Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 59 The opening of the ten square array sources (Happy New Year's Day)

The secrets of the source of the Ten Directions Formation are generally known to only high-ranking people and some immortal people in the human race.

According to ancient handwriting records, there are huge secrets hidden in their world, but there has always been a lack of methods to open them. But now a golden scroll has appeared, which tells how to open the source of the ten-square array and how to enter it.

Huh? What is here?

Just when most people in the ten sects went back to fully cooperate with their ancestors to open the source of the ten-square formation, a new area gradually appeared in their sight.

One side turned into a frozen area, the other side turned into an endless desert area, and the two sides were like sinkholes of ruin and endless abyss.

As these realms that were not their original world appeared, they instantly attracted countless human immortal cultivators around them. They swarmed up and flew quickly through these areas.

But they were all dejected and found nothing. It seemed that everything here had been swept away inhumanely. They could feel that these areas had been completely dried up, as if they had lost any vitality.

However, there was an absolute ice domain inside. Although it was frozen by unimaginable power, they still felt that the power of life in the ice was very strong.

However, countless people are afraid of this ice field, and no one even dares to go deep into it easily, because when dozens of people continue to go deep into the frozen field, they suddenly turn into ice sculptures and are unable to break free.

So they could only look around the frozen surroundings, as if they didn't want to miss any opportunity to hunt for treasure.

Among the Hive Will aircraft carriers in the sky, Ming naturally knew that this was once its world. It was he who broke through this sealed world with the huge Hive Will aircraft carrier and gradually returned to this world, but he didn't. Thinking that with the complete return of the sealed world to the light, a golden scroll was condensed, I thought that the powerful master who came to set up the sealed world had already made all arrangements at that time.

It's a pity that time has passed and humans in this world have forgotten the countless bugs in the seal world. Perhaps the former seal masters did not realize that bugs would threaten the current world of immortal cultivation, so they only temporarily isolated them. Otherwise, how could the golden scroll What about in his sealed world? Doesn't this mean that the sealing power allows them to destroy the independent world of sealed insects?

It seems that there are new secrets hidden, and perhaps an independent sealed world!

Then Ming thought and realized a lot, which may be directly related to and uncovering the secret of the King of Beasts, and the fox also said this, if it helps her destroy the source of the Ten Square Array, she can satisfy herself that the Insect Clan can get More advanced food and resources.

Huh, opening and destroying? Interesting!

Ming couldn't help but snort in his heart. Now what the human race wants is to open it, but what he wants to do is to destroy it. However, he is not in a hurry to destroy it now. It is better to wait for the human race to open the source of the ten directions formation. He will intercept it and let everything be destroyed. Being a mess must be much more interesting than direct destruction.

After a day and night passed like this, through the vision brought to him by the lurker, Ming saw that the ten sects were about to open the source of the ten-square formation. At the same time, just as he had guessed, the source of the ten-square formation was in ten directions. It is under the immortal sects of the ten sects that each of them has a formation source hidden.

Now these humans are using the method recorded on the golden scroll to open the source of the ten directions array with all their strength, or in other words, they are opening a portal to another sealed world.

Not long after, the sky suddenly seemed to be moving like stars, with winds and clouds surging inside. Ten beams of light suddenly shot up from the ground in all directions, piercing the sky. Suddenly there was lightning and thunder in the sky.

At this moment, all human beings looked towards the sky and saw ten light pillars inserted into the sky. At this time, the energy links and rotations between them were ongoing.

Suddenly, spinning and spinning, a void portal full of dimensional power appeared in between. Countless people could vaguely see the auspicious light inside through the portal. There were various treasures everywhere, which they had never seen in this world. everything of!

Treasure land, treasure land!

Thank you, ancestors, for blessing our monks.

Countless immortal cultivators have realized that there is indeed an independent world hidden in this void portal, and there seems to be endless treasures inside.

So, the next moment, thousands of immortal cultivators were seen, swarming up and flying into the void portal.

The masters who entered first were all super masters in the Mahayana stage, and then the transformation stage, out-of-body stage, Nascent Soul stage, Golden Pill stage, but unfortunately... the immortal cultivators in this foundation-building stage couldn't enter. There seemed to be powerful ones. The power is repelling them, and they cannot bear the destructive power between the portals.

There is no way, there are probably millions of these immortal cultivators in the foundation-building stage, and they are all blocked from entering. They are so angry that they missed such a huge opportunity?

Damn it, damn it!

This is not fair. We should completely destroy this portal together, otherwise all the good things inside will be snatched away by those old immortals.

Yes, we are the mainstay of this world, and those immortals will not survive sooner or later!

Millions of foundation-building immortal cultivators have entered a crazy mode. Regardless of the consequences, they began to gather millions of power to blast the dimensional portal in the void.

I saw a huge mana, like an unstoppable storm of destruction, formed with the joint efforts of millions of foundation-building cultivators, and pushed towards the dimensional portal in the void.

The power of this destructive storm was so terrifying that the void everywhere it passed was burning. If there was a large city with a population of one million in front of it, it would probably be wiped out in the blink of an eye.

However, when this terrifying energy hit the dimensional portal, it seemed as if the mud was entering the sea, and everything was dissolved.

At the same time, countless series of luminous symbols quickly flew out from the ten light pillars and formed a chain of laws in the void.

When this chain of laws appeared, countless cultivators in this world became extremely frightened. The pressure from their souls, and even the underworld in the Hive Will aircraft carrier, felt a terrible force of destruction. The force is accompanied by this strong sense of oppression.

Could it be...that this is the power of immortals? In Ming's memory, being able to control power similar to laws is the ability of the immortal family.

Hmph, but no matter what, this is just the power of a law. It's okay to scare your fellow humans. What is there that I, the Underworld Insect Race, dare not face?

In the end, Ming still disagreed. What should be destroyed must be destroyed. Now all the masters of the human race have entered the portal, and there are only millions of foundation-building monks and mortals from countless cities left outside. Obviously, this world has already treated Ming. The Zerg tribe poses no threat. He only needs to activate the entire Borer Zerg tribe and start eating everything in the world.

But before that, Ming had not acted rashly, because the chain of laws in the void, composed of countless symbols, seemed to be summoning powerful power, intending to punish millions of cultivators.

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