Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 58 Golden Scroll

Thousands of Behemoth bugs, armed with various weird psychic weapons, stepped on the Zerg carpet. Their speed made them brave, and their disregard for fifty percent defense made them invincible. What creates them is the posture of the God of War.

why why?

At this moment, thousands of immortal cultivators were in disbelief. These monsters were too terrifying. The various magical attacks they thought were powerful were ineffective on these monsters. Even if they caused terrible wounds on their bodies, these guys They all possess terrifying powers of recovery, and have no intention of retreating, constantly getting closer to them.

They understand that as long as they are brought closer, they will have no hope at all. They are masters of long-range attacks. How can close attacks be a match for such a thick-skinned monster? The terrifying explosive power can even shatter or explode magic weapons.

Ah!! I will fight with you!!

Suddenly, a cultivator lost any hope and confidence that he could escape alive, so he directly self-destructed his Nascent Soul and died together with several monsters close to him.


The horrific explosion reduced the area for miles around to scorched earth. Both the other immortal cultivators and the Behemoth Insect seemed to have been seriously injured.

I saw more than a dozen Behemoth Insects having their arms broken off by the self-destruction of a Nascent Soul, and even half of their bodies were blown away, and the same happened to some humans.

Hahaha...I'm coming too!

At this moment, some immortals went completely crazy after seeing that self-destruction could inflict fatal injuries to these monsters. Some people began to self-destruct one after another. It seemed that in their hearts, even if they died, they would have to rely on a few monsters to support them.

Boom!!! Boom!!

In an instant, more than ten people blew themselves up again, causing hundreds of Behemoth Insects to be seriously injured.

Humph, do you want to play art for me?

How could Ming, who was in the central kingdom of the Hive Will aircraft carrier, bear to let his Zerg race be in such an explosion that would kill them all?

My brave and invincible Behemoths, you will withdraw from the battlefield for the time being, but form a tight encirclement ten miles outside.

At this time, the Behemoth Insects, ordered by the Lord, receded quickly like the tide and disappeared into the yellow mist.

Well, this...

The highly nervous cultivators were confused for a moment. Could it be that they were also afraid? Afraid of their madness and their death together?

Let's go back!

When everyone felt that they had survived the catastrophe, the first thing they did was to retreat quickly. Entering this place was like going to the sky, let alone finding any treasures inside!

what sound?

Suddenly, they seemed to hear something, a bit like the sound of the tide hitting the rocks, but they always felt that something terrible was coming.

Let's go, let's go!!!! The group of cultivators were so frightened that they urinated on their buttocks and fled in the air.

But can they escape? They were surrounded by Behemoth Insects within a ten-mile radius, and a group of Self-Exploding Insects with terrifying arts were already catching up behind them.

Why are there bugs? Get away, get away!

Soon bugs appeared on the bodies of some immortal cultivators. They were about a foot long and were a combination of bees and ants, but these bugs had the ability to psychically self-destruct and explode. They were bugs born for art.

Damn it, damn it, damn it, why are there so many?

These cultivators are going completely crazy. Although they have not attacked them yet, there are too many of them. As long as they are caught on their bodies, it is difficult to get rid of them for a while.


Suddenly, a shocking explosion sounded from their crowd. Everyone looked around and saw that one of their companions suddenly exploded for some unknown reason, and his whole body was on fire.

They didn't understand. This was too sudden. Could it be a self-destruction? However, it is obvious that the scope of the explosion is within the individual range, and they do not have much residual impact.

Could it be? These bugs?

Someone said something so shocking that everyone on the spot was frightened to death, and they were so anxious that they tried their best to get rid of the big bugs on their bodies.

Explode, you are the glory of art! However, at this time, Ming gave the baneling bugs the order to self-destruct.

Boom boom boom boom!!!!

Thousands of self-destructing bugs exploded on the spot. Due to the simultaneous explosion, their power was unimaginable, forming a mushroom cloud directly in the sky.

The appearance of this mushroom cloud directly frightened countless cultivators outside it.

But at this moment, a foreign object suddenly appeared in the sky, and countless golden light spots gathered from all directions, quickly forming a golden scroll.


Countless masters of cultivating immortals chased after him, vowing to grab the treasure, but in the end, the murderous demon king got it. However, he was surrounded by countless masters of cultivating immortals and could not escape.

Huh, why are you so anxious? The old immortal snorted coldly, then opened the scroll and took a look. His whole body suddenly started to tremble with excitement.

When everyone saw his expression, they wanted to know what was in it. Could it be the secret to becoming an immortal?

Please also ask fellow Taoist friends to share the contents of the scroll, otherwise it will be difficult for us to ensure that you can return to your dead man's tomb alive.

The Tomb of the Dead? I can't go back from now on! Take this thing and have a look. Strangely, he threw the scroll in his hand directly. this true? At this time, the group of strong men became extremely excited after seeing it.

So this is the opportunity we were waiting for to ascend? How to open the source of the ten-square array? Some of them even muttered such a secret.

But no matter how quiet his voice was, it was still heard by more immortal cultivators, especially those from the top ten cultivating sects.

Ancestor, what preparations are needed to open the formation source? Our sect will do our best to open it. At this time, there was a high-ranking person in the sect who seemed to know some secrets and couldn't help but say this on the spot.

Of course you have to do your best. The source of the Ten Directions Formation is your responsibility to protect it. Now you naturally have to cooperate with us to open it.

Yes, of course.

Later, this group of super masters actually put aside the mist kingdom in the sky, and arranged for people to open the source of the ten directions formation first. They just left a hundred thousand cultivators here to guard it and turned it into a forbidden area.

Surprisingly, the ten sects cooperated fully, and even the internal fighting among the ten sects was temporarily put aside.

Ming, who was in the realm of mist, naturally saw all this, but he was not motivated to launch the Zerg army. Instead, he shrouded the fog and turned it into mystery and began to recharge his batteries, allowing the Hive Will aircraft carrier to continuously absorb the energy of this world. Power, hatch a large number of bugs, and when a certain amount is reached, it will directly give the humans of this world a completely fatal surprise attack.

ps: I finally came back today,’s hard to describe. Then make a good adjustment and resume normal updates, and then continue to add updates. Thanks.

Happy New Year, book friends! ! !

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