Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 60 One Billion Bugs (Happy New Year)

As the chain of laws continued to form, countless thunder flashes were seen in the turbulent sky, and as time passed, countless violent thunder powers seemed to flash down.

Boom!! Boom boom!!

However, soon, thousands of thunder and lightning struck from the sky, targeting the millions of cultivators below.


Some cultivators don’t understand why they should be punished? Is it just because of the destruction of the portal? But they are also cultivators of this world, and they are also the descendants of their ancestors!


However, the thousands of thunderbolts did not show any mercy. Like the power of thunder disasters of different sizes, they struck at the immortal cultivators one after another, and screams suddenly broke out.

How can countless immortal cultivators forcibly resist the power of heaven and earth?

I saw that they were embarrassed by the thunderbolt, and they all suffered a certain amount of damage. Of course, there were also some cultivators who were killed by the thunderbolt on the spot for some unknown reason.

But soon, the thousands of thunders retreated back and disappeared directly into the sky. It seemed that it was really just a small punishment to these immortal cultivators, but even a small punishment would affect the overall momentum of millions of cultivators. Pressed down.

What can be done then? I could only stand outside and look at the void portal, with envy and hatred in my eyes.

Hmph, it doesn't work here. Why don't we go to the misty kingdom in the sky?

Suddenly, some cultivators transferred their target to Ming's Hive Mind aircraft carrier. Although no one who entered was seen, they now have millions of cultivators here. Even if there is any danger, they seem to be able to deal with it.

Huh? What fellow Taoist said seems to make sense. Then I'll rush in and sweep away the treasures inside. The group of old immortals have already entered the portal and can no longer stop me from entering.

Let's go in together!!

For a time, countless immortal cultivators came towards Ming's Hive Mind aircraft carrier.

At this moment, Ming Ziran became rude and began to order billions of insects from his Zerg clan.

what is that?


No, look at that monster full of tentacles!

At this moment, millions of cultivators saw countless bugs and monsters flying out of the realm of mist. The number was unimaginable, at least a billion.

Fuck! Run.

How dare millions of cultivators face such a huge number of insects and monsters?

After seeing this, they immediately turned around and fled. The situation had reached an uncontrollable situation. All they knew was that the sky and the earth were full of fleeing humans.

The billions of bugs were disciplined and led, and did not attack millions of cultivators. Instead, they continued to gather around the Hive Will aircraft carrier, and the darkness was very terrifying.

The bugs now only wait for an order from their master before they can destroy everything in this world.

During this period, Ming let some invisible bugs enter the portal to give it a try. Unexpectedly, his invisible bugs actually entered safely.

So with the entry of the invisible bug, he was able to see the world inside through the invisible bug's vision.

The world inside the portal is indeed full of auspiciousness, elixirs and treasures can be seen everywhere, and there are even many incredible auspicious beasts, such as dragons, phoenixes, white tigers, etc., especially the figure of Kunpeng emerging from the sea.

But Ming noticed that in the world inside the portal, the power of these originally terrifying creatures seemed to have been forcibly suppressed, and at this moment they were being captured or killed by the human masters who entered.

Huh? A snow mountain?

Suddenly, a stealth bug brought Ming's vision to a snowy mountain. Surrounding the snowy mountain, there were many human masters dealing with a group of foxes. At this time, Ming seemed to realize some secrets. Could it be that the King of Beasts has something to do with the snowy mountains in the portal? Or is her true identity inside? But how did she come to the sealed world of insects?

Humph, that's how it is... I keep my promise to rescue you!

At this moment, Ming decided to launch the Zerg army to destroy everything in this world, while he went to devour and destroy the source of the ten directions formation, so that the world in the portal could completely return to this world, and at the same time, the higher creatures inside could release them in an instant. Real power.

As for the end? The human race has definitely perished, and his opponents of the Insects will be these terrifying monsters, but in order to obtain these powerful genes to use in the development of his Insects, he will take risks even at any price.

Go ahead, all members of the non-Insect clan are food in our eyes. In order to move towards a stronger evolution, you must devour, destroy, bring back endless resources, and completely trample this world!

After Ming's powerful will began to spread out, billions of insects began to destroy and devour everything in their path.

Now the two-hundred-meter-large Leviathan snake is even more terrifying. After the Hive Mind mastered the method of refining the Zerg spiritual energy, the Leviathan snake has been transformed and evolved by the Hive Mind, and now it has preliminary abilities. With the power of psychic energy, he can fire a psychic cannon from his mouth, which can easily destroy a tall mountain with one shot, but the psychic cannon cannot be fired continuously.

There are also thunder beasts called the King of Destruction. Their sizes are getting bigger and bigger, and they have even evolved tiger wings on the back of their backs. With the flapping of the tiger wings, their speed has become as fast as Behemoth. spell.

Therefore, at the speed of lightning, their destructive power is even more terrifying. Even if they encounter a strong defensive fortress wall, they can only collapse under their collision.

The Behemoth Insects took advantage of their spiritual weapons and killed all life except the Insects with all their heart and full of animality.

They appear extremely ferocious because they are able to ignore half of the defense of any living body under the Zerg spiritual power.

At the same time, they are very bloodthirsty, constantly devouring their prey during the battle, and even grow horribly as a result. Some Behemoth bugs have gradually grown from the original height of three meters to four or five meters tall. meters, and even getting taller and taller.

There are also thousands of cannonworms and self-banaling bugs, carrying out terrifying bombardments, constantly urging everything in their path.

As for the rear of the battle, countless workers were cleaning the battlefield, packing countless humans back to the Hive Will aircraft carrier, as well as more other mineral resources, such as spiritual stones that could be used as human currency transactions.

Finally, how could millions of foundation-building cultivators and ordinary mortals in countless cities be the opponents of billions of bugs, or even more bugs? They have been completely crushed in terms of numbers, not to mention that many of the bugs are very terrifying. According to their understanding of the power of the human race, the overall strength of some bugs is above Nascent Soul.

Ming has remained silent in the face of all this. Although he was a human in his previous life, he has done nothing wrong by destroying human beings now. He understands that no race can tolerate other races living, and no one can tolerate anyone. The only way is to destroy the strong and the weak. .

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