West...? ? ? ...? ? ? So what do book friends specifically think about Journey to the West?

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