Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 57 The Thirty-Six Meter Sword of the Behemoth Insect

The Zerg creep is a purple rare-level creep, and its coverage will be directly formed in the form of a kind of bun fungus. However, now that the Hive Will aircraft carrier is formed, it is the largest living body of the Zerg race at present, and it is like a support for the underworld. The huge matrix of all Zerg species.

Therefore, the coverage of purple creep is not only a simple pattern of carpeting, but also generates a creep battlefield that is beneficial to the Zerg. For example, countless tall bug spines quickly form from the surface of the will aircraft carrier. They are like war fortresses, directly becoming Countless Behemoth insects use shields to avoid enemy attacks.


Sixty percent recovery treatment…

Sixty percent movement speed...

This is the blessing effect of rare creep.

Powerful Behemoth Insects, show your spiritual power now and rush forward bravely and fearlessly to kill them. This is your first step towards becoming a giant Behemoth and even becoming a land war god. Kill them all. This group of humans has invaded the territory, you can devour their blood and flesh and accumulate your strongest evolution!

The will of Ming is the strongest among the Insects. The Behemoth Insects obey the will of the master, and they are even more subordinate to the Hive Will aircraft carrier of the will of the master.

It was seen that the Behemoth Insects used their psychic power to create their own psychic weapons out of thin air in their hands, but the appearance and shape of these weapons were all derived from weapons genetically owned by other creatures.

For example: huge fang cones, jagged strips, tentacle strips, and even mantis swords, etc.

Often after the Behemoth Insects transform into their favorite and handy weapon, any attack they launch can ignore 50% of the enemy's defense, as if the weapon is blessed with strong armor-breaking and penetrating power.

What? These guys!

The thousands of cultivators who were presiding over the mass killing array at this moment were extremely shocked after facing thousands of monsters that suddenly transformed into various types of weapons. Needless to say, there were other weapons, but there were still monsters. Various long swords and broadswords were transformed, and some broadswords were even thirty-six meters long.

Hmph, it's just a formality. I don't know where we learned how to hold the sword in our hands, but so what? Can we still exert the real power of the sword? As a cultivator snorted, With a look of disdain on his face, there are only a few monsters in number, and who can he scare by pretending?

Okay, let's push up the big killing formation together! At this time, the Nascent Soul peak master who dedicated the big killing formation said.

So with every step they moved, the killing array was wreaking havoc on the surface of the Hive Will aircraft carrier. But when they went crazy, the Behemoth Insects were completely angered, and they all had red pupils, huge Radioactive infrared light is emitted from the pupils the size of copper bells.

hold head high!!!

Accompanied by countless high-pitched and terrifying sounds roaring out of their mouths, the sounds of madness and dark will like the abyss shocked the entire Insect clan, and the voices of countless cultivators outside the Hive Will aircraft carrier. Deep in the soul.

At this moment, countless immortal cultivators outside were looking into the misty kingdom in shock. They could not imagine what terrible things were happening inside. Could it be that the thousands of human masters who entered had already encountered a terrifying existence, and even completely angered this existence? Are you desperately killing?


Thousands of cultivators on board the Hive Will shipyard began to roar with high willpower, not wanting to be weaker than these monsters. Although it was useless, it was really useless.

I saw them roaring, and these monsters were incredibly fast, leaving only streaks of red light in their sight. They seemed to be looking for every loophole and opportunity to rush into their killing array and attack them. .

Damn, these fogs have completely affected us, what should we do? Someone yelled in the killing array. Their consciousness cannot penetrate and radiate out, let alone use the killing array to launch fatal attacks on these fast-moving monsters. attack.

Hmph, then let some of these monsters come in. There are 3,600 small formations in this killing formation. Each formation eye you control can be turned into a killing formation...

Then the Nascent Soul peak master who presented the array told them how to open the 3,600 small killing arrays inside. They saw that the large killing array covering a ten-mile radius opened 36 safe passages to the outside. They wanted to Monsters enter part of the formation and kill them.

The Behemoth Insects, which were moving quickly outside the killing array, had been brewing the spiritual power to break through the formation, and they would be able to crush it sooner or later. However, they did not expect that the killing array at this moment would actually open dozens of them to them. A safe passage makes them unable to help but laugh at human ignorance. They are powerful genetic beings. When they become Behemoths, they will be land war gods who can fight against gods.

At the next moment, I saw that they had no fear. With the blessing of the Zerg carpet, they already had the speed of lightning and rushed away in a flash.

Close the entrance of the formation, open 3,600 killing formations, and completely strangle these damn monsters! followed by a person shouting.

At this time, thousands of weapons made of format energy were emitted from the killing array. These weapons were weapons of each cultivator inside, energy weapons transformed with the help of the power of the killing array.

In the blink of an eye, there seemed to be countless rivers of weapons within the killing array, extremely fast, chasing the monster with terrifying destruction and sharpness.


However, just when they were looking forward to it and sneered in their hearts, unexpectedly, the thousands of monsters that had been let in suddenly stopped in groups. They raised their weapons one after another, and strange things that were simple, crude, and unimaginable appeared.


This group of monsters actually exploded their killing weapons. They even clearly saw that some of the killing weapons made of energy were broken first and then exploded.

Nah, what a terrifying explosive power!

Hmph, what's the matter? You can't live in such an energy explosion. Even Nascent Soul masters like me don't dare to be in the explosion of energy magic weapons!

Yes, these monsters are so stupid that they seek death!

What? How is it possible? It's coming, it's coming!

Unexpectedly, suddenly, all the monsters in the energy explosion were still alive, and the wounds on their bodies were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Some of them were lightning fast towards them, and even locked them completely.

Damn it, we can't let them get close and attack.

The immortal cultivator made some mistakes. He didn't expect these monsters to be so weird. They are not dead yet. How powerful are their bodies?

Then came another 3,600 killing formations, quickly launching energy weapon attacks like sword rivers, blasting away at the charging monsters.

However, this time their attack was unexpectedly blocked by countless ground-piercing objects that suddenly rose from the ground, and successfully blocked these monsters from countless sword river attacks.

At this time, this group of immortal cultivators became anxious and fearful. The Jianhe attack no longer posed any threat to this group of monsters.


Suddenly someone screamed again, and for some reason, a monster was already approaching them.

It turned out that at first glance, it was the monster holding a thirty-six-meter long sword. It could easily cut off the waist of a golden elixir master with a single blow from a distance.

I will fight with you!

At this time, someone went crazy. The person who had just died was his good friend, so he gave up the command of the killing array and directly burst out with a terrifying aura, mobilizing his huge spiritual power to kill him with a sword.

But before his attack could be fully launched, a Behemoth Worm holding a giant hammer was approaching him and shattered his weapon with a single drop.

When the man was still confused, Beamon's giant hammer hit his arm again.


He screamed on the spot, his arm was broken into two parts so easily.

Kill! Come together!

At this time, the immortal cultivators felt that they could no longer neglect themselves, and they all began to fight to the death.

At the same time, as fear has fully descended, countless Behemoth insects from outside are crushing in!

ps: Friends, happy New Year’s Day! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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